The Bluff City News from Bluff City, Kansas (2024)

and THE BLUFF CITY NEWS. BLUFF CITY. KANSAS Your Work Hard? Work which brings any unusual strain on the back and kidneys tends to cause kidney ailments, such as backache, lameness, headache, dizziness and distressing urinary troubles. Kidney complaints make any kind of work doubly hard and if neglected there is danger of gravel, dropsy Bright's disease. your work is hard on the back, keep kidneys in good condition with Doan's Kidney Pills.

Thousands rely on them. A Kansas Case T. Hiatt, Merchant Oswego, says; fivel Picture Calle Crony in misery kidney for ail- years with ments. I was laid up in bed for two months. The kidney secretions were scanty painful in passage and I often had terrible headaches and dizzy spells.

The pain over my left kidney a agonizing. Doan's Kidney Pills stored me to good health: and I haven't had a sign kidney com-4 plaint since." Get Doan's at Any Store, 50c a Box DOAN'S PILI.S KIDNEY FOSTER-MILBURN BUFFALO, N. V. Every Woman Wants me ANTISEPTIC POWDER FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflame mation. Recommended by Lydia E.

Pi kham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. extraordinary cleansing, and germicidal power.

Sample Free. 50c. all druggiste, or postpaid by mail. The Paxton Toilet Company, Boston, Mass. DAISY FLY KILLER placed anywhere, attracts and kills all flies.

Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient, cheap. Lasts alt season. Made of metal, spill or tip over; will not soil or injure anything. Guaranteed effective. Sold by dealers, or 6 sent by express prepaid for $1.00.

HAROLD SOMERS, 150 DE KALE BROOKLYN, N. Y. UNITED STATES DEMANDS MORE OIL Wyoming, the greatest oil field of the day. 800 Invested now may make you 8.,000. Keystone Petroleum offers an excellent opportunity.

Responsible men; large acreage. information write THE KEYSTONE PETROLEUM COMPANY, 317 Ideal DENVER, COLO. Mothers! Game will do this: educational and amusing to all; contest of strategy; 25c prepaid. THE DURBIN St. Louis, Me.

ALFALFA and PRAIRIE BOUGHT and SOLD BALE TIES H. TURNER, WICHITA, KANS. Keep children home: the National Demonstrate -thrift in your home. THIS IS THE AGE OF YOUTH. You will look ten years younger if you darken your ugly, grizzly, gray hairs by using "La Creole" Hair Dressing.

-Adv Too Much for Him. "Conscription has, maybe, saved the country," growled the strapping young soldier, "but what I object to is the company it drives a man into. I am a practical plumber by trade, an honest workman, yet I'm compelled to suffer the society o' sich professionals as a lawyer, a minister, and an auctioneer." "Not al bad selection, Jock," re marked his friend. "Oh, maybe no' in a way; but whet the minister and the lawyer start al argument on Egyptian law in the mid die o' the night across half 11 dozer beds, with the blessed auctioneer umpire, what chance has even a prac tical plumber o' stoppin' the gas leak? Self- Evident. "Please, lady," begged the very dirt: tramp at the back door, "can you hel al poor man that lost his job three weeks ago and ain't been able to find no work since?" "What sort of a job was it?" asker the Indy.

"I was workin' in a soap factory." "Well. it's plain to be seen that you were not discharged for dishonesty." Short Enough. "I like public addresses, but most long." "Run over few Flubdub, handing city directory." I like to read them are tor suggested copy of the "Give all the kids Post Toasties They like 'em 13 Dainty Frock The little frock shown in the made of beige-colored georgette, embroidered in silver braid to form a girdie, and trimmed about the neck and bottom of the skirt with bands of navy faille ribbon. A wide girdle of ribbon Is used. The frock buttons from neck to hem with small bullet-shaped navy buttons.

To make the frock five and a quarter yards of material 36 inches wide will be required. Dresses made entirely of georgette. usually trimmed with metal. silk or bead embroidery, are very popular for Georgette Frock. dressy wear.

The material even in light colors is serviceable, for it is easily laundered, and is dainty and cool looking, says a writer in the Washington Star. Lingerie frocks are also extremely popular, voiles, organdies, fine lawns and various linens being favored materials. Dainty trimmings, fine tucking, hemstitching and other handwork are largely featured in the selection of decorations. FOR RAINY DAY IN SUMMER One- -Piece Dress of Dark Material Of. fers Solution to Problem Confronting Many Women.

Everyone wishes to dress as comfortably cool as possible when the thermometer is doing its best to register as far nbove the nineties as possible. Light-weight clothes, light colors and sensible styles are necessary for summer comfort. There are days, however, when a light dress looks out of place, and yet the atmosphere is 80 full of humidity that one must have something cool. The one-piece dress of 11 dark color is the solution to this problem which confronts every woman, but is more serious for the woman who goes to business every day. Dark blue is perhaps the color that will be most welcomed, although dark green is close second.

There should be at least one or two frocks of this color in every summer wardrobe. As for the materials of which to make them, there are many suggestions to give. Voile is a very wise selection. It is cool, it does not add bulk to the figure and it launders beautifully. Handkerchief linen is another delightful material, although the objection that is likely to be raised to this is the fact that it musses quickly, One business woman who is always the picture of neatness and coolness even oll the hottest day upholds the advantages of having at least two dark silk dresses in the summer wardrobe.

She is partial to crepe de chine and light-weight taffeta. Whichever she selects is combined with georgette crepe, for with sleeves of this material 11 frock cannot help but be cool. MANY NOVELTIES IN CAPES This Article of Apparel Seems to Be Becoming Smarter and Odder, But in Some Cases Impracticable. Capes get smarter and odder, although, in some cases, more impracticable. White pique for an under waistcont.

for instance, 1s not practical at all. but is very good to see. combined with navy-blue tricotine. The cape ties with 11 black silk bow at the throat, Just below the upstanding pique' collur, and repents this effect at the Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System.

50 cents. Success never comes to man who Is afraid to risk failure. SOAP IS STRONGLY ALKALINE and constant use will" burn out the scalp. Cleanse the scalp by shampooing with "La Creole" Hair Dressing, and darken, in the natural way, those ugly, grizzly hairs. Price, belt of black silk.

It finishes in 11 point at the back. Navy blue serge with a lightweight white serge lining showing at the turning cuffs and collars is the material of another one. The back is a panel attaching to the front with buttons under the arm openings. Braid weaves in and out from the shoulders down to the waist, in and out of folds of the material. Braid also fastens the high collar.

A little cape and waistcont combination is in navy blue serge for the cape, black and white flannel for the waistcont, and white flannel for the collar. The one ties with black and white striped tie. It has regular sleeves in it, underneath, which are cuffed with wide white flannel. Extraordinarily smart, nnd somewhat different. is one of tete de negre bolivia cloth.

light weight. This is full and straight, high-collared and broad-belted. It is coat, except that the sleeves are not sewed together 111- derneath. Instead, they flow out and down into a long, full cape behind. The cape being joined to the cont part by the belt, however, gives somewhat the effect and the feeling of sleeves.

Large black buttons finish this. POCKET IS IN VOGUE AGAIN After a Brief Lull It Makes Appearance on Evening Gowns as as on Sports Clothes. The majority of experts confidently predicted the end of pockets last winter, and for a while there was a ticeable absence of them. The makers thought that there was nothing new to be found in these appendages. but the late spring season brought them out in full force again, and good many new ideas seem to have been discovered for their summer vogue.

They do not limit their appearance to sports clothes, but have become a smart bit of trimming oll evening gowns. In the latter capacity they are made of colored tulle heavily threaded with jewels, and on one especially good gown they are carried like small buckets by long rope of brilliants that passes around the neck. There are pockets that droop and pockets that are squarely placed across the material in a military manner. There are pockets that are smocked, quilted. embroidered and soutached.

On white wool jersey skirts there are large pockets trimmed in the peasant manner of applying 11 design in brightcolored cloth with a buttonhole stitch. FALL BONNET FOR KIDDIE The fall fashions for kiddies have made their appearance and they are the prettiest seen yet. This is one of the most charming of them. It is of maroon velvet combined with satin of the same color and is a bonnet that will gladden the heart of any little girl. An Appealing Touch.

What homemaker does not have to confront this problem? Arranging flow. ers every day for the dining and live ing rooms, hunting out original, er fective flower holders for luncheon or dinner table is one of the pleasures of the day. Not yet too well known is the wicker central mound with compartment for a tiny canary, over whiet flowers and green can be so well ur ranged that if starling pipes up, him song comes as complete surprise, An inexpensive possession of this type lends an appealing human touch at toble that is sure to be irresistible. Petticoats to Match Each Frock. A petticoat to match each Tress is a new and expensive, but pr tty, wrinkie.

It must be very limp id flimsyany crepe plisse-and anted on 81009th hip yoke. A lean woman and a tat one nearly always envy each other. Fretting is a perpetual confession of weakness. Save the Babies INFANT MORTALITY is something frightful. We can hardly realize that of all the children born in civilized, countries, twenty-two per I or nearly one-quarter, die they reach one year; thirty-seven per or more than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen! We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save many of these precious Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are occasioned sold' by the narcotic preparations.

Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups for ch.ldren's complaints contain more or less opium or morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity, they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. There can be no danger in the use of Castoria if it bears the signature of Chas. H.

Fletcher as it contains no opiates or narcotics of any kind. Genuine Castoria always bears the signature of Flitches; Wichita Directory DEVELOPING Kodaks and PRINTING Send for Catalogue and Finishing Price List. The Denver Photo Materials Eastman Kodak 626 16th Street, Denver, Colorado Jones Motor Car Co. Builders of High Class Six Cylinder Automobiles. Write or call for catalogs and territory information.

DON'T OVERLOOK THE QUALITY SIX WICHITA, U. S. A. Kodak Films Developed Free! Prints 3 Conte Each Any Size Write for circular and samples. Oklahoma Film Finishing P.

0. Box 970, Oklahoma City, Okra, CRACKERS: Be Sure They Are the GOLD MEDAL BRAND Buy them in the 7 pound tin cans at your grocers. Made by THE SOUTHWEST CRACKER CO. WICHITA, U. S.

A. Automobile Tops REBUILT and REPAIRED Bend in your old top. Prices gladly quoted. Vehicle Supply Wichita, Kans. CEL CRICHT REPUBLIC TRUCKS WRITE D.

J. Watson Motor Wichita, Kans. Royer Tractor 12-20 H. P. $750 ROYER ENSILAGE HARVESTER CO.

WICHITA, KANSAS FARM LOANS The Guarantee Title Trust Co. WICHITA, KANSAS Home Company. Cheap Rates. Quick Service. Raise on 160 FARMS Wichita Directory WICHITA Smyser's HUTCHINSON Dentists ty Gol $..50 Crowns Gold $3.85 Crowns Plates $4 00 Send in your broken plates with 81.00 -Get them fixed RETURNED BY NEXT MAIL.

Dague Business College WICHITA. KANSAS AUTO REPAIRING machine general BROOKS MACHINE Corner Lewis 8. Wichita Sts. Wichita, Kansas BILL, Auto Expert. Welding outfits and machines forsale.

TON FORD TRUCK $115.00 ATTACHMENT Saves engine and rear axle trouble for Ford owners hauling over 750 pounds. Dealers Wanted Write right now for particulars Price Auto Equipment Co. Wichita, Kansas Cream Profits If you want real satisfaction Ship your cream to us. Wichita Creamery Wichita, Kans. Junk! Junk! Junk! We pay highest market prices for COPPER, BRASS, ZING, LEAD, AUTO TIRES, TUBES, ROPE, SCRAP IRON and BONES.

Car lota Write for prices. Satisfaction guaranteed." Wichita Iron Metal Box 921, Wichita, Kans. KODAK FINISHING EXTRA Devoloping Alms 10c roll. Prints 3 and 4 cents. Mail Order Prompt Service.

Pottenger Studio, Dept. 122 N. Market Wichita, Kans. AUBURN No nutomob matter le are wheth- dealer an or not -WRITE FOR OUR PROPOSITION. C.

H. RESER AUTO Wichita, Kans. Distributors of AUBURN AUTOMOBILES and SMITH Watson E. Coleman, WashPATENTS est Ington. D.C.

references. Books Best free resulta. High- Write at once for rates. W. N.

WICHITA, NO. 27--1917. High Priced Wheat Fertile Canadian Soil speeches, of of these." him a Canada extends to you a hearty invitation to settle on her FREE Homestead lands of 160 acres each or secure some of the low priced lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. This year wheat is higher but Canadian land just as cheep, so the opportunity is more attractive than ever. Canada wants you to help feed the world by tilling some of her fertile soil- -land similar to that which during many years has averaged 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to the acre.

Think of the money you can make with wheat around $2 a bushel and land a0 easy to get. Wonderful yields also of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed farming in Western Canada is as profitable an industry 0.8 grain growing. The Government thin year is asking farmers to put ACRE farm creased volunteered labor acreage to for replace into service. grain.

the The many There climate is young a is great men healthful who demand have for IN agreeable, railway facilities excellent, good schools and ON railway churches rates to convenient, Supt. of Write for Immigration, literature Ottawa, as to reduced or to G. A. COOK 2012 Main Kansas City, Mo. Canadian Government Agent Home Refining Oklahoma City, U.

S. A. SAFETY FIRST HORECO OIL BUY TODAY STOCK AT $10 per Share Oil Refining Stock earns the biggest dividends in the world.

The Bluff City News from Bluff City, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.