The Tasmanian News from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (2024)

THE TASMANIAN NEWS, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 27, 1889. additional allotment of land WBA chased fronting on Campbell Stroot, the Government thna Roquiring possession of the entire with the axcaption ot one strip at proporty fronting on Livorpool Street That it is desiratie to secure the whole square for Hospital purposes admits of no doubt; and kooping in riew the permanent charmater of the buildings, already erected, and the vaat Stprovements thereby affected within the last few yours, no further mant ie neoded to urge the considera. tion of this matter on the of the Government." Having thus set forth the most importast features of the Report, aball on au early make home comments upon these And ottor matters relative to this important institution. LOCAL AND GENERAL. CITY -There care ad watchhona, cobra to be dealt with at the City Court to day, and all the were laid by Superintendent Hedberg for breaches of the Vaccination Act.

The Police Magistrate, and R. M. Fisher, 1.P. corupied the Bench. The following casca adjourned sine die -J.

G. Ford, Alf. Ledger, H. E. Packer, C.

C. Hairse, S. Deacon, Willisin and Charles Pacey. In the case of Artie Boulter the charge was withdrawn, baring been vaccinatad. The court them TOUR.

A TOR' war 20 eithing of this court to-day. THe Buck -Ne beg to re. move some impressions which way exist an la the jodicial department of the Bupreme Court. On Whit Monday and Whit Tuenday the Chiel Justice and Mr Jantico both eat in where and Mr Justice Dadda prosided at the Lsuncoston sittings on Whit Monday. On Quran's Ascension Day the Chief Justice Eat in Chambers, and Justices Dodda sod Adans were on circuit st and Fingel.

The Judges' Assoriate has DeFEr availed of an ordinary holiday for the long period 20 years, and he is acceptible at all With roference to cona: ire mode as to absconding debtors, we are that a Commissioner of the Coart can warrant. which baa full ferce when coaster signed by the Sheriff or Deputy. sherif. We IDES also mention that on reterring to the Act No. 18, we And thut prorision was made for tbe Registrar of ibe Saprewe Court being plan Registrar of Deede.

Both in fact, been beld by one dividinal since 1634, 1A1. Webb wan taken to the hospital rulering frim in the forebead, caused by a full from a horse. l'he injury sad dressed, and Webb left the instation. A child named George Hit ebinga, aged 4 Jean, Tia treated for a abor in tia leg caused by accident. the conclusion of the welcome tea In the Ber.

Thom in Chelmera' were Bali made. lest Me erening Jus. two prescata: auld Maclariane in regardto tho frat-lo Mrs Lang- that it would be like Heeled with the ghost Absint, 1704 she arch it would have been his pleasant duty to bare handed her a loked of esteem (a silter cruct) en her leaving the choir to enter the matriake state. Rogere As to it take was, be charge would of hare the toaak Mr. Mr Rogers said LA' could convey it to Mira Lang, and da brr beball thanked them for tine present.

Mr T. L. Rood then rose and said it was his place that night to Ask Cor to accept from the congregation aD of their esteem for his past serricar, nad at tbe FRIE time regrettod that Me Cox was leasing them. He asked dim to Accept of A purse mod ita solid contents, PA proof of that Mr Coz bad been faithful to his duties, conscientioos, puoctusi, and ever ready to do to sarist. The I sad presearation but a few bad of been the got: up burriedly, members congregation disd beep seen op the matter, otberwise it woold bare bevo larger.

Mr Cos aid he utter felt to A more P22- barrasm-d position in his life, and he could only thank thru ail wurst, ofucerely for then expression. to It Bad wam that jodeed most ratifying to him after nearly 19 yenta' service an precuptor be thought worthy of their commendation And the bandpowe proscal just made In hiat, br Cuz Again tonnked the congragation and retired. CHILDREN'S FANCY CARNIVAL, Last Prating way scene af murlb feetlelty at the Palaco Skating Risk, the vocation being one of chore red Jotter daga which are eter mcmurable to The was rorel in the pastime of of ibe roller Abating. manager rink, Mr W. Jealine, pare out last week that the Door of the rink for one right would be appropriated by juvenile, who were carte blanche to appear lu cos.

tune they to don. The 10 far exceeded the exel the promoter, who last FAR placed at big wit' ead to End meanT of loonsation for the throng of gaily dreaded youngsters who AGAAiled him on all pointa. The accret of the Fink waR, bowerer, trated, apd orer 240 youngatera di- ported themselves on the rolicra, which, in come cases, to further abon them terity, in traby others nerved A of mating a close with a harder than the frame, Then the carnival started, it was climated that over 100 rightarera were in the room. The commenued with grand march, heated hy Master ouch dressed a Bambini in Maine" The little fullne, The became bit coottier costume well, was ahiy wapported by a diminutive alter, who was attired as Fairy, The of theme dole wore striking and tasteful, and complimentary to those won vert Birch, Sostrumcatal MA ocean in hero, arraying and dou them. of the Master mort dexterous juvealle riaters to the room, gladdened the beAsts of bin parents by showing that gallantry which can only come frond one uf Neptune's prairgas to the fair Sober who carat athwart bin path.

Tue Masters Whelan, who represented England, Ireland, and Scotland, ably sup. ported this young Daval bero, sod areinted him to protect in charges from the 130 AssidGotte throck of alvarra, Chipamen, masters. baltera, add olbera, whose way worthy of a better cause. The maypole dados totlowed the month, and TEN one of tho cleverest evolutionary dimplage of staling that baa been witnasked in the Root of the clok Mince ste Promindous to the etraina of the Federal Band was iodniged freely in until 10.30 p.c, when parents sovured their respective familica and bade good to the Palace Skating Rink, which last cvering one of the mort children's that bea ever been given in society moeta this evening, when br W. Rae will read a paper on Mental Electricity." I WAR erroneounly stated in youtarday'a that the Tate Nr Blashy'a bualoeds had boop purchaquel by Mr Clever, It still la Bingham Crowther hes very kindly poatpoped Jectute on typhoid, which was to take pinco to-Light.

an of the Trams to the Poor, his bring warmly favor al leet tartunete people baving at toast one in the and thus the forms in the Town Hall will be available for the Erbibition Bailding, the Mayor and bare granted for the occasion. BRIGHTON RACING W. Lirion, handicappor, us to add the following to Brighton. Black Jack, Bat Leib. CHOP CONCERT A rill he the Aires at members tho of Town the Crow Chis Club, in aid by fand of 84.

David's Sunday school In addition to the arually -And enjoyable provided by the ciab, the plat's orchestra, under the leader of Mr H. M. Stainbach. will perform. Lady tup be presgat, and doublinas the cart will pa wall attanded, 4 Mazaron, 8000 J.

Edie, from: ARRIVED-1 Te day. Mobourno, Mr Agenta- Pea co*ck. and la the statrage. SHIPPING. Maderlane Acos.

and Co. Flors, 1973 tous, D. Capart, from Melbourne. And Mice Adama, with 8 in the gu. Charrin, Min Holmes, Holmes Co.

38 topa, Geo. Whitshoume, for Peninsula porta, Agente-Whitehouse Dros. Dorio, 2.M.8., 4744 tons, J. WF. Jennings, for New Zealand porta, and Ca.

Impression Bay, logs. and Emily, Furzes Bay, Ex Doric, --4 caser. 2 Cardigan bales drapery, f*ckers, men't, consisting youths', of and bays' tweed suita, mes'e 20 upd boys' tweed trousere, men's, web's boys', I nad Th bracer, youths' tie scarta, merino and L. printed mole wool abirts, ponta, boss, and d-hoat, Laney and dresa goods, black Preach chidrea's night. dreases, chemises, Indies' and drawers, elk wool and Crimean and mixed chistinga, fancy darpaak, tableglass cloths, toweling and fancy glase clothe, black, white and unblesched table diste, and brows allicia, bale FuLtoN AND 1 Pale Importers and general drapery, Liverpool street.

scall steamer WAR of Threa Beach Bay at email 9 a.m. to day. apparently the Myall, was Hr of H. the Chesterman at received to the das. following 2 a.m.

dived co-day: commence on Monday. telegram last The Bowden, brig barque Fatry Bock was of Cape Rsoul at 9 a.m. ta-day. Tho 1.a. Doric left for New Zealand st 10 a.m The barque Aescin in loading op with timber for AD intercolonial port.

The ketch strath is loading up with dim for an intercolontal port, and her ropwin are being completed at the came time, Too 8.4. left thia zoruing for Trams'a Peninvala. The tub. Flora lets Melbourne at 1 p.m.| of 25th instr cleared Post Philtip Loads At 4.40 p.m; peaned Promontory at 1.30 p.m. on 26th Goyed Island at 10.40 a.m, roauded Swan at 1.90 P.TA.; pared Falmouth at.

9.30 p.m. day rounded Cape Pittur at 5.40 p.m. ou paased Derweat Lighthouse at 8.30 arrived aL the whart at 0.80 a m. Er. persenced fresh B.

W. winds and lamps era the 1 dora the briak gouth with a panderato sea. She brought 150 tons of general cargo and 780 comp. The a.m. Arrived alongside the wharf at 8.40 today.

She left bourne Wharf 12.30 p.m. da the 25th got away from at 8.40 p.m., and cleared Port Phillip Heads at 5.42 p.m. day; bad Curtis Island abeam at 3.65 passed Goose light 10.401 a.m. and Eddyrtone light 4.10 p.m. rounded Tasman's 5.10, and pissed Cape Haoul this morning, above.

Erperi peed strong 8.E. to 6.W. winda and heavy bead sea from Port Phillip Bends to aarbor entrance. EXTRAORDINARY TOTAGE IN AN OPEN BOAT. AGE' CORBERTDSDENT.) Sunday.

Captain Edgett, bis wife, and a portion of the crew of the wrecked harque Brasse arrierd in Brisbane by the steamer Glanworth at an curly hour thie moroing. The captain states that tho burque left New. castle for Bong Kong on auth May, with Fine weather was esperinaced for week after leating port, but on Friday, 7th insta, when going at the rate of to Hive taste an hour, the regael struck a real not Indicated on the chart about 500 miles north. of Sandy Cape, The 194 WAR smooth, and thee no wash bent the wont, bich, however, Projected abore the water's surface. The Persel remained bard and last on the suf all night, making water slowly.

The worked bard to get bet of, but abe to bare got into No opening just large enough for her, apd when the morning it way found 1.har she was Almost completely surrounded by the reel. Everything that could be done to get the barque aflout tried, and at last success sewed about to croen their efforts, but the bilges Giled with water, aud 10 a very short time it was found the teeeal wad hopelessly Inst. The colple of dagu were apept 5p and prothioning boats, and at A o'clock va Twedey bight, the lith two left the ship, eteering a course for The firet and larger boat wan in charge of Captain Edgett; the second, which was Dit co beerily freighted as the was in charge of the abjet Br Stack, and with him were J. Burns, Brolg, South, Peter A R. and be ship's carpenter, whor* name unknown.

The bosta kapt together all the Aret aigbt and the pert day, but op Thurs: dos morning the wate'a coat wea out el right of be captain's. Op to this lice the weather netosived one and the wind fairly favorable, but on Friday night, the 1420 Jane, a beavy arm was met with, consider. able water was ebipped, wad the position of the became rather serione. All Farted with a will in keeping the bust free' from water. Although the sea was rough all day Saturday, ibe capinio TAP able to keep the craft tree Froco danger, On Saturday night fair wrather was agaro expericared, and from then the Tacaday night, when Sandy Cape DO light was made, weatber cured further After nighting the cape, the captain made for Wendy Caland, sad arrived! there on Thoraday afternoon about o'clock.

On Friday morning last, the party boarded the Gia Forth and came on UR Brisbane. 7 he party are Bit in excellent bewith Dow, their only baring been caused by continued and insbility to mute about. The was welt provinicard, Questioned about the other bunts the captain said he bad fult little or au anxiety for it, 86. aha Was good bost and pot PO bearily laden as the 000 be travelled in. It was therefore, proms uke that the wate and his companions would arrive ufels in the course of a fer daze.

The captain fo the largest sufferer by the loss of his bis iniorest in 126 ablp baing considerable. The crew also the loan of their outta. The our tain reported the matter 10 the American Conaul st Briebane yesterday. WIND AND WEATHER TO-DAT, 10 8023; 431 wind, very light: wether, five, frosty. 8036; 88 wind.

M.E, light, weather, Roc, boar frost. OUTLANDI. 80 21 1 341 wind, chimp weather, finr, clear. 30-28 there, 48 wind, weather, Ase: son, rough. wind, calms 1 LoW 48 worther, dull, foggy.

wind, 6.E., light Feather, cloudy, fine; am both. wind; ther, 10 light: weather, sea, AY A DUTION. New ROGERTE A COMPANY, AL stock. EYESTA. To DAT.

THE Crow Club Conner, LITERABY Hall, HAFT IM English P. and O. tipe, CTpaoted this morning. Vie Straite, about 201h intl.

Via San Francisco, duo en 4th pros. Per Line, about 5th pros. Per German line, due op 6th Ter Orient line, davo on 10th prox. OTTRANDS, Per Onent line, ou Bed prom. Vis Torres Straita, op Bed prom.

Vis Ban Francisco, on 54h prot. Her P. add d. Line, on 10th prox, Per German line, op I7th proz Per lion, op 24th prox. INTEBOOLONIAL, TICTORIA AND THE OTHER -Per 1.8.

Moreten, via Formby, to-torrow, the former at 1 p.m. and tho latter at pin Per Patonna, via. un Mooday next, the former at and the st 6.90 ArG. STONET AND QUEENSLAND PORTS, SOYA, NOUMEA, AND Oonah, direct, co Saturday, the founder at 5.80 p.m and the latter st 7 p.m. UNITED Orient Malhoorne, os Wedscadar port.

Special 0 0 B. Our Collector, Mt. G. T. MABERY, viniting SERUSALEM, TONNACE, ROd OATLANDS.

AENHY H. GILL, Manager. THIRD ANNUAL TREAT TO THE POOR Arrangements have been com picted to give the TREAT TO THE POOR of THURSDAY, 27 JUNE. Tickets will, as venal, be banded to City Clergymet and olbera for dis. tritation.

Op presenting their Tickets the goesta will be admitted to the EXHIBITION BUILDING, Main Entrance, at 4.30 p.m. 0 I 0 On and alter let Some "THE TA8. MANIAN NEWS' will issued in TUBER EDITIONS at 3, 4, and 6 n'elock, containing the LATEST TELEGRAMS AND LOCAL NEWS. Business isken DP to 12 o'clock Wanted votil 3 o'olock. Literations or Double Calama A deeztisem*nts to vol be sent in the day before they will appear.

Bosinesa ex must ba printed and io the bands of the Publisher the day before 155D9. HENRY A. GILL, Manager. THE TASMANIAN NEWS. bonamn private and THURSDAY, JUNE 27, J659, HOBART GENERAL HOSPITAL IF: this morning received the of the Board of Manage ment Genoral Hospital, Hobart, the son report of that Spatitation for 1888.

The docament in both interenting and instructive, End we sball n.b Once proceed to reproduce some of its salient features. Juter alia, the reports atates: Nineteen Board and nivety-two CamI wittee mortings were held during the year, at all of which the attendance of membera was, without exception, good; while during the same puriod the Honorary Medicol Staff mado alont twelre hundred visits to the wards of tbe Hospital. The andual cast of each occupied bed in 1878 was £92 in 1879, £72 Old. 1880, C64 Gs, 1681, 1 LA. 1d 1:82, 008 3s.

1883. £68 116. 1884, C6B 384 1885, 467 158: 1686, 268 12A, the 1887, £73 £08 dis. and for part Jour, Ba. The namber of patients under treatment daring the year, WE ATE formed, bus not been 50 large aa shat of the preceding year, and Lhia in evidently duo to the diminution of typhoid fever cases admitted." The death-rale, WhA PEr cent.

in 1587, bad fallen 1588 to 873 per cont. The outdoor patients' department shows a reduction in number of attendances compared with the preceding year, in which it amounted to 6722, the bomber of altendances for 1888 being only 6207; and the total ber of typhoid fever CASeS trouted WAS 185, wing 175 loss than the ruins record cf 1587. It is most gratifying to note that the amount of money reccived from patients is aloudily on the incroane. Taking tho last threo years de a Fair averago, we find that the dum of 0789 19a. 3d.

was collocted in 1886; £844 ED 1887; god £098 5d. in 1888. Contrasting the general expenditaro of 1887 with that for 1880 we are pleased to Ree net saving of £607 88. 8d. and that in the follow.

ing 11 10 86 17 6 comforte 176 0 Fool and light 8 16 00 Bedicines and enrgical appliances 219 13 Stalionery 19 Faneral 2 0 Washing 95 6 Cleansing, etc. 7 5 £531 10 There do increase follow Clotbing and bedding and aloros £11 05 6 Repairs to building 9 17 0 Petty expenses -4. 9 2 Advertising 6 Uniform for eta. 85 11 Commission to collector 2 00 1 11 We learn that the new Hospital for the of infections and othor completed and opened for the of patients in the month of April, 1884, continuea to give grant ita adaptation to the objects for which it was desigued appearing to be as perfoch as could be desired. The Deport than goea OD to remark: -a To furtherance of the viena entartainod by the Board of Management, sod fully participated in by the desirability of securing ample space for the present and futuro require.

pools of the General Hospital- BT. Inapaction of etening sh*t at corps the will Drill take Yard, place os Monday next will stitary Attention, La Streated. bo advertie Beat in another column, LocAL found an invitation from Mr E. C. Nichoils to those interestad to make and special inspection al a ace alyle of buggy comuined, which may converted into three different vebietes, At has buggy sioo coo completed to ordat an expres vertible no single, double, or dog cart will be on view until Manday next, Bate recoired from the Chief Gecretary the journala end papers of Parliament (VoL Azit.) of semish 1588-89, well nad strongly bound: Header TECHNICAL The frat copul mooting in connection with the Government Toebnical School will be held ip Als the TowD Hall on Monday crening next.

Excellency the wall preside, and will distribute ibe prizes to the cessful students. It la proposed by the board to instituto a course of Teuture: Technical Education daring the winter months, and the address will be delivered on Mouday eroting by the Ron, G. P. after the diatribes tion of priter. TO We clip the following Trout Launceston question bas frequently cropped up bor near to Launcoston has the forester kangaroo hops seen, and bor long since We have board of one baring caught on Mill on the CuzantatoD Wast Tamar, by Maurs John Hardwicke of London) sod Hobert Harrie (now of Emu Bay) over $0 yearn ago.

The etent, we are informed, Aused quite a venaation In toro, and the hind-quarters of the rursupial weighed between salb and Perhape some af our readers be able to supply other instances of foresters having been raptured near Lotth. It has often been staled that spako measuring Git to length baa not been found in Tasmania, but Dace IDOL the creoneoda idea bee been dispelled. Last summer Kr O. Field killed, on one of the large fracte of counter reated by Fo uncles from the Company, over oft In Mr Field atro bided mix obbers froga down to SEt, and moreover took the precaution to preserve the of the seven. The largest spoke 1baL we have ever beard of haring been killed, io Norther mania at all' estate, one shot by! Ar R.

in Barton Furest, come back. Thin enake toeatured ba less than and the in pow in: of Mr Gatenby, of Wood bourne. TOMAN'A obe abe pro A oud, of cormorcid circles, she can't lie a package to look lite NOTe croaked CEDES Section of chaos, but, lend of miraclos! ere chat the can do with a tia 1 beliece pre Rome No could pin knob do A door. She cannot Kala s0 canby tilve around a billined imble with potbing to eat and nolbing (La speak of) to drink, bet can sals the Sour all night with a fretful baby without guing sound asleep the Brat half She nantide sad melee without going into the making CAY 10 rest (and ger away frat the children), She can go to and do wearisome day's hopping, and bares good Lunt with List: 01 four fraunds, willigat drinking a ireg of tear. Sob can enjoy an erening without wrobing bulf-4 pea cigare.

Sbe can endure the torturing dittraction of a house full of children mil while her coffe them ad to bed before he has been at bone An bour, Erery day the A dress that would wake AD athlete Sho will not, nad possibly wait 600 around a tan bark track in nix daga for 6000 dol but the cap walk 200 miles in 10 bours up and durn the sinies on a dry goods' efore when there is 1 reduction vale ob. She baa no shill attrace, and knoweth pot bor 10 spar, but when abe javeliDe a in the ribs in a Chris tisp frond with bet elbow that whole. lamity bowls, She is the knit of the eburch, the pillar of the choir, the lily of the young sewlog sobiety, and about all there is of a yoony ethool or A boy wilb a eister ic foctunale, fellow with cousin is to be cavied. young with and PAD with wife in 1brice more than they all Pardelt. Welcome Ten.

a lea and IC beld in Hall for the porpose of the Her. 11 Thom, F.L$. I Lemene dorit the a of the lee. K. MS.

Writer, Three WAS attendance at Lbe tea and ample joelice to the edibles The room wan decorated with Ho worn end mod presented a A for Les Mr da tout the chair, and in a few words jolroduerd Mr Thom to 1bree present He rogeriud that a ba Ret. K. M. Web tar war bot that gentleman FAN with thrm in spirit. Ga bebe of the worshipping at Church he had great plea cure in welcoming Ar Them In their midst.

The Her. B. Thom erer bit arrital ho had rel with nothing bot kindassa, and the holding out of the right band of fellowship towards himiaf, sod be felt sure that be would in bin work no them. It waS great thiag 4a hare friend would ayopathine with osie his wort, bus Lowe much greater was IL to hare him 10 AD sumber of men preacut at church, and it was to his rolerest in church work ibel oned much of 116 He thanked them most for heir cordial receplion, nad trusted that Lis work, which had Grc plearurc to him, woold fur out 10 be of beat to and The tef. then sp ke of social gatherings such the ape 1bry were then ho'd oK, sad that men were Dot to Ire Derain And that tho mecre thee entered iota ORA another's fee.

logi the bappi they would be. If they did DEL Dis op fellow meg they world take narrow of fife in pcocrat, Int the more they mingled together the quicker their angularines and ceularisi be wort of, and Lucy could loarato tire in differe ut highw. By these social gatherings were fren pretenled in the churcle work He Wat true accepting the inge uf their ri Lo them for the stand they bad takea to haod dora liberty of con. science. enthral trul ant to of reliere them from the and Fopre, but he shat his eyes 10 the fact that mistakes bad been made in the pant, They wot condemn everybody excopt themsel ros, and urged them to atndy of heart rather than the rigid to doctrine 3r Tbom who interspersed his addres with Dumber of unrooter, hat down emilal lood applause, Ar Hood, in a apouch, said the for.

ward to a time of happiness for the bert three woot tha, For 15a palL tix moothi shay had bud hard time of f4, 4ad they could not too highly thank those ministers who bed conducted their porciem, often only mesiting notice on the evening previoos. Lie saked all wbo wished Hr Them to call upon them to rate thris Dames and addresses la a bor placed on the table for the otherwito that gentleman would be pa. able to visit all the Member of the D. Mr Morry, on behalf of the rAce heaters, re'comed Ar Them, and hoped thus the longer torr Kore acQuainted the bettor they would come to each other The choir, us sor the conductorshipof Eraser, Fal during the Mist Konoody sad Me Framer and Boo and Batt recited Billy's The chored lie postian, afier a rote of thanks had been pursed to the chaizatan, on the motion of G. Kerr.

Tasmanta and Future Austrattan Mah Jotte Bhander Fresh dish from New td delirered in Melbourne, packed in ice and the refrigerating chambera, prompts the questioo, What part is going 10 Tote in the futore enormous growing demand for Lab in Victoria, South Wales, Queeneland, and Boutb Australle? The fact that porked in ice or can Dow be sout with dispaich from Melbour by railway to ate these largo of population over what was form a dimenicy. The -teamer carrie1 Loch, obl off the wast, it 8.0 crapple we might follow with mash profi, as, without dou' would be the means of bowing that around 6 extensive semboard There are fialt, and fishing groande. Faried and Some will REF, That's true: but Bering that our lishing Beet, good as the men and bouts a0, bardly keep pace with the local d-mapd, how do propose 10 Fla and build UP A great export itade Well, saDy of the boldest and best Beltermen in the Turld are now being driven from their conutry -I allude lathe berdy SHETLAND AND OLEKEY 16LAN or any of the rate stamp la the north Scotland who are seeking for new homes across the seas shopli take 10 hiring ander their totice the aplendid cheace we clo offer them to start at some of the buys on our coast. euch an 1081 DAYRY AND both of which are not caly sheltered, and immediately on som of the bost fobing grounds, but are eary of and scorch io all Weathers. In the cya they could rach get their 30 or 23 LEFT of land, where.

iD much aD equable climate, their families could RT IN dO abundance if fru'1 and vegetables, added to which tie facilities are Toere. within A few hours' fre Hubert and TouR. cUstom, and a lice inore from arc Mad, sod growing marketa awaiting them. Ther could buid up homes neatb the Boatburn Cront, where, fortioe theokful and inde; encout, they would be bappy and foe. A pretty ORC yea, as trus as arter, sad is in striking contrast to the OF LIFE IN MANITON, whor, re vatiy, batchrs pl the Confers bate berm allured to go--a the soil of which is gout, with Che bait.

100 Ac De ret when we consider the hardships fiduca during a serco munthe' winter, when neither THOT beast can chow out fir 'ver ul brine it will to sea credi ed that opposed to this we cob fer a veritable paradi-e. But remarks FRIEND OF THE SCOTT. wine your id a i. nod 50 Ut spian as at Brat an uebl, 1c lane bum you propose ta get orer Loo mo retary diliculty of DE. FE familica from Scotiaud to Well, PHILANTEROrIST: sAt that emigration in the tru for the is to which tho Highland Si heemen Br-tobd -tale men ate continced of the imperative the re exists for proriding mo for emigratios.

1hst bong so, in be hazel rat or io Groan Brilain (whor* the question is offa DL Whal eba wa do with our money tor the Stale, or juiolly with wrakby 10 Tanic come such fund as bay beep FUR. Rested ut home, for the paypore of mek. ing ad for pas: age mo Arking and a few to there Drsfe tolera of the sea, and which question in not formally briore a of commons Coma 1bal if J. the with many others. am conriored out trusty NET BESENTATITE on heir b.

half, to the Parlors and the Awhiog Arounde referred so, urid ace for bitchelf thot, apart from brine must -tentin! ue the main cource of emper for 15: Gob markris of the do stralian col arics. DELEGATE'S RETORT 15 his a would br, that Gui turd has Deb, 13d superior to at the Austration colonial put th 6-4 in obaudeuce. frame the to the bigh'y-prized al num peter co sutry best' too hon wu.r too cold, being their own they wou free from rabid and utter combinations which rta driviay them end twir Lauri irs the sea. Here there is rom bit. nication all sound t42 carl.

and chero 6P plenty of the 1 who would do their utmost to make thrir be homes in tias, the Souch, real sources of comfort to them. THE DELEGATE WOULD TELL TOPI to bring fishing gear only. boots are built bere of a pine 1h41 grows on the shores of the Going a rounds. Also that trac0 ocks or seam tenders could ho built her: ate tear o6 cost. including wagrues and boilery Ir also frii his 43 well Bh resting the ra'uable report of 1br togel Commasion on 1 Fisheries (1862) thal, only of whist really telong: to Tasman li lung grounds would be fat hit to user bin men to late possession nf the erra: dishing industry that I'm 14 nis por bolds of ea 10 Trance and Labor Debatiny Society.

A of the Tratom and Lal or Hociolg TEs keld 1. Working (lob PI hast sight, Hr WY Humpbrirs upping the chair. The attendants of Wit DoL very large one, but this did rot prerent the debate from being Herb Bork in the of the meeting the Act thoull bo so as 10. allow every mate of vis land. g.

who has obtained a majority. 19 tote for the to presentation the House of y. Mi.r Kirk his motiou la celli speech, pouting out the et ereryond ahject to the laws of a coat should thane lava. liane A The foi in the mahjog of payment of, members, the speakor rollended, would Sadlor Dr rom --Mr agreed with tho last aprakor main, but te thought 30 man be to role wha could bot sien his in appportins the motion, thonght it 4 subject which little debate, as Dearly all present wore in favor of it. Ste decried the prescot system of rating.

101 the poblical union of Trades and Labbr Councils throughout the island, boing of opinion that theme bodies bud beep in polling down bribery at elections. mith, Mace, and Me also sopported the motion, and it was carried anguiOn the motion of Mr saponded by Kr A was doeidco to allow to cotor the club tor the romaipder of the quarter far 1h0 Mum of The meeting, after pride 20g a vole of thanks to the chairmar, adjourned for a Track. Darts bent us bin UzA wad Saws' DOCALTITI EXTRACT. Tent eta eminently congba, wolde, inpoansa; la La serious cauca, and of all kinda, to they A Rounds, scaldings, bruinca, sprains, La the Like surprising prodaond in aroup, to the 055 at hospital and medical clinits Li duesaco of the and aritart over de globes pa tronised ly. Majesty the King ol Italy 1 with Erbibition, modd and diploma al Trout in this approved article, and ajact all olbore, The Collision of Willianstown.

TAX SHIP SINKS IN FIVE MINUTES. ALL HANDS BAVED. One of the most sudden corded in the abip-ing of this port ocenrred Isai mph off William down dad treatied in the instaut sinking fine lorzo romel. Fortunately all badde were able to got stay with their lives, but go prone in the way of and property thus what thes had ch them el Lisa woment, Jon at this time there in 4 poliorable effirel of Them have modern canoed mailing addition vescels, and distinction Large tito the in a collisian which turned out more or le-a disastross to both. No.

less than four of the modern four. toasted close arrived The Falls of y-ra, from Middleaboro', the Lancing be Fort George froto Landon, and the L-oh Moid from Thor ali soported 1 ought wellher a lite reading their Astern down: Two nther, large resole bare almo just mired wit a the Oape Verde from London, And the Iolabibe from Liverpool, but a far as the 56 1,0 Arc concorned the experience baa been mat with an actiral in port. Thr ship Capo Verde, a Teneel of 1711 tome register, and bops to the cert host order, arrived from London 49 night The Teasel brought at the vuter anchoraut do pee of baring a large quantity of gauponder and other explosiro material on "board. the was 10 MErgers W. Siddeley and who inform us that she out rather more then 3700 tona of cargo, i eluding very large amount of dead wright.

The tessel was under the com maid of Joha Mincheil, who repo 19 of th as Gravecond Left London on March and op the 16th. Water riods were had dote and on d'earing it and approaching gale the and Bay did of not Bitesy CORRE it blew settled He sett getting clear of CApS Finisterre From there moderate wind. and Doe prevailed to tho equator, 010 12tb April. Tho b. trade and only Jared to 23 south, where to contend against unn uni bad perlicularir while making the catting, N.

K. to ibereby creating cruse terbuleol seas of limes, The cutFEM was (pinced 42 and 45 south. on d'ape Leu 1 bond ate of si Glen' off and os for pit dars, as night, just after tea, all hands raking is easy QU board ate Cape Veer, thinking of danger. Th chip' U3 in d. 1 of the aere ion- gas a out 190 their quarter, the coplain in his cabiu in hopera and muking rep, 400 the chief oldeer Keg in clack, it charge of the shel Falch.

a bright riding light and a red light aft About further out that thr Cape Verde nos the Falla of Fee kelt tioned, aod both were heading op to the wind, blowing N.W. off thr laud Sud lane eh go. the bo. mad her Appearance de thee Dawn of the Hole of Hugera, ru ping al About right knots on litels and bore down right on to the Crus Verde Her CoLTIS straight for the bow of the incorred Ter5 but she secme to hare paid off H1 10-0 as she Tasted the Falls of FoyeNt, 80 to gel past the Cape stero It was tou late, haceter med she crashed onto the after port of die Cope Verde with like The on baa the Cape Vend- saw the danger comity. and with natural in poise inuied out Lo 11:0 lolantbe to her up, there wax vol room then la aler the Foleuthe's canaah.

Tau of the Grit locked ad tore thrach each other; and thea the aero of the lolaathe rut into the side of the To de, The grinding of the irva bails out a 7 of some fret Wich, aud Verde under this blum Thru the Cape Verdo a great lurch, and the Iolencha parsed en her way and archered some hundred varda The mow of the Capo 1rrdr sirited to cut 16 brats Loose. but TAR AND tin 10 Auch it and they had to take to the The boats when tho Frasel wak. While the was settling down the he led 1a ODE ridn and then the other, and the crea did not know whether she webli stand up, but Abe soon rebted. and they were mole to keep their 11-t About bal so bout peaLed in rigliar, and the craw wAs Snalty mustered on the duck of the Ea Is of with nome They were ishen ashore in the Coal mus louch, and arrenprments were ronde with CAD1 in Douglar, of Home, in Spenor aLreet, to gire them 1:00, They came up to town by testo, and arrirad at the about 10 o'clock, sud Douglas had Rood reedy for them end heading fo 7 the right. By cool fortune the Tolenthe cleared the of the Cate Verde or Tel caplorion might bare completes the disaster.

The Julembe is IL full rigged abip of 1503 tops. commended by Captaio and car migned to Datura Service AD 1 00. boll and spere have suered cobriderably, and she ja to be takjox in watar She under too charge of Pilot Gafford at the time of the colli-in. CORRESPONDENCE. noi identtfy cursives with the by our FOREMAN OP WORKS.

TO TUE EDITOR OF Tut TAMMANIAN NITR, saudiny the proceedings of the Inal City Couneil meeting in your al I fiod that Aldemo A melt riches to pitchfork Mr Garron into a podition that is totally unit for, at A Hard salary ol 2150 per Non, 1 challenge AlderDIed A mott. or any other to show me Mfr Burton hes done for the city to plane his in such a position da foramAd of worka, or buildiog marreror. Alderuspn Middlestone very wisely put 1: to tho council thei they, As should arpoios the best ass to the post of cork of works. Do not all the know quite wall that atr Crowe 1a buy tar the better man of Mr the two tu All the sapart. wat position Crowe has carried out ail him duties is mort satiafactory for many genre part to the entire satisfaettop of af the dermin.

Let any ratepayer pay a visit to our which Mr Crome foreman of daring and they with Come to a coal clusion thesit retests great credit upon bird, Nest Lake the creek, where he apperpined, and lute of snore works he The trailed to, and I hoot the paajority of the aldermen are of the name opinion mysolf, that if Mr Crowe should ba pointed da clerk of works it would refect the credit to proceedings all of concerned. Ratepayers, watch City Council meeting. Please and RATEPAYER. June 96, 1689. LIGBT.

TO TAR EDITOR OP TAX TANNANTAN NEW. the wider men or tho inform tin ratepayers it, when the gas at Le per Ramp we had to accept less light! for alone they the light buck lem, and a to the clay and theme connected, for the gaR Sa very infarior, or tho jals much will the comp-. wiltoe Lost the standard light contescted far and oblige thin putrife, or we will com be la the derk Yours WEST HOBART The Gordon Memorial Statute. THe metatial 10 doberal Gordy was jui for the erection af dated at a poolie meeting held the TorS 'at Mellrootbe Wan on the 290 The Meeting mitraded by over da 4000 people, sad of the 1hr doors crowding had to he The closed Bir M. B.

Lub. presided, and other the prominrut Dixhop, delivered ed Dr. Mouth ram, committee lormed, W. J. Clarke I ting presidest, liberal 8100 in.

1a tha of the More receited, among Theatre Royal: malenge fol'ored by by the £208, the and proceeds musical of proleminas; from rat way employare, aDd 20B IN thr The replayers secretarirt. of circuidled through the Postal State schools te': son in founded GU Gordon's Bile, remaiting i to contribute, the contributions of the arercely any arbool fouling The close of the sab-cripiion lint was children being in celebrated by demonstration in the Exhibition, at which 5000 Gordon State school Blatte childree formed the to $5000 the commutee rocolred to Oboir. The to mi so Mr Thorascroft with ibe MissIOn La furnish statue emilaz to the ote he had the heed G4. F1 mirzioned to decal for Imperial in Trafalgar and the work has st leug pron flaced in bave oacorred in the goarry From which position in Melbourne. Some delaye the pedestal was taken, and so the artist's and over these imergencies The the committes the had 20 the control.

mite at 4p. of reserve facing the top of Collin the groted beca placed at the disposal of the committer by the Buildings Cotmistion. The height of It in c*nt in bronze and placed on peder n', braring several roliofa. General Gordon is ebown in ondres but withoot arms, it being characteria ic of him to discard the rarIDE of weapons. He stands Girmly on 450 right with the lelt Te eD broken In by left Load in Bible, white right band is raised the chin, sod the face end figore bare the appearance of ova rote dis tant objet, which he is carseally pazing From rapha 4f adon, it nod the of bie friends, that this wan a far.

ite of hie, pod die tirat represente hi- characteristic his ut mund. A plea inferirtinz on the face of the as folione: Erected by The People of Vicloria To Honor the Nowars of Gonnon, Major-Gea-ral, Hogal Engineers, Who Full at Kbarkum, 2844 1846 I have tried to do my duty." This the Loppy an That every ID a bould wish tu be. The line I bare tried to do wy duly" da the da 4 Dee med by Go doo in the he miae to die sister from Ehurt The c-aplel taken from Wordsworth's Bajpy Warrior." the The correspondin tablet al the bard of pedestal retries op's tion for the ash in A Abbey: a he bande icu round the per catal were errout from designs tarnished by the Melbourae commutes, historical events in Gordon's chore bin leading his no rictore in Chins, snother him Orc mugged corn at Graemiend: to anolber be the mot of of the Cellars from slave in the 6 atan. and the fourth depict the Guel uf his death at Khartoum Sir Rate his hearty approval to where supgentiove, and has carried then out with great kill The poicetal is couch more thon the de ia Trafalear Square. The of the apd rodewal wurk was £2600.

The burr of granite cost 2500; uhm irod chain and posit, made in the al tony. tr enclose the naive nil coat ahool easo the 1 of creciun wud be about 2250. or more, a balance of £1000 The chararter of tho memorial in indie trd by the fact that the subscribers number just on 100,070 of being diate school children. cubsoma IT. 17 A DRADJ The stulde will the on Wedded.

day afterooca 3 o'clock, Monday's The Santley Instructive and Amusing, Now Fork city kne 0000 Obiritse zeridenta. Chicezo corera 36 square miles, OF 28 400 The Brookiya Bridge in eboso bich water. Life it short noly tony and leiters in of it. of it bell AD SE clothing in batter end ches in the Volted Staina that Any to the world. There are 20,000,000 dogs ih the Tui ed Sealer.

mod The boy orwan-bloner for chump! ea required to support them. fast brocaDy a 1 of the past. WalerE bis place. Recently portioned show 1 fad: lug off in the the Umbrd from 1br British Tales to 70 per of whote numbrr alli Bret those shores. A Bochoster them Yorkt man bie opened I a stable for biogelen' Re takes charen of the machines while sheir NTO ad buriness: In thrra is write called wbiol San into by helpeD the long cliff haired Datives end the imporud negro Canoel slaves.

coal in forge baR heel discovered in Alarke. the mineral products of which territory enem to br far in excan of the most seagoino engrotor The beard paid to 'ROT faster in than in rainy worther. The effort al constant expoure to the sunlight in FLORA by the hirsute appeadages of the moon celebrated in It is recalled thet President Lincoln ace entapded execotite ciemenay 10 1 round found puilty of pirary and n4 he it, Seth Bright, of Inglaid. hat ented ur to pardon The largest roby in the world in a and 69 to ba mane Friphing 24 carste, triag da inch io length and bree. quarters of an inch in widib.

It isonned iD Lendan The United Slates pare rear for it weather service. Greal Britain comradett with a afre nepond his best esp uditure, hot that 15 only £16.000 An they any their good-tre a clock Lu. 11. -George: How the dr when ct: art al wy side Daing George but that the the clock excl sited aD from the sinter isle, "I hereaf words to any before 2 hegin. because I know very will that my opponent mid to dimpare tho bIn argurresle which I ata about to tripe d.

Es grave in ti rarel cemetery at Albany to he marked with beautiful meat cop.of a opid from thr E. yptian tombs, and Testing on a plattorm. Robert Louis Steven on the And hut. 18 of the largest audiences eras in it out. So he Dote I the nite to the the Tows Hall assembled on Saturday Dran, with a of his own, raring Lhot ever ing treporla the Agri to hid farewell he WEE c) And rotbe aaded chiro for roply La Mr and to bare at the same of the bigher time the gratification of bearing oboe translation.

he In did telling the scry. be beld the TOrO bis vocalistion. Mr Dean said not propose to antley'a nanse appeared in the entire British for the hand arising of the anti's Forever mad for eter," gircu with A. contain lady Lt. Paris gives four timer, his first moto great to fervor the of inevitab'e encore and ke in sane MOLL of the best known and liferuft re- periodical at which makemble Here's o'th His of the day.

The rule of the mansion in, My Sabl'ey elected far Dis second to ore whatever person can te pormitted. DO 20- Handel's in great which, aria, in Hopor addition to It is said that M. Benne I a tended splendid hie COD AutO of these diemera, miabout uhd, belog break in Cur. The mastery art of cf the was technical made portion of spa 1hr whale Papal warde the end cellent top, lalked the accursey of attack is the in of the dinper, a goest was beard to mat croute intervals, and the Gor de- a sentence bat ba was instantly hrery of the passages called in Header's left ailenard the by table, the however, sht Alter at or they and in: hm leoelh and didicolty. The voralizi of Formed the soniridual slat, DE the war.

BOW as M. Renan had bor hie 001- G. unad'. Nasatath, gitan with she winld gladly hear what bio acrom the aboran of the bed chined: to the hey. Tho guest insisted.

de. refrain in the Inst rendered by a hidden ch aha composed of neveral well. certain it war something of kouro The Rack of Alva, madame." he answered, Hit war, magnificent iole: prelation indred liked batnow i- 16 1 late! of that should ired. the kart with chortl hare a Little more applaces, renewed on bit A Bit i.s." rt 120 the Queen of Italy, 4. to repeat the last terre.

Pinati. an bis inimi in the course of journey. oF "Tho Viour Bray." Simon the st- at a curtain nad wan mrt coliarer." sad The deil's away by the mayor end municipal in the 1- elegant the ory of ibeir rubes of bones. but An bring p'ause and arcaro cheer at no weh The 0a2r-2, the royal appetito wan vocesIain, and the lied berm moat and and after the reguceled the depuls. Goal song arnreciative tia ibat to gut she her glass af Thin niac, wee which prataptly onmmenced to sing be's a jolly good all fellow." and to call for the accompanying brought; but white drinkiag ber it a drop hurrah, whiok were cordially responded Tell from ube glass on to travelling LA.

Men Palmor rang is a most artistio dress. She at orca sought in her pocket manner Sir William Robinson's sone, for but a the baodkerchief worthy to whnso the daily stain, Jatiur Hater. bet me Do Hack more," me to and Bir bobind the counter had mayor, possibly reaponding to poorer al Madame. ladies trek bin their to the pockets, porposes for whuh hristiso ohleined readoring muob of appisure bold for Robin her the malian of the Queen' band He and being recalled Are Toutin: and aarponed abe was bambly zoneding but for har porfe, suscessfolly Be Armes Margarita," hy At, no, your majesty. I you st Boramont ling, by fallowed Plumptom by the 80 new NODE rOcore, Mr Some members of the Ordnance: ie all paid tor.

MADE Lader's Philip the Pal. Wend 3a cis touring ia Proscantion the of ibeir pondwoted in by good Herr alyls. Saberek, orchestra performed calling they Geld boldsing to The namber, mintel for After aruaty old Cormor. Socing daD the atri could ugers poL also etriage played. the pianoforte accompani- the farmer hed.

being Herr Boberrk menta, bot in surprisingly cried. Wbal are ye re hare in she right dield 19 bo go fretory caracion being the apparcot to frequent tho inac. leant aus of the company. critioul car, We are and here are our I'm hore, or Certainly the that BAN paper there," returned the farmer, co1 to inEqanza, -the rolled in returved the pat, "and JOu ATO DEL ALL SONE 10 gang opt o' my No, Te Bar Fire the of tonti for rendering interrupting yourself Ok." liable Tho to farmer cution acid air over the plate, are ile Mojosty the Ming Italy, 10 more, bar weal over to Din aIred company patraha. "fland bottle, the Wo reporta DO Chat no- opruing into the Gold mad Irt, put adar rewarda ta proof of the gentineasse of vicions bail.

The bull no 11 our The pilalal the com- the full red comor. than De for them in cal clinion and and The Furrezote up the for theodolite and Are for their national 12p diploma awarded all Taters those while the old fararr 'it great are open 10 anthontis donut Therefore sad, trust as in roch, this epr pol for 1 Can no show the bull after them, "Whet are yer prod article and rejort all of Governecol pa para compictely in lore mith Hanni. He bay taken a bouse al Waikibi, Leer 2 and is bury with Din hieraer work The house de be 00 the shore, surrounded by ir1 ca. So'onion lo'ogy line (ancht our sur, cone such of there bauds and in their endratory to prercat spic that proverb ban been law old fur abrir The fear of in tho bu ginging of Douglas Jenold unct made this rerourke about a man towh pi be had written, in rain, for hare written said Jerrold 17 1 acquaints co, 14 1 1 cut eaid thr other. for he mau full of kindre a "Yer," repbed Jerrold, un raviting Manley (raising Loin in bad: Hers FrE, Bey.

PI 8 there anything 1 can da for Jou?" "I bare come to TRACE: Bey one Thanks. my good man, Omalopagasa, tale the poor oar and mice him 4 1 coral." A azte Me sprop in said to hare eked Erdnes Smith thin cursion, at a dint table: AR, Mr tmi Du gru door in which of bit journeys around the world Capusin Conk wan Willed biz diral, or bus lest?" Gidoey 6t th locked op qui kly. "I beliere it AH 0D lis Arak purage," said he but be doesn't seeto 10 unto minded it much, fur lug imm-diately net out on bin Dead Stanley 1601 to tell this story with relish: -lie sect A DoLe 14 shee. maker obout a pair of shoes shat were hen g. ronde for him.

and the writing was so bed that tho shoemaker couldn't make TREAT TO b. 4.20 TOWN. HALL TASMANIAN TION. nicest, 6 put..

The Tasmanian News from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.