i VOLUME 15 NUMBER SO ELK CITY, KANSAS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1918 $1. A A YEAR The Liberty Day Celebration. Only two more weeks of school. See the Hoosier Kitchen Cab- Cecal fiappcnlngi. Fishing Tuekk at tlw lxall Another shipment of Rugs at Rice's.
Have you bought that Liberty Loan Bond yet? Sweet, Sour and Dill Pickles, Oil And as News. The Brenner Oil Co. ha a good producer in their No. 7 on Welch Knapp in 19-32-13, Klk City and vicinity is pretty i toct, at Rice's, ise to patriotic, judging i ood looking hats from up close Drug irom 16 oz. can in bulk, at the Meat Market, Halo pool.
Locution has been tion the Liberty Day celebra- it-re last Friday afternoon. houses were all closed 12c at W. L. Kelly her Swift's Premium Hams, at Business made for No. 8, which will he drilled at once.
The Navajo Oil Gas Co. are Special Price. S. P. Dowthitt.
Mrs. W. C. Bryant, Notary Public, in office of W. C.
Bryant. reported to be still drilling on A new shipment of Jontecl toil-j their No. 2 Weaver in 13-32-12. from 1:00 to 5:00 p. m.
and Regular Meals aud Short Or-everybody who could possibly do ders at the Home Bakery, so, gave up their usual duties picture show Saturday night and joined the crowd. I at the Airdome, 5c and 15c. At 2:30 P- in. a parade was Libby's Red BcanSf lOc.per formed near the Santa re depot nnnt OKn TT rinp1. and proceeded to the south part ca 3 can? for 2oC' B' of town and thence circled back Some nice new numbers in to the school house where the Rockers and Dining Chairs, at Eocal fiappeniiw.
Picture show Saturday night. No. 10 can Plums 55e, W. L. Kelly.
Get your victory broad at the Home Bakery. A fresh supply of Bulk Cookies at Ben Clark's. Any kind ot Insurance at Citizens State Bank. Eastman Kodaks and Supplies at the Rexall Drug Store. Fresh Fruits and Fancy Cookies in bulk at the Meat Market.
H. C. Hanifan made a trip to Caney and Bartlesville Sunday. Dowthitt sells the wcil known Foremost brand of Flour. All sizes Casings and Tubes, in several makes at Barnes' On -Mcrp et goods at the Rexall Drug Store.
P. W. Mott and Dillon Herit lie bachem Oil Co. has gas wells of one and two million feet capacity, respectively, in their J. L.
Zinn was a Sunday visitor in Independence. Ben Clark has Bulk Coffee at 18c per lb; 2 lbs for 35c. Flashlights and Thermos Bottles at th' Rexall Drug Store. Paris Green" aud Arsenate of Lead for sprucing at The Ny.il Drug Store. V.
A. Stinson and family left to visit friends near Moline until Sunday. Sour Pickles, Sweet and Swt-et Mixed Pickles and Sweet Relish in bulk at Ben Clark's. Pleuty of Money to Loan on real estate, chattel or personal 'curity. First National Bank.
age were Independence visitors Seybold No. 5 and Ferguson No on Sunday. 2 A nipp sssnrtmpnt. of ibe fa- JNo. Uoty ot Connelly liow- nvnirmm nmi sneak me were iuce Thn narndfi consisted of B.
P. R. Eggs for setting, 15 mous HeWs canned poods at ser in 11-31-12. is reported to held ever sixty automobiles, aecorat- jui pi aw mi s. uiarks.
iiiuvi'asnuvvaigui uum an H. L. Boylan motored to In-(law sand. ed with ilags, service flags and uryDreaa. Red Cross badges.
"Uncle Sam" Buy Wear-U-Well Shoes and dependence vestcrdav on Red taster JNo. 5 ol the uaiiruad- Cross business. ira Oil Gas Co. in 2G-31-12 is Barred Rock Eggs, choice mat-' icpci ted as a good well but their ing, $1 for $15; $5 for 100. C.
C. Jones No. 2 in 25-31-12 is Mr W.TT.fiillPsrnV 37tf. rcporieti ciry at bW ieet. tie market Kaferita Meal, made from the Dexter Foster are still shut pure Kafir and Feterita at W.
L. down at 4C0 feet in their Gurd- ml i We are to vour Poultry P. Dow hi t. Colorite colois and "Columbia" headed the pro-: save 50c to on eacn pair. a.
cession. The cars were follow-! P. Dowhitt. cd by the Lafontaine band, rep- Samuel Orr of Havana motor-resentatives of the lodges and ed here 'Monday to visit the school child! en each of whom Brown and family, cairrd flag. Miss Nora Belt left yesterday Assembled at school ground to visit friends in Independence wore perhaps' 2,000 people, who and Sedan until Sunday, l'stcned attentively to a program Spray your trees with Arse-of band and vocal music and of Lead or Lime Sulpahte.
patriotic speeches by Rev. T. E. by Rexall Drug Store. Chandler and Attorney T.
H.J The interior of the R. F. Clark Stanford of Geo. store is being improved by the Kelly's. Also Corn B'lour.
FOR SALE Well matured White Seed Kafir, $2.25 per bu. nei in peiKunji the sale of the lease. The Bliss Oil Co. has drilled in their No. Dexter in 20-31-13 old and new at the st -aw hats 15 shades, A set of secondhand Work Harness for sale cheap.
See C. R. Long at the Elk City Feed Mill. Oscar Owen, who-is attending school at Emporia, visited at his home here Saturday and Sunday. FOR SALE Four thoroughbred bulls, three Shorthorns, and one Hereford, extra quality.
Ed Spaht. Ira Clingan came in Wednesday from Avant, to with relatives in this city and vicinity. W. C. Bryant is now better pre FOR SAIE-Alv farm of 80 011,1 lt is to bo 11 od IOR SALL My taim ol so sand acres 5-room house good Th 0i, 2 P.
Canatsey, route 1. thcir 2 Earl Pomeroy returned 34.SM3 No shows ov a day to his home Independence )d Rt 80 ffiet after several days visit with rel-; TJ Crosccnt 0il Refining Nyal Drug Store. Mrs. T. C.
Owen went to Independence Sunday for a visit with )hn Owen and wife. FOR SALE Secondhand set oi Work Harness. C. R. Long at Elk City Feed Mill.
Gillespie, who won a second lieu- application of a coat of paint. Entirely new change of hats tenant's commission in an offi for mid-summer wear on display. Prices right. Ethel Main. Rat Corn is Sure Death to Rats and Mice.
We sell and guaran I' tVi and the San Jose Oil Roy-Get a Gem Safety Razor at the at 2 ht Rexall Drug Store Also extra 13.31.13 Wednesday and it blades for Gem, Lnders and Gil- ha? a nice ghowin of ojh Tho pared than ever to care for Farm Loan business. Quick service and lerte itazors. now causing trouble casing is and has Mrs. Chas. Adamson visited 1 i A cers' training camp, and Roy Supernaugh, who is in the navy, both of whom were home on furlough, occupied seats of honor on the speakers' 'stand and were given an ovation when introduced to the crowd.
A collection of $61 was taken up to defray expenses of celebration and a surplus of $41 was turned over to the Red Cross. Much credit is due the various committees lor the success of the afl'air, especially F. L. Ro- probably collapsed, twim in lnaeoennence suncuy aim inaepen urn- au may "Early Bird" Steel Cut Coffee, guaranteed equal to any 25c coffee on the market. W.
L. Kelly. Mail or phone orders for drug' etc. sent to the country promptly by parcel post. Rexall Drug Store.
The I. 0. 0. F. lodge at their regular meeting last Thursday night voted to buy $500 in Liberty Bonds.
FOR SALE 1 coming 2-year old Durham Bull, and 1 coming yearling Red Tolled Bull. J. D. which will prevent an immodiatt- Monday with her husband, who of lhe 'welj ji'ixall the Varnish ot tnany is employed there. 'chastain Bros, have started 'colors-for floors, furniture, ear.
tee it at the. Rexall Drug Store. Dr. I. J.
Jones of Hutchinson was visiting here Sunday and Monday at the W. II. Gillespie home. E. E.
Lugeanbeal-and wife visited relatives in Fredonia on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. Dr. Hess' Dip and Disinfectant for lice, ticks and most skin diseases of' stock and poultry. u. a.
oox aiiu wue vimi a lheir No. 4 Lenn 29-32-11 Cir- h-iaiies and Tl.e riages Aiioona iroin oaunimj uaiu Valle" Pod Monday with their daughter, A Small' and the Caiter Mrs C. G. Harvard and family. on Co RVQ reporto(1 to have a 1 inS? -n pvw" drv hole in their Cole No.
1 in der In the bellows box kills lice, 00 01 1 a 1 oo jberts of the. parade committee-I The Lafontaine band, which Nyal Drug Ston. Miss Emma McCaul went to Coffeyville Wednesday to spend the summer with her D. S. Cook and wife.
Mrs, Winnie Quigg left yester- contributed itsserv Rexall Drug Stre, mites, fleas, bed bugs and flics, feet in the Mississippi lime. It a 1 mi 1 ft 11 vAn XT iTVo xt A fVi 10 IfAllY lflof i oaiuiuaji 1 uiaj itu y. luc per cox. ine wyai viu venorted that the onh Farl Owen Rov Howard Paul ices furilishod some ver good were doing business in the coun- enlnening tne occasion. otOre.
onnr! in thn wnll wn nlinnf fivp I day for an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. D. L. Burket and Bond of the Third Liberty Loan. Have you bought yet? ty hub on Friday.
If you have a farm or property i feet of Bartlesville sand at 1330 for sale or trade list it with G. feet. Wp'h' Dabney Morton of Inde- Lyman Loether and Louis Ae- Com. shanton lo Kun Again. family at Fort Cobb, Okla.
MONEY 5 per cent on Farm Loans with commission. No waiting for the monev after loan is treat you right. One price and Pendence' have secured Woold-i 1 ridge lease, a mile northwest of i town in 31-31-14, and moved a is wnrlfinc i JI. All kinds of Sole Leather, Rubber Heels, Harness Repairing and OUing, Harness Hardware and Hard Oil. C.
W. Dewey. Miss Ollie Wolf, principal of one commission c.1SS,10 County Commissioner G. M. Shanton and son, C.
R. Shanton, motored here Wednesday from Chcrryvale to look over the county road in this part of the coun- Wl-iilo Vipro Mr Shnntrm A MHohM wVn -t accepted. Citizens otaie oann. service in the army and will report for duty May 10. Mrs, E.
Strauss of Independence was here from last Thursday until Saturday on bus- i v. I I n- omo il vveimesauv iu uini i 41 i G. E. Cox accompanied his son neie aie nnwinn in tlie oil fields near Eartlesvill one ot tne unteyvuie warci and to Independence, Tuesday even schools, visited Saturday iness and visiting old friends, stcd that ho would seek re-elec-Mrs. W.
A. Goble visited at(Uon to the officc which he now city. ErEfii I winch supplied Elk uuy tor sev- imr to witncss the motion pic Sunday at her home in this and i eial "Tarzah of the Apes." We have the stock frames you a 4 i Miss Ethyl Gillespie returne i noics anci win maKe ine race on nH rfln msArfi fTnyinv tVi ViPr hiiRhanrl who i i trimmings ana can matce her 7 Z'r nis rUL hat at any price. Don tt- hu. moiuuiv io inueneuuenee wj depend anv.
al'3, 1 T- B011' wnil.e iro our prices by our pattern.hats. S3 ladies were present yester- duties as Lounty fcupernuenu- here several days with her parents, C. I. Barrett and wife of Ethyl Main. at the hall.
This is excell-ent alter spenamg seiai uays, day H. nere visiting nor pareius, i i. l.i. r.A i.e. luuiv u.
Kllb UUli It'll US Ulil IV i Jjio. Miss Lallah Davidson Saturday to her home at after several days' visit ivf nnA lif. Hri lesnie ana wue. 1 lx Tl I I IT I I II I' I I I 'I .1 111 1 LHO tie grandson, George FitzjarraUi ant Hill district (No. 55) held a made by the various street com- 1 tit i 1 1 A leit saturaav tor aiii J.
M. Cox and son, James jhome of most of his predeces-W. C. Bryant, I. N.
Jett Ira sorR hag nct proved a homer" liendrickson motored to hag iooked aftcr a town-pendence Monday in the Cox car ghipg in his district. Elk City pn business. and Louisbuig township can Miss Pauline Parkhurst of Of- thank Mr shanton for the coun-f etle, was visiting here road which runs from Inde. irm lwt Thursday until Sun-j pcndence to Elk City and on to day with W. H.
Gillespie and Elk COUnty line. He has ever mas, for an extended visit inittees. with the former's son, 0. M. Monthly report of articles re-Fitzjarrald and family.
turned to the Montgomery Co. wolf hunt Sunday and caught an old wolf and six pups. The bounty on the catch Will be about $8 and the hunters voted to donate here with her grandmother, Mrs. A. J.
Davidson, other relatives and old friends. C. A. Cunningham and wife, and Mrs. John Fitzgerald of Burden, Kan.
and Mrs. Roy A1-. ine Airaome openeu me bea- ch Knitted Article8. 52 son with vaudeville and motion TTol i tt.i pdirs bocks, 20 Sweaters, 1 llel- the money to the Red Cross. Ben Hinmari and sister, Miss family, west ol town.
alert to the best interests of C. G. Hayward, wife and baby this part of the county as well "A ffn Z. motored over from Altoona Tus-j as his home city and township Z'JT nights; the attendance being met and 10 pairs Wristlets. Gar- Lucy, took charge the lv good considering the weather, ment; CO Bed Shirts, 20 Suits of Hotel Cafe the first ot the wc-ek the conduct Tn'nmininff hnA hnrm fin m-P-H ni 1..1, OQ Will IM-I Vaitfl i business.
Thc-v kindly ask a day evening and the two latter and slort has "made good" remained here visiting relatives on job. He asks for renomi-yvllile Mr. Hay ward went to ration on the Republican ticket on business. 2 the August primary. Word' received, from B.
H. Cook of the SUN force, who is in the hospital at Sioux City, Iowa, recovering from an operation fni snPQ f.hnt. VlP IS wealher arawers, share of ther public's patronage. A rain last Friday night, fol- Sample unuersnirt ana in-j Fred noJ7ie who has been vis-lowed by a heavy rain Saturday angular Bandages. tlig for a ionth past with night has put plenty of moisture Mrs.
Sherman would like for jj Hannifan and family, left Independence visitors iuesaay were; Prof. D. W. Lewis, J. P.
T. Davis, tf M. Straughn, Mrs. "0UC8, i improving slowly but expects to A special meeting ot the stock-1 be out soon. in the ground tor the present.
everybody to please write their Wednesday to 'visit lus parents mS Madrid Miss Ethel Co- wil1 b0 hcld at 8 :0 man or woman t0 sel1-0Ur Cof Miss Madge and Mis Lthcl gaturd 1918) fees Teas, Baking Powder, Ex- nftko WnnMii hnll in Elk Citv. fvnrts. Snipps and 'Sundries to at the Woodman hall in Elk City, "We Santa Fe freight trains 4 aii stoeknolders are urged to be Crops are looking fine but need some wrarm weather to promote their growth. The crop prospect is certainly encouraging. W.
R. "Losey and daughter Clarice and James Wilson, wife and son went to Cherryvale yesterday to visit Mr. Losey's and Mrs. Wilson's mother, Mrs. C.
names on Red Cross -packages: at New Weston, Ohio. Ke is returned to either Sherman's' tho army draft and wanted to visit home folks beioie wine store or the Masonic Hall. cuiUm into sel ice. A number of young men of the FARM LOANS. i city have been taking a little in-Farm Loans at 6 per cent' formal training' the past week straight annual interest, no com-, under the diri'ction of W.
M. mission or commission mortgage. McGaugh of Denver, Colo. It J. B.
Slocum, office at gas office. i3 very probable that a company of Home Guards will be formed family trade in Elk City and vicinity, some established trade. For particulars address, The American Tea Coffeyville, Kan. throng fW0Sw tein- as business of import-time; the Pff tih ance will come before the meet-due here at fii P. zue Secretary.
home" Clue nere at George S. Gillespie many Notice 1 T. Cooper. Yesterday was Mrs 1. VWP 12:30.
The run is now io Chanute to Wfofield instead of Cherrvvale to Wellington. A. 1 Ml 1-J A- Parties knowing themselves m-- "1CMU" "CV Cooper's birthdav and all her debted to. me will please call at earn that he won a second ilieu- be thcre for a Mrs. Ilomesley of Kansas City uere jf suflicient members can be T.0 nwfin and- wife returned and Mrs.
E. 11. Cook ot lndepena- pPnvpd last Thursday night from Santa tu where they went a ta a once and settle their accounts as tenant commission by work I real need the L. the officers' training camp at Kellv Fort Dodge, Iowa, which he at- lYiui), tiu btong, a. nu.
tonIn tVio nast fVirPP mnnHls rllt tt the home of ence visited here seveitu days irs nrv E.1 Wiley, mother nimVn if tia thn ncicif li'oolr w.rh thp iat.tPV i it -i ax, .1 "1 V- i -f OT iVirS. U. il. uiuu ir.i nfrn in ti fir liixx lew weeKs ag" -1 i nrtftrrountottneprospM -m has George can be depended to nd lw hrother. d.
M. Kim- 1 V. i Jiuilic i viios iua iiaim-ij is serving his country in the biough and wite. bedside for several days before riflvv. Rov retnrnod Tnesdav Mrs.
James boltcn. ol Imle-; fr 'PnWila. snn Will of trouble witn tfiexicu, wic i been staying 4t the home ot her make good wherever, he goes, cided to return to Kansas, They si3ter, Mrs. 0, McCarty on Cash Clingan and son Joe, went to" Coffeyville Sunday to 3 for goms time spent and his nephews, Earl and A. F.
1 i- -F arionT vi ,1 Km nanhawg In or nnt A i .1 1 mu. i 1 1 I (ii .1 i. xt i ni.i. irOm i 11 I WW III! visit Mrs. Owen's parents.
from Saturday until Tuesday at Clmgan of Nowata, were lis furlough to Chicago to visu.au uenm and Geval for duty on the sea. About day -until Tiie may win hei midFraftk gniUh and fam5. participated in the big daughter, Mrs. I. Mott and to at lid 'her home in Independence.
called here last weeK ny ine in- th Farmers who sell cream sbou neas of the formers mother. to J. O. Whistler, Mrs. J.
T. Blank it. mnre closely, lor lo dinner and general good time i11- tend Mrs. Wllf-y's funeral. Sun JFIL- cream contains a trreat deal' Mis.
liha iJiCKey, iuisses my run great at ai nTnwn and Matt day. On Monday about 35 TT 3 Rov Sunernaiigli, who had 40 friends gathered at the "rr'V YZL "ti. been here spading a rhovt fur- or be saved Wq- in independence on ct miUf which should home to say good- "iT I louch with his F. E. Supernough Mrs.
Julia Clingan, who is at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. I. N. Slaton of route 3. Mrs.
Clingan's daughter, Mrs. Nellie Lauiant of Denver, Col, arrived last Thursday night and another daughter, Mrs. J. W. ill rv; i ri rr .11111 I I ih'hi.
1 i-. i for the hogs. Sour, metallic jjondsy. -r-am is alvflvs second pradp andi WANTED To pasture ten bye to Roy. The latter say Hnrrptf Jnllv nf Conan.
OVl.i.. anuvvneoi uic a good "'i; r'. lr-ft Tuesday for tiif- lskps has had plenty to eat fnr ner pound less oi simu di Jyi on i 1 1 .1 tf onn c. 1. K.ivknnrriCR.
r.Y i ino vM i ui place to sleep and likes his work fine. He speaks very highly of the work of the Red Cross and vi iv r.t I tun first grade. 40co Rhodes of Ashland, and mg cars weew. vs the best and eaves on trans-; ite sick at iier dauchter, Mrs. R.
L. Mus- on business ana visiimg oia friends. Wine of Cardui, the tonic at the Rexall Drtg Store. Go To C'aurch Sunday? A. and says the people realize hew.
much good Naval Training; Staton at Chicago, 111., where he has been in training for several months. Ho expects to be assigned to duty a seaman Atlantic at once. I nortation and cans. Meriden hor hnme thls'city and her age son of Alva, arrived here Y. M.
C. Prpumprv W.L. Kelly, local; of 83 vears makes her recovery Sunday. Mrs. Clingan is report- do not i uearn.
rj I doubtful. ed to be AJhtly improved! they are agent Y. M. C. doins.