7T rr Mlh VOLUME 1G NUMBER 17 ELK CITY, KANSAS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1918 $1.50 A YEAR Elk City Boy Killed in France. Oil And Gas News. After the completion of the Go To Church Sundays Cranberries for Thanksgiving at Dowthitt's. Local Happening. Sweet Piekles ill at Clark's.
p0n Sale Good second hand Buggy a i uoin r.w,i nv vv Fresh Chocolates in boxes and bulk at Rexall Drug Store. Sweet, Sour and Dill Pickles in iuhc at the Meat Market: Musscn wns down from cmi i.ntwtt iine City Ray Rose was in Independence Sunday. Regular Meals and Short Orders at the Home Bikcry. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup at the Rexall Drug Store. Miss Iola Hamilton was an Independence visitor Monday.
Don't forget that the SUN wants to print your sale bills. F. L. Robot? was in Kansas the first of the week on business. Fok Combination book (vise and writing desk.
Mrs. C. R. Long. A nice aswu'tmcnt of the famous Ilcinz's cannec.
goods at Ben Clark's. Ford Touring for Sale. Will Demonst rate Tiiggart Hardistcr; A beautiful -line of Boxed Stationery) some in Xnnn boxes, at Rexall Drug Store. Mrs. B.
II. Clark and little niece, Gertie Paul were shopping Cecal happenings. Buy your Broad at the Home Bakery, Overalls and Jumpers at S. P. Dowthitt'n.
Only a little over three weeks until Christmas. Buy War Savings Stamps and help win the war. Any kind of Insurance at Citizens State Bank. Eastman Kodaks and Supplies at the Rexall Drug Store. Merrill Blank visited friends in Independence yesterday.
Fresh Fruits and Fancy Cookies in bulk at the Meat Market. For Sale B. P. R. Roosters $1.50 each.
Mrs. Samuel Dry-bread. 14tf All sizes Casings and Tubes, in several makes at Barnes' Garage. SALE Ford Roadster, well equipped, good as new. T.
M. Boston. We would rather sea your face coming in than your back going out. Rexall Drug Store. F.
A. Stinson and family visited friends in Independence from Saturday until. Monday. Get the Habit. Loan your money to the Government.
Buy Baby Bonds. No taxes; no risk. J. H. Meyer, local Maxwell agent, unloaded a car load of six Maxwell touring cars this week.
Harvey Hutchcns and wife re, ceived Sunday from the V. S. Adjutant General the sad news that their son Lawrence, has been killed in action on the firing line in France, on October 25th. The news coming nearly two weeks after the signing of the armistice was a severe shock to the parents. Lawrence was drafted last Spring and after spending Severn! months at ('amp KuihIoii, was sent to France.
He readied the. battle front in time to participate in the desperate lighting of the closing week of the war and he made the supreme sacri-the Germans. Lawrence is the the cGrmanx. Lawrence is the first Elk City boy to fall in action and his death has cast a glouin over the entire community. He was a jolly, lkiable young man and answered the call to military se rvice with the intention of giving his country the best he had and he gave all.
The grief-stricken parents and Mhcr relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of all in the loss of their son and brother. He gave his life for others no man can make a greater sacrifice. Capt. S. K.
Berry Dies. Elk City People will regret to learn of, the death of Captain Stanton K. Berry, which occurred in France, Oct. 19th, from pneumonia while in the service of his country. Berry was an oil ganger here for the Prairie Pipe Line company for several months last year; leaving in August, 1917, io attend an officer's training camp at Camp Sheridan, 111.
He spent three months there and won a Captain's commission standing fonitli in a list of about 4,000 candidates. He was assigned to command of a company at Camp Custer, Battle fence visited here the latter part Creek, where he won of last week wif'i S. prizes for the best drilled com- W. Kelly and family. pany.
He was later appointed Take your Poultry, Eggs ami Personnel Officer of the niJps to (J Bol.erds, 1st. ami Regiment Infantry and sailed soutl) of Kjk Julv for England. About a week' after landing IhereMie went to LHo I'l-f 'T i France, Teaching there early in Mrs. A. C.
Cutsmger returned Mail or phone orders for drug" etc. sent to the country promptly by parcel 'post. Rexall Drup Storp. Lillian Antle, Misses Altha Riley, Anna Goodwin and Norma Sutton were Independence vis itors Saturday. FOR SALE Either a -team of Work Horses or Work; Mares, each team weighs abo'nt 3,000 lbs.
R. E. Casey, rt 3. v. 14tf Harry McDahiels and wife of Independence were visitiing from Friday until Sunday wi'i John Willison and famiy of roi ite 3.
C. and Chester Stey) ns were here from Independence1 yesterday to visit their mothelr, Mrs. Margaret Stevens and er son. Ed. Goodrich Hot Water are the Real Rubber kind- built for long wear we rcon lmend them above any other make The Nyal Drug Store.
The well known "True IBlue" brand of flour can be ai the Meat Market, W. Miller. W. L. Kelley, Kelly pbert and E.
R. Shatter at, Brown sville. Chester Van Cleave of Independence, a nephew of Mrs. J. H.
Rice of this city, died Oct. 16th of pneumonia (n France, lierc he was on Huty with the Army. Ira Cllrigan, who has been in training at Camp Funston some time past, visited here at three big gas wells in the Elk City field last week, there is a slight lull this week pending the completion of several wells now drilling. A. M.
Hough and the Apex) Drilling Co. are nearing the big gas sand in their No. 1 on the House land in im-ji-ij ana ex- pect to drill in the latter part of this week. This well is tance east and north of the prov en gas field and it is an important location. About a quarter of a mile north east of the House Sachem Oil Co.
is also drilling at a depth which would indicate that "the well would'reachthebiggas sand the last of the week. This well is the farthest northeast of any wells now drilling and of course is the most important in a way. Hough, Tolin Strickler are drilling their No. 3 Hett in 27-31-13; the location being in the northeast corner of that section and practically an "inside" well. Elk Valley Syndicate, Hough, Tolin Strickler, have been having trouble with a crooked hole in their Baum No.
2 in 23-31-13 and will probably not drill in until some time next week. The Elk Valley Syndicate is rigging up for their No. 3 on King in 23-31-13. The Union Oil Co. is rigging up for their No.
2 on the Lewis lease in 26-31-13; the location being an offset to the 25,000,000 foot gas well drilled in last week by the Viola Oil Gas Co. or. the Whelchel land in that section. Dabney, Morton, Defendaugh, et are rigging up for their No. 1 on the J.
D. Grey in 2G-31- 13; the location being an oil set to the north of Viola Oil Gas No. 1 Whelchel. Dabney Morton are still drilling on their No. 6-.
Wool d- ridge in 31-1 3-14. This well will be a deep test and is Important as to location. Elk City's first supply of gas came from a few shallow wells on this tract, which is a little over a mile northwest of Elk City. The R. II.
Oil Gas drilling Hoover No. 1 in 1G-32-13. has a dry hole at 1,470 feet. et al are drilling at about 1,000 feet in their Davis No. 1 in 10-33-13.
HOW TO LIVE. Be a Loyal American. Be 100 healthy. Be a 100 American. Keep your appendix, tonsils and other useless organs with which your Maker ha3 needlessly burdened you.
Use common sense; it very uncommon. Forget yesterday and tomorrow trust God for today. Keep a cool head and warm feet. Bathe frequently outside and frequently inside. Drink! l)rink! Drink! Live with Chiropractic as a i social outcast or die in style with fheciicine.
Aiiiust the Cause; then make not here is one saved every minute so co-operate with the Chi-ropra Vtor. died on 'the cross because prejudice. Should you din th ame way? Avoid to jush by avoiding the cemerprv lot is expensive, rt utu 'nu live if done vlnlf 1.1-4 rvTir. T. tO (lie 11 don wrong.
tn 'ill trainer; rlrirvt mnt-o nor? wontinr Day a "gathering together" 11 t.hp 'ee: your minist ir witi explain tha1 you died the; nature 1 death of old age, like thf last flicker of a well spent candie. Dr. Lena Caslei-on. Chiropractor, Office and Adjustery, Elk Hotel, Tuesidav3 and Fridays. A special crtmraurA cation of Carson Lodge.
No. 132 A. F. A. M.
will hp. 1p1 on Tuesday night, Dec. 3, for i'iiQ purpose of confer ring the first :ie.areo on one candidate. Aj'l mr nnbers r.nd so journ ers are rger I to be present R.H.VHiir.WM. Ci'iinljorries BJje lo.
at t.l 10 Meat Market. See Chas. Hall for saw filing and other odd jobs. Ladies' Leather at the Nyal Drug Store. Fine line ot coukies i racket's in l)ull Do'Atlatt's.
Fresh stock jut re-ceivd ul Rexal Drug Store. KttiC SaI.K.- bouse. In-(iiire of irst National Bank. m)u Sai.k Two Bound Oak Heiit.iiig Stoves. Dane Paler.
Mc( 'old's Whole Wheal' Flour at Clark Bros, aid at the Custom Mill. II. RoWerils pays the Highest Cash Prices for Eggs, Foi.l-ty and Hides. Flashlights, Universal and Thermos Vacuum P.ott'k-s, at tin Rexall Drug Store. J.
M. Cox and Lloyd McCanl were doing business in the county seat on Monday. W. Bryant has a full line of casings and tubes ami meets competition us to prices, Miss Anna visited in Independence Saturday and Sunday with Miss Minnie Wiight. Get the Habit.
Loan your money to the Government. Br.y Baby Bonds. No taxes; no risk. F. B.
Kelly raptured a huge coyote south of town la si 1 Inn- -day with the aid of hi-; pack of hounds. Pound. lars of Prince Albert To'oacco, a line Xmas pre-ent, for soldiers in camp, al the Bex-all Drug Slot Miss Edna Kelly of lndepend ul" 1 after three weeks' visit here with her son, Art Cutsinger and family. Miss Helen Livingston, who is teaching school at Sycamore, visited here from Friday until Sunday with John Willison and family of route Mrs. Jean Stadler and two children came up from Independ once Wednesday to visit or Thanksgiving with her parent Isaac James and wile ol louio i.
All members of A. (). P. W. Lodge No.
40r aie to P'wf 111 Dec '1 nccnoti o.f aimna i Mrs. If. If. done-', usilnd in Independence Saturday with her husband; who wns in a hospital there. Rev.
Jones was able to re- turn home Tuesday but he is still very weak. The Thanksgiving services held at 10:00 o'clock yesterday morning in the Christian church were fairly well attended in spite of the disagreeable weather. Ihe program included several musical numbers and a short talk by A. P. Sherman.
O. T. Hayward now has his i -j iri i own eieciru- im. iai home, having recentiv lnsume.i m. He ha, i i is lights in each room in Ins resi dence, on his porches and in his garage with attachments for electric iron and fans.
The outfit has sixteen storage cells with a capacity of 1,000 hours for one FOR TRADE 100 acres of. nice Colorado land for Elk City I property also 120 acres in alMcAlester county, Okla. and c() Ho acres fruit land in Arkansas to trade for farming or graz.mg land near Elk City. "Can't be botheied" with any oil land. Also 40 acres in Wayne countv, 20 acres good valley bind, plenty of fruit for family use, two everlasting springs of water.
wing to nartv leaving country, will exchange for automobile and take difference. If you have anything you care to trade, describe vour nronertv fully in first letter and address to care Sun office. Fort Sale Pure bred Barred Rock co*ckerels. Mrs. II.
Gillespie. 15 2t Mrs. Lydia Bretches went to Dewey, Saturday to visit a daughter. Buy Wear-U-Well Shoes and save 50c to $2 on each pair. P.
Dowhitt. McCord's New Corn Meal for sale at Clark Bros. and. at the Custom Mill. J.
B-Lillibridge went to Mound Valley Wednesday to visit his sister, Mrs. White. 5 Get the Habit. Loan your money to the Government. Buy Baby Bonds.
No taxes: no risk. J. B. Slocum "ate turkey" in Independence yesterday with his parents, A. R.
Slocum and wife. Rat Corn is Su re Death to Rats and Mice. Wo sed and guarantee it at the Rexall Drug Store. FOR SALE Two good heifer calves, coining yearlings. From extra good milkers.
A. P. Sherman. R. II.
Musson came down from Moline Wednesday night to spend Thanksgiving day with home folks in this city in mis cuy. Toilet Sets, Traveling Sets and Manicure Sets in roll and folding leather and khaki cases fine foi gifts. The Nyal Drug Store. FOR SALE The last new Ford delivered in Independence, in perfect condition'. II.
B. Miller, Sycamore, Kan. 15-91 Mrs. E. II.
Cook returned Sun- nnn i elinvf vlcnf Vini'n wifh 1 1 1 v. i i. iijiwi yi-iii iiviv nil her father, D. Kimbrough aid wife. Russell Flack and wife of Mc-Pherson motored here Tuesday to visit over Thanksgiving itli the latter's mother, Mrs.
Sarah Marshall and family. Miss Anna Hedges, who teaching in the schools at Augusta, came in yesterday to visit until Sunday with her parents, J. N. Hedges and wife of route 4. FOR SALE 3 young Hob stein cows, fall yearling heif ers, lioistein yearling biuianc 1 Holstcin Eull calf; all high grade milk stock.
Seo L. B. Davis. Alfred McClintick returned last Thursday to his home in Bartlesville, after visiting for several weeks at Lafontame with his parents, J. A.
McClin- tick and wife. Mrs. J. H. Rice visited in In dependence Saturday and Sun day at the home of her sister, Mrs.
D. M. VanCleave. Mr. Kicc went to Independence Sunday and accompanied his wife home.
II. L. Boylan, Mrs. I. Wi Scott; Mrs.
Thos. Elliott and Misses Maggie and Mattie Wolf, Maude Madge ano Verna Brown were Independ- ence last Friday on various mis- sions. E. Lugeanbeal, Special Representative of the Kansas City Life with headquarters in Elk City has written in the past If: months in' this and surrounding territory, a volume of business-amounting to something like million dollars. From time to time the Sun is called upon to recount lisli sto ries," some of them "fishy" and some otherwise; We can n'-this one however.
"Buddy" and "Nimble" Robertson tockrf boat ride up lvk viver last Sunday ana returned nome with a string oi about loo crap pies; just about the linect string of fish have seen in recent years. Sunday was not such a fine day for fishing either, but the boys had their horseshoes along and the "right kind" ot bait also. Ye editor acknowl edges the receipt of a fine mess of said fish, in Independence Ties. lay. Plenty if Money Loan of real estate, cliatlcl er personul ei'curity.
First NalioiiMl Bank. C. L. Cox, vice prosi lent of the Home National bank -at Longton was doing business Monday. Foremost Flour can be bought at S.
P. Dowthitt's and the Rea-Patterson elevator at the same old price. Chas. Kimrey and family. returned Saturday to th: ir home in Independence after a visit with relatives on route G.
Rice has the best st 'k of room size Rugs he lifts ever Also mis a gooa general nn oi urni- ture, at low war price i i i' Mrs. Koy Andersi i was up from Independence eral days this week visiting wii'i her parents, A. J. Logsdon ar 1 wife. 'Mis.
F. L. Robert! and little daughter Dorothy reti V'ned home last Thursday from a visit often days with relatives in Joseph, Mo. A. T.
Cox came up from Independence yesterday jrning and took his mother, Mrs. W.H. Cox to that city to spend Thanksgiv ing his home. Miss Pauline Fale came up fiom Wednesday to visit over Thanksf iving with her grandmother, Mrs. N.
A. Main and daughter Miss Ethyl. David Cox and wife were called to Eureka Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr. Cox's raster, Mrs. Marguerite Edwards, who died November 21 in a K.msas City hospital.
H. C. Robertson, and little son, Lyman of Fredonia visited here Thursday with his mother, Mrs. D. ,1.
Robertson and his brother, 11. M. Robertson and family. Otis Degarimore, one of the Elk City boys who lias been in training at Camp Ktmston for a few months past, was here from Sunday until Tuesday on a short furlough visiting his parents, Chas. Degarimore and wife of route 4.
Diybread of Ft. Sumner, N. came in Wednesday night to join his wife on a visit to their narents in this vicinity. Lou re- potts plenty of moisture in his of thjs fall al th( wo years. the A.
M. Crabtree received word Wednesday that his wife sustain ed a broken arm and. a broken leg that day at Olathe, where she had been taking treatment for several months. Mr. Crabtree left on the first train for Olathe Mrs.
Crabtree's many friends here sympathize with her in her misfortune and hope for her early recovery. Chas. Ayres, wife and daugh ter of Neodesha, John Vick eis, wife and daughter and Mrs. Elizabeth Gastineau of Muskogee, and F. N.
Bobbitt and two children of Hewins visited Friday and Satur day with J. W. Brown and fami ly of this city. Mrnes. Ayres Vickers and Bobbitt are sisters of Mrs.
Brown and Mrs. Ghs tiniau ia the latter's mother lr. Brown, his wife and young est daughter Miss Velmaaecom panicd their visitors to Neodesha Saturday for a short visit at the Ayres home. urday morning with his grand-. August.
The news of Captain Berrv's death first reached here in a letter received by J. B. Slo- cum, rrom tne lormers jainer, ohn K. Berry ot Boston, the deceased is survived by his par ents and three brothers, who lave the sincere sympathy of our citizens. RED CItOSS NOTES.
The time limit, lor shipping! Christmas packages to soldiers in France has been ex. ended to November 30. Relatives wlfn tave not received (coupons from their soldier boys, -which enti i les to an official carton, may se- cure one by applying to tr. ioylati, who has the necessary certilteates. r'lease rememoei these changes.
U. B. Church Notes. The regular order of services will be resumed, beginning next Sunday- The lid is now off. Be in your place Sunday morn iug for Sunday School 10:00 a.
preaching 11 a. ra. and, 7:30 p. All mprnhp'rw n.vft pxnpeted tobes present and the public is extend- ed an invitation to be with us ii A it TT TT 1 av T-- i ca tnr Sunday. II.
II. Pastor. Notice Please give your prompt at tention to all past due accounts and notes. We need the money, A. R.
Quigg Son. T. Kimbroue-h. who recently farm nf piffhtv aerpfl half mile east of town, has bought the S. Caudell farm of 114 acres northeast of town.
Our Fall stock of Jewelry just received everything new no thing ever shown before. Drop in and look it over. The Nyal Drug Store. C. M.
Davis motored here from Augusta, the first of the week on business and to visit his parents, J. P. T. Davis and wife. 5 I parents, George Owen and wile of route 2.
A light rain began falling he re Wednesday morning and con tinued almost incessantly or about twelve hours after which it turned to snow about an in ch of snowcovering the ground by daylight yesterday. O. H. -West, wife and li title daughter and his mother, Mis. S.
N. -West of Cleveland, motored here Sunday to -visit several days with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Herb Hare; and family. Othal is in the oil business and is prospering. Dr.
Wilbur J. Gier and wife are here this week visiting with the latter's parents, I. L. Graves and Dr. Gier has been medicine at Bucklin, for some time but has decided to locate in Independence and will open an office there at once.
Capt. Geo. H. Wark of Caney, who is State Senator, from this county, has been cited for bravery in action in France. Wark commands the 129th Machine Gun Battalion and on Sept.
26 led his troops into action near. Cheppy, France, in such a gallant manner that he won the praise of his division Captain Wark is strictly a Montgomery county product and his friends are pleased to know cf the honoi which he has won..