Facility Manager Epr Bullets (2024)

1. Facility Manager EPR Bullets

  • Facility Manager EPR Bullets. - Advocate for staff/customer safety--diligently monitored inspection pgms--exceeded AMC/OSHA standards - AGE Flt Facility Mgr ...

  • Facility Manager, Building Custodian EPR Bullet Examples

2. 8S000 Missile Alert Facility Manager - Air Force EPR Bullet Examples

  • Duty Description. - Manages a $6M Missile Alert Facility (MAF) supporting USSTRATCOM global strike & deterrence missions - On duty NCO responsible for the ...

  • Examples of Missile Alert Facility Manager EPR Bullets

3. 8S000 Missile Facility Manager - EPR Bullets by AFSC

4. Building Custodian EPR Bullets - Air Force Writer

  • Building Custodian EPR Bullets. - LO Facility Mgr; maintained $19M bldg/processed 22 work orders/aided 341 reduxs/55% fleet avg--promote!

  • Examples of EPR bullets for Building Custodian additional duty

5. Additional Duties EPR Bullets

  • OPSEC/Security Manager ... - Assisted with online security incident; purged FOUO content from major search engines--mitigated risk! - Maintains 50+ GSA certified ...

  • Examples of EPR Bullets for Additional Duties

6. Building Custodian NCOER Bullets - Army Writer

  • Building Custodian NCOER Bullets. o as Quality Assurance Evaluator for $1,000,000 maintenance contract, ensured timely completion of over 200 ...

  • Building Custodian NCOER Bullet Examples


  • Facility managers, in cooperation with all occupants of the building, are responsible for the care, management, and protection of assigned real property and are ...

8. Search Results - AF EPR/OPR Bullets

  • 513. - Facility Manager for mx complex; primary resource for AMXS personnel--spt'd mx for 63 KC-135R; promote! Rate Ave: Strength: Positive, Type ...

9. Primary, Additional Duty EPR Bullets - Air Force Writer

  • - Established contingency plan and trained facility managers for biological/chemical threat to military assets. - Created database/tracked ventilation ...

  • EPR bullet statement examples for Primary and Additional Duties

Facility Manager Epr Bullets (2024)


What are the 3 parts to an EPR bullet? ›

There are three parts to a bullet: action, impact and result. The bullet starts with action, a strong, past-tense verb. "This part is the most important," emphasized Alexander, "'Assist' gets you nowhere. Use words like 'led,' 'orchestrated' and 'oversaw,' especially for officers and NCOs."

How to write bullets for EPR? ›

Writing Bullet Comments with Appropriate Language. In addition to describing performance that earns or justifies a particular rating, bullet statements must be written in language that is appropriate for the rating. Impact statements for 5 rating bullets should use words like exceeded, surpassed, unparalleled, or best.

What is the bullet in EPR? ›

The bullet statement format is a way to describe an achievement in as few words as possible yet fully explain the accomplishment. It's a direct manner of listing accomplishments which specifically avoids generalities, unsubstantiated claims, and flowery embellishments.

What are the four main functions of a facility manager? ›

Ultimately, an FMs primary duties are to:
  • Provide a safe and secure working environment for occupants and staff.
  • Keep property-led operations running as smoothly as possible.
  • Ensure buildings operate within a set budget.
  • Hire the right contractors to carry out hard and soft facilities management services.

What are the 3 main types of bullets? ›

"round-nose" - The end of the bullet is blunted. "hollow-point" - There is a hole in the bullet that creates expansion when a target is struck, creating more damage. "jacketed" - The soft lead is surrounded by another metal, usually copper, that allows the bullet to penetrate a target more easily.

How many points is a 3 EPR? ›

But Airmen with a second EPR can receive anywhere from 10 to 20 points based off the promotion recommendation they received in that review, and Airmen with a third EPR can add an additional five to 15 points.

What are EPR rounds? ›

The Army Research Laboratory and other participants developed the M855A1, Enhanced Performance Round (EPR), by applying ballistics concepts originally used in large-caliber cartridges to small arms. The result was significant improvements to lethality of small arms.

What is an ELD bullet? ›

ELD® Match (Extremely Low Drag Match) bullets are technologically advanced, enhanced accuracy target bullets featuring Heat Shield® tips with the PERFECT MEPLAT (tip point) combined with numerous design features that deliver the highest-in-class ballistic coefficients, superior accuracy and extreme consistency from ...

What goes on an EPR? ›

EPRs are normally written by the member's supervisor with additional input provided by their supervisor's supervisor. Although the bulk of the evaluation is focused on their duty (job) performance, enlisted members are also evaluated on their off-duty performance in areas such as volunteerism and continuing education.

What are the 4 P's of facility management? ›

The 4 pillars of facility management are people, processes, building, and technology. If you wish to stay competitive with growing customer and employee expectations, understanding these focus points of a facility manager is essential.

What are the 4 pillars of facility management? ›

To truly understand what a facility manager does today, what they're responsible for, and what effect they have on a company, it's best to break down their scope of work. That means taking a closer look at the four main pillars of facilities management: People, processes, buildings, and technology.

What is the 3 key concept of facility management? ›

This definition emphasizes the importance of integrating people, place, and process—the three key components of facilities management. By bringing these three elements together, facilities managers can create a work environment that is conducive to increased productivity and improved quality of life for employees.

What are the three main compositions of bullets? ›

The basic components of ammunition are the case, primer, powder, and projectile(s).


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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