The Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania (2024)

The Daily News, Lebanon, Tuesday, February 4, 1992 13 BUSINESS NEW YORK (AP) -Mon national Heinz 1.08 prices for New York Stock Ex- Hercuis 2.24 change issues Hrshey .98 PE Sales Last Chg. HewiPk .80 A-A Hilton 1.20 AFLAC .40 17 3005 30 HomeD .12 AMR 5428 HomeSh ARX 147 Hmstke .20 ASA 3 692 Honwel 1.65 AbtLab 1 25 6906 Hormel .36 AMD 13 22503 Hotlinv AetnLf 2.76 9 3887 Housint 2.26 Ahmans .88 8 3811 Houlnd 2.96 AirPrd 1.56 18 850 79 Human .90 AlskAir .20 82 209 Alcan .60 1517 20 IBP .60 AlcoStd .92 18 650 IRT .80 AllgPw 3.20 12 433 43 ITT Cp 1.72 AldSgni 4803 IdahoP 1.86 Alcoa 1.60a 20 x2750 IlIPowr Amax 17 1648 ITW .88 AmHes .60 44 6413 46 Imcera ABrnd 1.75 12 3254 45 ICI 4.89e ACyan 1.50 16 2830 INCO 1. AEIPw 2.40 12 8083 32 IngerRd 1.32 AmExp 1 14 19355 InidStl AHome 2.60 18 3988 Intrike AintGr .50 13 1622 IBM 4.84 AmRity 43 IntFlav 2.72 AmStr 9 1892 33 IntPap 1.68 AMP 1081 JRiver .60 16902 37 Ipalco 1.88 Amrtch 14 4224 Amoco 10168 Jacobs Ametek Ragage 522 JWP Anacmp 4210 JohnJn 1.60 Anthny 9.44a REBBE 53 Anadrk .30 1057 Johnin Anheus 1.12 2653 Jostens .84 ArchDn x3682 mart 1.76 ArcAlsk 219 Kaneb Armco 1197 KCSou 1.08 ArmWI 1.20 x1744 KanGE 1,72 Asarco 705 KansPL 1.90 AshOil 753 Katyin .25 AtiRich 5.50 2763 Kellogg Atlas 236 55. KerrMc 1.52 Augat 15 164 KimbCi Avon seaman 4893 LA Gr AVMCO 19 24 KnghtR 1.40 AveryD 17 719 Kroger Avnet 19 828 28 Aydin 230 LAC .22 B-B LSI Lg BakrHu 5596 vILTV Bally Mi 6123 LaidiwB BkNY 1.52 29 1169 Lilly BaltGE 2.10 14 1142 Learni BnkAm 1.20 8 3606 Limitd BncOne 1.16b 16 2229 LeeEnt LincNtl BankTr 2.80 8 1246 Bausch .72 21 1293 54 Litton Baxter .74 18 5862 LizClab .35 BellAtl 2.52 13 7090 Lockhd BeliSo 2.76 16 3500 Loews 1 BenfCp 2.60 12 478 viLnStr BngtB 235 13-16-1-16 LILCO 1.70 BethStl 3313 LaLand 1 Bevrly 24 5428 9 LaPac 1.08 BlackD .40 51 3921 Lukens 1.48 BickHR .88 27 7554 BlockE 23 5200 MDU 1.44 Boeing 1 11 9497 Manville BoiseC .60 786 MAPCO 1 Borden 1.14 17 x2545 Marriot .28 BostEd 1.64 12 858 MartM 1.50 BrMySq 2.76 20 15375 80 Masco .60 BritPt 4.65e 15 1277 Maxus Broadin .20 13 2615 MayDS 1.62 BrwnFr .68 17 3428 Maytag .50 Brawk .44 69 02615 McDerl BuriNth 1.20 4186 McDonl .37 BriRsc .70 24 4923 McDnD 1.40 C-C McGrH 2.24 CBS 824 McKes 1.60 CIGNA 3.04 9 1764 Mead 1 CIPSCO 1.88 13 457 Mellon 1.40 CMS Eng .48 2819 20 Melvile 1.48 CPC 2.20 16 777 MercSt 1.02 CRSS .12 23 356 11 Merck 2.52 CSX 1.52 14 1891 57 MerLyn Caesar 14 1801 Micr Tc CampSp .70 24 4621 MdwRs n1.56 .20 18 340 MMM 3.12 CapCits CarnCr .56 14 2608 261- MinnPL 1.94 CarPw 3.16 11 1777 MirRsrt viCartH 25 2003 Mobil 3.20 Caterp .60 3186 Monsan 2.08 Centel .90 34 2505 MonPw 1.54 CentEn 1.60 11 1419 Morgan 2.18 CenSoW 3.08 13 4981 Motoria .76 CtrNws .40 24 247 22 Chmpin .20 97 2328 NatnsBk 1.48 ChartC 86 357 NIPSCO 1.24 Chase 1.20 6 3536 NL Ind .60 ChmBnk 1a 257 9241 Nalco .84 ChWste .20 32 5489 21 NatFGs 1.46 Chevrn 3.30 17 4425 64 NII Chiquta .60 16 1067 NMedE .46 ChrisCr .601 12 328 NtSemi Chrysir .60 7225 15 Navistr 617 NevPw 1.60 viCircK CirCty .10 21 1871 28 NEngEI 2.08 Citicorp 14671 15 NwVall ClarkE 905 NYSEG 2.12 Clorox 1.56 41 3761 Newell .60 .40 26 2991 NwtMg .60 Coastal CocaCI .96 32 10502 NiaMP .64 1.06 68 3703 Nike .60 ColgP viColGs 2698 NflkSo 1.80 Comdre 9 2585 Nortek CmwE 3 461 16197 NoestUt 1.76 Comsat 1.40 8 1189 NoStPw 2.42 .36 10 6702 Nortrp 1.20 CPsyc Compq 20 8756 Norwst 1 ConAgr .54 24 5874 32 Nynex 4.56 ConrPr 12 3072 OcciPet ConEd 1.86 12 2090 OhioEd 1.50 ConsNG 1.90 18 2732 OklaGE 2.66 Conrail 1.80 14 1053 Olin 2.20 CnStor 61 1979 ONEOK CntiCp CtData 2.60 12 1825 1099 OrngCo Oryx 1.20 Cooper 1.16 18 1448 OwenC Cornin 1.20a 20 3089 Oxford .60 Corni wi 18 CrayRs 10 743 PHM .12 OwnCrk 20 271 PPG 1.84 CumEn .20 218 PSI CurtWr 7 36 PacEnt 1.76 CypSem 17 5787 PacGE 1.76 D-D 2.14 DPL 1.62 14 434 DOE 1.52 11 366 PanEC PacifCp 1.50 .80 DanaCp 1.60 80 1197 ParCom .70 DataGn 5 3594 Patten DaytHd 1.52 15 2051 Penney 2.64 Deere 2 38 2580 PaPL 3.10 DeltaAr 1.20 2673 68 Pennzol DetEd 1.88 9 1329 32 .13 DiaiCp 1.40 17 896 49 PepBoy Digital 11688 PepsiC .48 PerkEl .68 Disney .84 28 5025 Pfizer st 1.48 Dole .40 18 1352 40 DomAs 13 1203 PhelpD PhilaEl 1.30 Dover .84 18 501 40 PhilMr 2.10 DowCh 2.60 12 3078 PhilPet 1.12 Downs .76 43 1213 Dressr .60 18 3761 Phicorp PinWst duPont 1.68 17 6310 46 1.36 DukeP 1.72 13 1392 PitnyBw Duracl 38 3464 PicrD .30 Pittstn .20 E-E .60 Polaroid EMC 33 883 PortGC 1.20 EastEn 1.40 21 170 Primca .50 EKodak 2 22 8882 ProctG Eaton 2.20 24 1359 68 PSvCol Echlin .70 20 3451 15 PSEG 2.16 EKCO 24 609 PugetP 1.76 EmrsEl 1.38 19 3310 Quakr0 1.72 Enron 1.30 14 5474 QuakSC .80 Ensrch .80 18 2899 13 Entergy 1.40 12 873 viQanti Quantm Ethyl .60 14 3200 Questr 1.02 Exxon 2.68 13 10323 F- RJR Nb FMC 10 561 RalsPu s1.20 FPL Gp 2.40 15 2365 RangrO .08 viFairfd 206 11-16-1-16 Raythn 2.60 Feders 7 1287 446 43 8 RdgBte FedExp Reebok FdHmL 2 13 2391 122 -2 ReyMtl 1.80 FedNM 1.20 12 8102 RPR .56 FIBkSy .82 13 576 RiteAid 5 .55 FCapHd 450 11-32 Rockwl .92 FstChic 1.20 15 2813 RoHaas 1.24 Fintste 1.20 2401 Rohr FleetEn .88 25 1014 RolLeas .24 FightS 28 22 294 Rowan FlaPrg 2.84 14 596 443- 4.17e Fluor .40 24 1533 GTE 1.70 17 11703 31 SFePC GRC Int 10 423 SalmFd FordM 1.60 32 10916 847 SCEcp FthilIG 74 FrptMc 1.50a SPSTec GenCrp .60 13 1146 SCANA Gannett 1.24 22 2897 SaraLee G-G Ryder SallieM Genentc 68 1669 GnDyn 1 7 1045 GenEl 2.20 15 16239 76 GnHous .32 10 67 GnMill 1.48 24 1709 GnMotr 1.60 11016 34 GM .64 26 2541 GPU 1.50 10 3360 GnSignl 1.80 17 278 Gensco 188 195 GaPac 1.60 3213 65 GrbPd 1.44 24 1895 67 3 Gillete 27 2915 Glaxo 21877 GlobM 188 1071 GIdWF .22 12 824 Gdrich 2.20 34 265 1 Goodyr .40 2979 u62 Grace 1.40 17 2958 GtAtPc .80 13 3448 1 GtLkCh 26 1094 GtWFn .88 8 1270 Grumn 1 7 701 GIfStUt 32 3516 12 H-H Halbtn 1 19 7648 Harlnd .90 17 445 23 Harley 21 1055 Harris 1.04 12 845 HeclaM 581 16 2819 SchrPI 1.32 20 x4122 20 540 Schimb 1.20 16 3856 20 889 ScottP .80 98 3230 20 3528 Seagrm 2 16 1983 24 1042 Sears 2 14 8022 57 8745 SecPac 2176 20 3982 ShellTr 2.85e 13 62 5389 16 Shrwin .42 19 2271 15 899 Skyline .48 42 53 18 379 SmthBc 1.71e 21 39 85 89 SmtB eq1.76e 19 2733 78 8 1506 51 Sonat 2 11 1481 13 2297 43 SonyCp 16 513 34 12 6397 28 SouthCo 2.20 13 2806 SwAirl .10 53 1114 554 3810 SwBell 2.84 16 2558 11 132 SwIPS 2.20 13 671 8 1809 StriBcp 181 17 222 StorTch 31 6465 942 StrdRt .30 23 2164 30 19 x660 64 SunCo 1.80 1664 27 2539 Syntex .92 25 5178 48 18 1615 Sysco .40 25 2477 42 1282 T-T 20 1334 TECO 1.72 15 990 342 23 TRW 1.80 20 485 19 212 Talley 171 14 15193 Tandem 33 3380 22 288 97 Tandy .60 11 4925 24 20 3875 Tndycft 27 3 12 601 TchSym 9 98 J-J Tektrnx .60 13 446 11 1307 Teldyn .80 1499 36 1040 TemplE 4.04€ 578 34 1456 Tennco 1.60 2113 35 24 5262 106 Tesoro 10 102 119 Texaco 3.20 13 6113 21 750 Texinst .72 1969 35 K-K TxPac .40 25 10 13 3660 TexUtil 3 2044 16 494 TimeW 2544 538 $88 Textron 1.12 11 1196 16 640 TmMir 1.08 30 678 12 479 28 Timken 194 10 20 Tokhem 42 23 1942 Tosco .60 12 1203 18 1066 ToyRU 32 6351 15 3724 Transm 2 16 1662 22 803 55 Transco .60 1104 14 1319 Traver 1.60 6 2166 L-L TriCon 2.58e 417 5314 Tribune .96 31 709 551 Trinova .68 482 47 1085 TucsEP 838 2467 TycoLb .36 18 1131 2557 U--U 15 86 UAL Cp 830 19 247 UGI 1.24 19 1113 18 18 6076 UNCinc 16 1105 30 10817 USWst 2.08 13 4088 36 10 497 USFG .20 4902 12 231 USG 697 17 2907 USXMar 1.40 x5970 9 1383 USXUSS 1 x2440 10 x345 UCarb 14 4970 235 4 UnElec 2.24 12 1311 11 1386 UnPac 1.36 148 2985 46 39 1244 Unisys 8613 36 2418 UsairG 1957 16 18 262 US Sur .30 76 1502 M-M UnTech 1.80 27 1917 12 77 Unitel 15 2572 59 322 Unocal .70 37 4593 14 1633 Upjohn 1.36 15 22954 43 2034 USLIFE 1.64 10 322 8 1469 52 V-V 96 2109 26 Varian .32 13 548 2439 Varity 292 15 1442 W-W 24 4580 Wachovia 2 13 443 59 1566 19 Wackht .60 16 44 19 7454 WalMt .17 42 14692 7 677 WarnL s2.04 17 x7039 19 501 WshPst 4.20 18 88 15 773 WshWt 2.48 13 166 29 1032 Waste .44 29 10770 8 1340 WellsF 2 964 67 15 2230 Wendys .24 23 1747 11 293 WstgEl .72 10 x7844 29 9219 Weyerh 1.20 31 4342 9 x6495 Whripl 1.10 33 1715 49 7776 Whitmn .24 19 679 16 301 Whitk 10 62 17 3858 Williams 1.52 14 885 13 286 WinDix 1.20 17 520 28 984 Winnbg 243 14 13557 Wolwth 1.08 18 4726 27 2275 63 Wynns .60 19 104 13 405 -X-Y-Z22 11 3099 3977 76 Xerox ZenithE 3 20 6845 921 77 8s N-N 11 3248 NEW YORK (AP) -Mon national 12 2772 prices for American Stock Ex691 change issues PE Sales Last Chg. 19 1981 ATT Fd2.59e 73 14 344 Acton 46 646 d13 Alza 92 1053 49 10 5919 Amdhi .10 466 4054 8110 AScIE 237 6889 AmSwM 1.48 6 1262 7 41 451 Ampal 68 5 11 367 Armtrn 2 306 1-64 Astrotc 39 281 12 630 Atari 16 597 27 723 AtisCM 7 9-16 1-16 34 1641 Audvox 33 39 1866 1.80e 10 33 19 1590 BAT In 24 2700 16 Banstr 270 BayMea 14 3 13 11 1096 BergBr .40 13 591 14 529 41 BoirPh 864 7 731 BowVal 31 12 x1249 Brscn 1.04 13 17 2799 CMI Cp 544 0-0 CalEng 26 415 15 4762 CFCda g.01e 90 4 1-16 14 1331 Chiles ChpEn 194 15 12 1302 40 13 58 viCntAr 12668 1 12 1031 Cross 1.28 18 160 30 DWG 334 294 2584 Duplex .48 21 46 1155 EchoBy .07 2624 18 128 20 Edisto 590 P-Q Endvco 20 2 16 1544 ENSCO 9 1605 30 997 Fina 3.20 26 2 8 2879 FAusPr 1.08a 925 10 929 Fluke 48 11 27 14 6650 ForstL 34 1504 16 3978 Fresen 105 13 4924 FruitL 23 1078 16 3274 14 GRI 15 42 3310 GiantFd .66 14 1846 359 Glatfitr 1.20 16 257 16 2238 GidFid 40 5-16 1-16 12 399 GrhmFl 26 783 3 29 856 GCda .40 61 27 2787 Hasbro .24 45 1225 25 13836 Hitvst 237 22 614 Heico .15 14 38 34 x5864 Hilhav 1449 3 3 9 3067 HrnHar 83 11 2738 ImpOil g1.80 338 18 11357 InstSy 15 2461 61 x2164 IntColn 246 9 34 201 IvaxCp 1792 16 1280 18 JanBell 57 592 18 833 Kirby 22 918 10 721 LdmkSv -3 2553 101 viLionel 305 11 6226 MSR 9 3 7 827 MagmC 5 318 6 9 2989 Maxam 6 395 37 2 20 5330 MedcR 293 1442 2 10 1674 Media .44 269 11 2697 MetMB 776 23 11 533 25 MichIE .40 14 308 20 1211 NtPatnt 459 24 1585 NtiRty 2 160 5-64 NY Tim .56 83 1546 1315 NichisA 24 167 12 199 NAVac 790 R-R NCdO .20 25 31646 OMI 6 338 16 1198 Orgngn 239 211- 15 585 7 PaliCp 33 1792 .30 14 5551 Pitway 23 36 10 1298 86 PegGid 244 155 PhILD 10 825 21 1394 Pitwy A 18 208 28 1751 PlyGem 170 883 15 2409 SPI Ph 23 300 32 11 2109 SoUCo 46 367 19 432 SteriEl 16 24 11 1198 TIE 16 17 184 TelDta .30 50 556 1899 Thrins 27 580 12 6231 .80 154 28 1424 TwCty 2 58 S-S TubMex 974 12 3038 UFoodB 15 UFoodA 37 19 1626 US Bio 54942 279 US Cell 335 22 22 2908 12 UnvPat 407 10 18 2619 ValFrg .30 11 5 9 308 WangB 1605 Meridian Bancorp buys Liberty Savings branches READING, 1 Pa.

(AP) Meridian Bancorp Inc. has agreed to buy the deposits and consumer loans of nine Liberty Savings Bank branches in the Philadelphia area. is a division of Equibank a subsidiary of the Pittsburgh-based Equimark. Equimark chairman and chief executive officer Gary W. Fiedler said Monday the sale "will have a positive financial effect and is.

a major step in our plan to refocus Equimark's business on western Pennsylvania." The price was not disclosed. The nine branches have deposits of $300 million a and current consumer loans $40 million. Meridian is also buying some of the Liberty branch buildings, according to Meridian spokesman George Biechler. He said no decision has been made on which branches will become Meridian banks. "What we're going to be evaluating is how they fit into our existing branch network," he said.

"We are not buying all nine physical facilities." The decision will be made before the sale is closed in 120 days to 150 days, Biechler said. The transaction is subject to regulatory approval. "The addition of Liberty branches offers some attractive market extensions and market fillins," said Meridian chairman and chief executive officer Samuel A. McCullough. Meridian has 76 branches in the Philadelphia five-county area.

Four of the nine Liberty branches are in Philadelphia. The others are in Dresher and Glenside, Montgomery County; Newtown and Southampton, Bucks County; and Wayne, Delaware County. Deposits from 11 1 Liberty Bank branches that were previously closed will continue to be handled by the Liberty office in downtown Philadelphia. Meridian, based in Reading, is a multi-bank holding company with $11.3 billion in assets. Equimark, which operates 53 banks in western Pennsylvania, is a bank holding company with $3.1 billion in assets.

Judge approves record fine against sugar firm WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) A federal judge on Monday approved the nation's largest hazardous waste fine $3.75 million against U.S. Sugar Company for dumping solvents. "The fine is painful, very said J. Nelson Fairbanks, president of the Clewiston, sugar giant.

"It's hard medicine, but I believe we'll be a better company for taking the medicine." The fine approved by U.S. Hershey man named to post Gerald R. Long of Hershey has been named coordinator of contributing education grants and students records, newly created position at Milton Hershey School. Long, a 1955 graduate of the school, has worked there since 1963 as an orientation counselor. He also served as basketball and baseball coach for 26 years.

In his new position, Long will administer the continuing education scholarship program, the student beneficiary program, the student allowance program, and be responsible for upkeep of student records. Long holds a degree from Gettysburg College and has a masters degree in education from Shippensburg University. CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION Farmers Trust Bank of Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, 17042, as of the close of business December 31, 1991. Dollar Amounts In Thousands ASSETS Cash and balances due from depository institutions: Noninterest-bearing balances and currency and coin 6,309 Securities 13,681 Federal funds sold securities puchased under agreements to resell in domestic offices of the bank of its Edge Agreement subsidiaries in IBFs: Federal funds sold 15,400 Loans and lease financing receivables: Loans and leases, net of unearned income 78,605 Less: Allowance for loan and lease losses 982 Loans and leases, net of unerned income, allowance, and reserve 77,623 Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) 1,147 Other assets 1,326 Total assets 115,486 Total assets and losses deferred pursuant to: 12 U.S.C. 18230) 115,486 LIABILITIES Deposits in domestic offices 105,283 Noninterest-bearing 12,156 Interest-bearing 93,127 Morgage indebtedness and obligations under capitalized leases 125 Other liabilities 1,364 Total liabilities 106,772 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock (No.

of shares a. Authorized 100,000 Outstanding 60,500 303 Surplus 2,300 Undivided profits and capital reserves 6,111 Total equity 8,714 Total equity capital and losses deferred pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 1823(j) 8,714 Total liabilities limited life preferred stock, equity capital, and losses deferred pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 18230) 115,486 Standby letters of credit, total 699 the undersigned officer, do hereby declare that this Report of Condition has been prepared in conformance with official instructions and is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Palm C.

Bernardo, Vice President December 31, 1991 We, the undersigned directors, attest the correctness of this Report of Condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief and has been prepared in conformance with official instructions and is true and correct. Randall I. Ebersole John S. Keesey William E. Uhler STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST (Dow Jones Industrial Average: 3239.71 5.59) Last Net Last Net Alcoa GPU AMP GTE Armstrong Harsco Bell Atlantic Hershey Beth Steel O'Sullivan CarpTech Pa.

Pwr Light Chrysler Rite Aid 21 Conrail UGI Eastman Kodak USX Ford 33 Weis GE West Co. 19 General Motors Bid Asked Bid Asked Arnoldind. 291 31 Fulton 18 ButMfg. Keystone 20 22 CoreStates Fin. Meridian Dauphin Deposit.

39 NSS (The above quotations are representative interdealer prices at the time of entry. Interdealer markets change throughout the day. Prices do not include retail markup, markdown or commissions.) This service is brought to you by Advest, Inc. Serving Investors Since 1896 810 Call for Cumberland tax-free investment Lebanon, PA (717) 273-8851 Advest us ideas. Member NYSE AMEX SIPC Why wait for your federal income tax refund? Rapid Refund HAR BLOCK receive your refund anticipation loan within a matter of days available whether we prepare your return or not BLOCK 538 Cumberland Street Lebanon 272-2722 9-8; Sat.

9-5 314 Railroad Street Myerstown 866-6151 9-8; Sat. 9-5 Heidelburg Mini Mall Robesonia (215) 693-5043 Mon. 9-5; Tues. Thurs. 4-8; Wed.

9-8; Sat. 9-2 Sears Roebuck And Co. 1301 Quentin Road Lebanon 273-7631 Ext. 115 District Judge James Paine was the nation's largest ever for hazardous waste crimes, surpassing the $3 million paid last May by United Technologies said Diane Cossin, a U.S. attorney's office spokeswoman.

U.S. Sugar pleaded guilty to improperly disposing of lead residue waste, lacking a federal hazardous waste permit, and shipping dirty motor oil and a flammable solvent to a recycler without required documentation. 10-8; Sat. 10-5 Take the IRA Test. 1.

Are you hoping for financial security in your retirement Yes No years? 2. Does the idea of insured, guaranteed-safe retirement Yes No investments appeal to you? 3. Are you interested in a retirement investment vehicle that Yes No may offer both short- and long-term tax benefits? 4. Are you highly selective about which institutions to do your Yes No retirement investing with? 5. Would you like a courteous professional to help serve your Yes No banking needs? 6.

Do you have $25 to start a Yes No retirement investment plan today? If you answered "yes" to any you're an excellent candidate from Northwest. Our IRAs rates of interest, and may offer term tax benefits. Plus you just $25. Come in to Northwest helpful professionals you passed to graduate to IRA investing of the questions above, then for an IRA retirement plan are insured, pay competitive you both short- and longcan open an IRA account with today. Tell one of our the test, and you're ready at Northwest.

NORTHWEST SAVINGS BANK We're everything your bank should be. 8 S. 8th Street, Lebanon, 274-2543 547 S. 10th Lebanon, 272-7639 1048 E. Main Street, Palmyra, 838-5418 Chocolate and Cocoa, Hershey, 533-9980 24 E.

Main Street, Mount Joy, 653-8121 FDIC Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. INSURED.

The Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.