ESPRESO : June 23, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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a member of the international community, these borders, all its rights, its sovereignty, have been recognized by russia itself many times, for decades. ukraine is a newly created state on the ruins of a vanished state, but not some state that once separated from someone. ukraine was not separated from anyone, it was created in exactly the same way as russia. even the russians celebrate their creation, there is a declaration of sovereignty, accordingly the collapse of the soviet union, when in december he rested in god since 1991, why should ukraine in in this sense, to look for some historical reasons, explanations, to prove to moscow, to agree with them in order to reconsider the borders, reconsider the sovereignty of the country. it is also a newly created country, like russia and ukraine, two new countries that already have a history, so it can be buried there. moscow insists on exactly this. here we are, as the soviet union, ukraine is our country. why is it yours, why did you decide? they declare

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their status as ... the soviet union, but this is not a question of state borders, sovereignty and everything else. the debts of the ussr, they can imitate, but no more than that, and the right of succession in the case of the complete collapse of the ussr on its territory, there is no such right, it does not exist, it is impossible, because there was simply no such country as russia, it did not exist. therefore, from this point of view , both the swiss forum and other similar ones. initiatives will have to decide: do you retreat from international law or try to bring moscow back into this field. thank you very much, mark, for this extremely meaningful conversation, i would like to remind our viewers that i was currently working on the air of aspress mark fegin, a member of the russian opposition in exile, a former member of the state duma, and a well-known video blogger. thank you, all the best, goodbye. well, the time of our program has run out, leave it. with the espresso tv channel,

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my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important thing two hours to learn about the war, about the military. serhiy zgurets, the front-line unit, and what is the world like? yuriy fizar is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morshchevka field with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news, alena chykhchenina, our art viewer, is ready to tell, good evening. leading that to many people, they have become similar. already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as about... events of the day in two hours,

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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso.

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ready, a shot, it looks like a volleyball, we throw it there, they throw it here, the second mine is ready, we eat mines, they shoot us from a self-propelled gun, a shot on the territory of muscovy, well, they hit us, we try to thank, the enemy every day . asks to feel where our positions are every day, a shot, well, we are waiting for it, and the guys meet it, not with clearing, the enemy is trying to put pressure on our positions, using, unfortunately for us, traditional tactics, bulldozer

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tactics, as they are sometimes called, but the offensive is already underway, everything is in reverse, we are leaving. russian troops are slowly but gradually advancing in the donbas, this is the reality of the donbas, this time we will talk about the situation in the east of ukraine, whether the russian attack on the kharkiv region affected the ukrainian defense there, what is happening on the border with russia near sumy, and what are the priority directions of attack for russia at the front. everything is over, let's go through thick green thickets, a path leads to a mortar buried in a capon, they don't

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have time to unmask it, for a few minutes everyone freezes in cover, a drone is in the sky, it's ukrainian... the border in the sumy region, you often have something flying, constantly, a lot of drones, when there are shellings, then there are a lot of drones, very, very, very many, they fly, adjust for their own, they also do reconnaissance, somewhere like us today , he was also flying, he didn’t notice us, they could have noticed, well we hide well that... we are not noticed and nothing came to us, yes , there are a lot of drones, officially this area near the russian-ukrainian border is not considered an active front line, but this does not mean that it is quiet here, in my opinion it looks like e-

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volleyball, we throw it there, they throw it here, we eat mines, they shoot us with sau shots in their main mass, and so we ask ourselves to win these duels, well, what is the result, well, while we are alive, i think this is a normal indicator of what the ball is like on our side of the field , the enemy asks every day to probe where our positions are every day. was not this, i think, every day, when the enemy did not ask to sneak in somewhere, well, well, well, we are waiting for him, and the guys meet him, not with a brush, but with cartridges and a machine gun,

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before the same attempts to pass sabotage groups were really met exclusively with machine guns, the ground defense did not have larger calibers, but last year the charitable fund poverniy... handed over almost 200-120mm mortars to the 31st brigade of anti-terrorist operations. there are only a few hundred shots in this calculation so far. the second mine is ready.

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on the territory of muscovy, well, they are hitting on to us, this is how we try to thank, roughly speaking, also on the border, but in another settlement we... worked on the equipment that built fortification structures, and we managed to put it out of order, roughly speaking, the entire border is covered with such calculations'. like us and the entire border is overlapped with 120 mm caliber, the kind we worked with today, many say so, it is because they see the strengthening of russian forces on the other side of the border opposite sumy, so i think it is possible that there will be a shot, but i think the likely strategic one russia's goal is to force ukraine to redeploy forces from the east to the north in order to ensure the possibility of an offensive. in the east from a military point of view, this is the most rational strategic goal, but the military makes adjustments as

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it goes. if this russian invasion of vovchanskyi north of kharkov had been a tangible success, if the russians had advanced 10-20-30 km and had a significant breakthrough, they would probably have reinforced and used this breakthrough. since the successes were limited, i think that the goal, as it was from the beginning, to force ukraine to transfer forces from some places and relax. their positions in others. russian forces carried out a diversionary maneuver and a strike in a new direction in the north of the kharkiv region a little more than a month ago, after weeks of heavy fighting, which continues and until now, the initial areas of clashes have not actually changed. most assumed that recent successes were achieved in the east near bakhmut last spring and in avdiivka. and i think a lot of people expected that the russians would continue to try to advance there and build on those

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gains, not launch a new offensive on midnight, but part of any effective military operation or military strategy is to do what the enemy doesn't expect you to do, so in this case it makes sense that the russians would do something unexpected in an attempt to catch ukraine off guard, or take it out out of balance, but it does not seem that it succeeded, which significantly caused... serious damage to ukraine's defense capabilities. the main battles, like many months before, are now unfolding in donbas. the targets of russian attacks have not changed for a long time. this is the direction temporary yaro of kostyantynivka and the direction of pokrovsk to the north-west from the occupied avdiyivka. they are equally important for the occupying forces, says military analyst serhiy grabskyi. the fact that the enemy is in the pokrovsky direction, he seems to be pursuing two goals. achieving his results, the first is, in the case of a positive

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operational situation for him, to continue the advance to pokrovsk and further to pavlograd, in the case of, well, let's say, a secondary positive situation, to turn his efforts in attempts to cut the communication, the pokrovsk road kostyantynivka with the aim of creating prerequisites for the further exit to the kostyantynka district, the surroundings of our groups. which defends the turetska district, and how do they think, after the capture of this district, to concentrate their efforts against the slavyansk-kramator agglomeration, such are the plans of the enemy, everything else is a secondary and distracting blow. 93 ombr is one of the divisions that holds positions to the southeast of chasovoy yar, this small town located on the heights, like the surrounding areas, for months remains one of the main... targets of russian assaults that do not stop.

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dozens of fpvidrons on the shelves of a small dugout are one of the confirmations of the tense situation in the bakhmut direction. vladyslav hasn't slept yet today, he says, with the appearance of night uavs, there is absolutely no time left for rest. when we see the advancing enemy forces, combat vehicles, there are tanks or infantry. it's simple, it's for us, he's starting a disco, he's going down now, well, he took off, scowled there in the morning, in an hour of those cars, and then for the whole day you're charged with energy , you don't even want to sleep, well, you come here for they fly by for a few weeks, well, just at the moment, because there is work all the time, i can't talk about the infantry, because it's really , really difficult for them there, because everything that is not created for that, will be created in order to destroy them , and all the emphasis is on them now. early in the morning

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, the calculation prepares the drone for departure, the neighboring unit asked for help, russian tanks are coming at them, later some of the equipment will be destroyed, but temporarily the flights have to be postponed, it starts to rain for the first time in several weeks, the tank is barely moving, stops in ivanovsk, we work on everything, now god willing and our volunteers, we can... not deny ourselves to spend a drone on one serviceman, spend several drones on a shelter or on a car, on dear loaves, cheers, hearing armored heavy equipment there was an assault with the participation of two units the bmp with the landing force and our guys from the infantry did a very good job, destroying one unit of the bmp, we were flying at it, but i already saw it, and a rocket just flew under me, i just

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managed to broadcast the rocket, then i saw an explosion and and bmp exploded, and all that was left for me was to drive the entire landing party that ran out of it across the field, and it all ended with the fact that not a single enemy infantryman got to our positions. vladyslav says that his signum unit was the first to use a half-canister of ammunition, then the drone hit the target after flying just over 2 km. i flew into them, yes, yes, i went there, i stupidly flew down, now they are like that. on the front, tanks are indispensable, sheds, there bmws are burned with nets, bars, there are simply booths leaving, and yet, well, even for us, on the one hand, it’s even nice for us, because this is the result of our work, this is what they come up with over there, they pour all that crap on those tanks, they put a bunch of guys, the most, probably, it is cargo, trucks, beka, their transport, all logistics, there

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it is already measured in hundreds of units , we've got. there are only 50 units on the account, but there are probably already 50 units of the loaf, but the whor* does not end, the loafers are just vanlau, they only transport personnel, such ammunition and everything else, and you can never know what is sitting in it and what is in it is located. attempts to push the positions of the 93rd brigade are underway constantly, they say in the headquarters, and the appearance of a new active section of the front in the kharkiv region did not change the situation, normal equipment was filled, they can say. we ask the navigators, and every time one or two pieces of equipment are destroyed there, well, just like there are motorcycles, buggies, and heavy vehicles, there are bmps, armored personnel carriers, and those that last, there are those that quickly return, when we talk about offensive actions of the russian troops, then i would single out

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the spring-summer campaign, which is already underway, having a certain potential, today the enemy is trying to... put pressure on our positions, using, unfortunately for us, already traditional tactics, bulldozer tactics, as they are sometimes called, but the offensive is already underway, and it is absolutely clear, to talk about the fact that we can expect some more momentum, well, for today it is a little early , but again, we are talking about today, it is quite difficult to say what the enemy will be capable of, given his operational and strategic initiative in resources. and quick preparation and a mine, it is usual for the military to fly off the target, a mine, both mortarmen say, the passion to fight is not going anywhere disappeared, but how can he disappear, this is our house, until the fall, the house is generally occupied, as the fire can strike, of course it gets tired, but still, this is our house, i was on vacation,

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i have one policeman there, a policeman, a policeman asked... a question, why don't you sign off, you can have injuries here and there, i looked at it, laughed, and sitting like him at home, afraid to feed, but no, i'll work better here, mine, after of each adjustment shot, so there are pauses waiting for the order, and this chain takes a lot of time, well, we can't work any shorter, until the order comes , they can already work somewhere, change their minds. of course, but they are all important, it is also important to choose the same mortar from this side, oleksandr is covered in tattoos, he says, he did the first one just in the army, a machine gun on his hand, a year

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before the full-scale invasion, before the service, as he himself says, he had a wind in his head, and now he had to change, just quit... well, it was a long time ago, before the war, well, it just didn’t fuse well, i wasn’t in the hospital, so she i have an overgrown foot, we read books, well, not all of them of course, well, i ask to read like that. it's useful, well, time just goes by, life goes on anyway, you have to live, so i somehow decided that i'll spend my free time here when i have it, somehow, so that he doesn't just ask for it. you see , i will somehow use a mine, despite the fact that it is already

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more than the second year of a full-scale war, mortars are still working with soviet mortars, they are still present and allow to work on targets, out of three mines fired, at least one hit the target, ammunition for a soviet mortar was killed.

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for them to lie there, oleksandr's hometown , melitopol, is occupied by russia, for the former marine himself, a full-scale war began as a prisoner, he met the invasion at home, and then the marines started coming from mariupol, and this one, and they were looking for those... received obd, atoshnikov, in short , so to speak, that’s all, they rustled, rustled, the raid that had already arrived, surrounded the house, and that’s all, and what was there to do, opened the door, and that’s it, separated, saw the tattoos, they said that i was theirs and was needed, well, everything was taken away, and she already went there an uninteresting story, but oleksandr was lucky, he was in captivity for a short time, the petition was signed, which is shorter, if i am captured again. either 15 or life, we wrote questionnaires for the red cross, their lieutenant came and said raise your hands, who wants to be released, well, like

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from captivity, everything is for exchange, well, everyone raised, he said officers lowered, officers lowered, ensigns too, there are five of us left man and that's all, he told the five, everything served us and after 3 days we were accused after the second one it will never happen, the first one turned out to be stupid, the second one will not happen again, week after week in different directions. forces gradually advance, as a rule, capture small villages, separate forest strips or positions, and such a minor movement in recent months is constantly present, its consequences are most noticeable in the pokrov direction. it must be understood that the dynamics of hostilities may change, depending on what efforts the enemy can make to continue to develop success in this direction. and here, unfortunately, again, returning to philosophy, quantitative indicators. which can affect qualitative indicators, because surpassing us in all indicators, in all indicators, can create a situation in which we simply

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will not be physically able to hold positions, so far such a situation has not been observed, but i say again, this situation, about which we say, precisely on the evening of june 10, depending on what resources, what combat potential will be used. not the enemy, with which resources and combat potential we will operate, we, the situation may change. ukraine has a problem with personnel composition and manpower, the inability to generate as much as russia has. of course, ukraine should not do this, it defends itself, the attacking side needs it more. a kind of military rule of three to one. thus, ukraine is not obliged to respond to the russian side, but now it is not even close. on this to contrast the human resource. i think that in the future ukraine will have to work harder on ways to increase the number of personnel. ukraine has already

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started receiving at least part of the aid from the us, but also the provision of ammunition in different directions is very different, and the shortage is still felt. the mobilization process in ukraine has intensified, but there has been a lack of people for a long time, and this situation has not changed yet. therefore, russian... pressure on the ukrainian defense in attempts to take advantage of the window of opportunity will continue. it was donbas realii, my name is roman pagulych. see you soon! today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. a just peace will prevail. president zelenskyi's team is preparing to hold the second peace summit in a few months, to whom can russia be included, will an alternative chinese peace conference not interfere with ukraine's plans? development of the axis of evil. defense

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in... due to the threat of the development of the north korean nuclear program, does this encourage the americans to recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism? corruption of ukraine as a stereotype. tensions are increasing between kyiv and washington over the fight against corruption. what could be the consequences of western claims against zelenskyi and his team. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, congratulations everyone and i wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk about the results of the global peace summit, which ended last week in switzerland, and about the drafts of the future

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summit. peace, which should take place at the end of this year, putin's trip to north korea and vietnam and the creation of a new axis of evil, which will include russia, north korea, iran, syria and belarus. we will talk about all this in the next two hours. however, before that, to start our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how our defense forces hit tonight. on russian infrastructure and hit airfields and oil refineries in the krasnoyarsk territory, in particular , more than 10 explosions went off in the area of ​​the village of afipskyi in the krasnodar territory, the network also reported about a drone attack in yeisk, in yeisk, where the military airfield of the russian federation is located. let's see what were the consequences of these strikes? the boys are flying somewhere

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here, well, in general, it's on fire. fields, straight horror, the smoke is standing, the smoke is already passing through us, something exploded over there, glory to the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please join our pages and

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take. participation in our survey, today we are asking you about whether russia should be invited to the second peace summit, yes , no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your separate opinion, which goes beyond these two unequivocal answers, please write in the comments under the video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you think that russia should be invited to the second peace summit, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 380. two. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce our first guest today, he is the captain of the armed forces of ukraine, a ukrainian politician and statesman, former prosecutor general of ukraine and former minister of internal affairs yuriy lutsenko. yury vitalivych. good evening. i congratulate you. well, let's start with the results of the global peace summit. the global peace summit concluded last sunday. much has already been said, many

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conclusions have already been drawn. and they have already started talking about the second peace summit, what ukraine gained and what it lost by holding the peace summit, perhaps this, about the losses, has been said too much, but what did ukraine not gain and what could it gain at this summit? when you and i and many other journalists spoke before the summit, everyone they wondered what his meaning was, i said at the time that... it was just the head of the president's office. yaermak decided to occupy his boss with something he liked, a large gathering of people, loud applause, a place for pathetic speeches, but i wasn't quite there right, because - well, on the one hand, i relied on simple things, last year the un general assembly.

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ESPRESO : June 23, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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