O'Hara Brothers Rocker AU - Chapter 2 - Limeebunnee (2024)

Chapter Text

9:02 PM

You sat at the bar with your head in your hands. You felt dumb complaining about this with Jessica but, alas, here you were before your shift started. Before they got here. And Jess stared at you with furrowed eyes. “So…..both?” “Yes” “Are you sure?” “Pretty sure” “and that's what you want?” “Jess” you whined. You looked up at her. “Fire me” you said. And she laughed and put her hands on her hips. “You are trying to avoid two hot men that want to sleep with you? Come on girl. That's a mighty fine problem to have” she said. And you sighed. She was right. You just had to decide whether you were up for it or not. You heard the chatter amongst the fans and the bar. One O’Hara was a handful, but two? You were sweating and squeezing your thighs together just at the thought. “Well, better decide fast” Jess muttered. And you jumped when the door to the bar closed and there was Society 2099. Miguel had his hair slicked back today, wearing a torn black vest and no shirt underneath, sporting the tattoos that covered his arm, chest and neck. Gabriel wore his usual smirk and classic halter top, a plaid long sleeve shirt tied around his waist on top of black skinny jeans. And Hobie stood casually next to them, dashing as ever. But of course, he was not on the forefront of your mind tonight. Actually for the past 24 hours.

Hobie headed straight for the stage as Miguel and Gabriel made a B-line for the bar. For you. You immediately turned and pretended to be wiping the bar clean, noting that Jess had disappeared. Of course she had. You jumped when you felt one arm slip across your shoulders and another arm slip around your waist. To your left was Miguel, who reached into the bar and grabbed a beer, never moving his hand from your waist. Then a hand reached up and grabbed your chin gently, Gabriel's black painted nails moving you face to look at his and smiling down at you. He wasn't as tall as his older brother but he still came in at 6’3, and he looked down at you with those honey eyes. “Hello beautiful” he drawled. “H-hey Gabe…Mig” you said softly. “Did you think about our offer darling?” Miguel rumbles in your ear. “I-i-” “Mig you've got her all flustered already” “she's cute when she flustered” Miguel smirks. His hand teased your hip because, of course you wore a halter top today. His fingers knead at your exposed skin softly, making small circles on your hip bones. Gabriel pulls your face back to him, moving his thumb across your bottom lip gently. “Seems we should do something more convincing. We've got ya chiquita don't worry, hm? Let us take care of you” he says, his voice dropping an octave lower. You were suddenly overwhelmed, your skin on fire as they both pressed on either side of you. Miguel's hands on your hips and Gabriel's hand gently on your face, you wanted to be swept up in both of them. Badly. But you held your ground. You were still at work of course. “F-fine. But I want this on my terms” “done” “of course muñeca” they answered at the same time. You took a deep breath. “Club Nueva, after work” you say, looking between them both. Miguel chuckled darkly and Gabriel smiled knowingly. “Perfect. We'll take you there after we are all done here” “what about Hobie?” “I'll pay for his Uber” Miguel said quickly.


After your shift, you found yourself in the van of Society 2099, sitting in the backseat as Miguel drove up front and Gabriel sat in the passenger seat, fiddling with the radio. You noticed every once in a while Miguel's sharp eyes would glance to you in the rearview mirror and you squirmed in your seat under his gaze. Then Gabriel would glance back, giving you a charming smile and those warm, honey eyes, and you'd feel like you were melting. The yin and yang of both of them was lulling you, pulling you-seducing you. Gabriel settled on some classical rock as he slid around to face you, his lean body twisting so he sits crossed legged and backwards in the passenger seat. “So,beautiful, where are you taking us?” He asks casually, tilting his head playfully. “Youve never been to Club Nueva?” You ask, and you glanced at Miguel. “Youve never taken him?” “Miguel tends to ride solo” Gabriel teases, smirking at his brother. “works for me though, less competition” he adds. Miguel huffs, saying “what competition?” And Gabriel rolls his eyes. Then he glanced at you mischievously. “Hermano, ¿quieres hacer una apuesta? (brother wanna make a bet?)” he says quickly. Miguel just raises his eyebrow at him. “El primero en recibir un beso es mejor hermano (first one to get a kiss is the better brother)” Gabriel says grinning, and you roll your eyes. “I do know some Spanish” you inform them. Gabriel's smile widens, reaching out and hitting Miguel's shoulder gently. “See? Told you our girl was perfect” he smirks. Miguel just chuckles, the sound rumbling in his chest. “Good, she'll understand all the filthy things I'll say to her” he purrs, voice deep and smooth as he makes eye contact with you through the rear view mirror again. Was it hot in here? Suddenly you felt like you couldn't breathe, but you played it off by rolling your eyes. “Do you both do this often? Flirt simultaneously with the same woman? Share?” You ask, trying to change the subject. Gabriel leans back, crossing his arms. “Actually…..no. We are usually fighting for the same girl, or more likely, I do all the hard work and then Miggy comes in and takes what's mine” Gabriel says, giving Miguel the side eye. “That happened once” Miguel growled. “Dana ended up being crazy” he adds quickly under his breath. Gabriel rolled his eyes, but looked back at you. “anyways…..this is a first for us” he says, his voice softening. He sounded …genuine.

You aren't sure what to say, or if you believe him, but at that moment Miguel pulls the van into the parking lot of Club Nueva, where there's a bit of a line and the sounds of heavy bass basically shakes the building. You all climb out of the van, and Miguel drapes an arm around your shoulder and pulls you close to him and Gabriel approaches the other side of you, casual as ever with his hands in his pockets. You guys walk to the back of the line, and you can't help but notice groups and cluster of women looking at both men on either side of you with interested eyes. For some reason you are a bit annoyed, second guessing this was a good idea. Both O'Haras were known for having….appetites, and you couldn't wrap your head around why the hell they were both coming at you together. You feel yourself getting a bit tense, and Miguels arm falls off your shoulder as he moves behind you and his massive hands start to massage the base of your neck. “Get out of your head muñeca” he says softly from behind you. Gabriel reaches out and takes your hand in one of his, bringing it up and kissing the back of your hand gently. “Hey, relax baby. We aren't going to do anything you don't explicitly tell us you want to do. Right Miggy? “What am I, an animal?” Miguel huffs. As the entrance of the club gets closer, Gabriel looks at you seriously. “Do you….do you want to explore this with us?” He asks softly, putting no pressure on you. Miguel moves from behind you and comes into view, towering over you. “And if you say yes now you can say no later” Miguel adds. And your stomach flutters. They were being so….respectful. your face heats. And you realized that, to hell with it. You were in good hands and you were honestly curious to see where this might go. You flash them both a flirtatious smile. “I appreciate that” you say honestly, and both of their eyes are warm, and it's like they were holding their breath waiting for you to be sure.

“Good, I thought Miguel scared you off,” Gabriel says, moving to you and giving your hand a gentle squeeze, and you can practically hear Miguel's eye roll. You chuckle as you guys make it up to the bouncer at the door of the club, showing your IDs and slipping into the club. The club is dark, loud, and full of energy. Gabriel keeps his hand woven with yours as Miguel leads both of you, pacing away as people part like the red sea for him. You don't think he tries to be intimidating, he just naturally is and he plays into it. You guys make your way to the bar of the club, where Miguel makes room and he and Gabriel squish you in between the both of them. Miguel gently puts his hands on your hips as Gabriel lets go of your hand to focus on getting the bartender's attention. It's not overtly sexual, Miguel's hands lightly on your hips and his thumbs rubbing against your hip bones lightly, and it feels more territorial than anything. He moves behind you, bobbing his head to the bass of whatever song is playing. Gabriel catches the bartender's eye and looks back at the both of you. “poison of choice?” “Whatever” both you and Miguel say at the same time.

In a moment, the three of you are taking two rounds of shots, and the warmth in your belly helps you relax more into their soft touches that you become more and more aware of. No matter what, they are both finding a way to touch you. No inappropriately, but reassuringly. Even as women pass by and Miguel eyes them or flashes them teasing smiles, his hand is always on your lower back, your shoulder, or even your lower thigh at one point. You never thought he'd be so….soft. you expected that from Gabriel. Gabriel chatted with you nonchalantly, conversation was always easy with him. Then you realized that you were standing up between Miguel's legs as he sat behind you, swaying to the music. “Wanna dance princessa?” Gabriel asked, eyes glancing down to your hips and exposed soft tummy. You hum, smiling. “I think so. Are you dancing with me first?” You tease, and Gabriel flashes another bright smile, holding up a hand in front of you. You take it, turning to look at Miguel as he nurses a bear and watches you both walk to the dance floor. “no la lleves muy lejos (don't take her too far away)” Miguel called to Gabriel, who shoots him a grin and pulls you into the dance floor.

The crowd's energy is contagious, and you are instantly swaying and moving to the beat, the bass igniting the alcohol in your blood and helping you loosen up. Gabriel moves next to you, surprisingly smooth in his hip movements. He laughs with you, warm eyes on you and occasionally moving up and down your body, and the heat within you turns to an inferno. You glance back behind you and Miguel's intense eyes are still on you. “He doesn't dance?” You ask Gabriel, moving closer to him so he can hear you. Gabriel dios his head into your neck, his breath tickling your ear. “He does, but he likes to watch” Gabriel says to you, and it sends a shiver down your spine. Gabriel is close, so close, and his hand goes to your lower back, moving your body closer to him. You let him guide you, his other hand going to your hips and moving you with his movements, guiding you. You close your eyes and feel your brain turn off, just letting your body be guided and only feelings- the music, the base, the sudden tension between you both. “You really are something special to us” he breathes in your ear. “Gabriel” you sigh, and he groans, the hand on your hip tightening. “As many times as I've heard my name it never sounded as sweet as that baby” he says, his lips brushing your ear. Then, his lips are on your neck, and your eyes flutter closed as you bite your lip, leaning your head to the side. He trails soft kisses down your neck, to your shoulder, and the back up your jaw. Just when the corner of his mouth touches yours, a hand firmly wraps around your neck and pulls your head back, away from Gabriel. You open your eyes and look back into Miguels as he comes up behind you and presses himself against your ass, falling into the sway of yours and Gabriels hips. He presses his lips to your forehead, inhaling the scent of your hair, and you groan softly.

You don't know how long you stay pressed between the both of them on the dance floor, not even recognizing if or when the songs even change. The three of you stay wrapped together. Gabriel holding your hips to his and Miguel pressing behind you, his hand firmly on your neck and your waist. You find yourself sweating a bit, and heat builds and coils in your lower belly. You knew they had a little bet to see who you would kiss first. At this point you didn't f*cking care. When Gabriel looks past you at Miguel at one moment, and Miguel moves his hand from the front of your neck to hold the back of your head, your heart flutters. Gabriel kisses down your neck, to your chest where he licks at where your shirt lines your cleavage. When you lean your head back to moan, Miguel takes his hand to caress your lips. “Muñeca, let us please you. Can I kiss you?” He whispers in your ear. When you whimper a response, nodding slightly he leans down and envelopes his warm lips against yours. The kiss is soft, but there's a force behind it that's barely being held back. You pull away, looking immediately for Gabriel. Your hands go to hold his face, bring him to you as you kiss him too. His lips are just as soft, but his kiss is more reverent, liking he was tentatively making sure you were in control and this was what you wanted.

And in that moment you knew it was.

O'Hara Brothers Rocker AU - Chapter 2 - Limeebunnee (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.