Alpha - ZodiacNight - Original Work [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

“f*cking finally, summer break is here at last!” Alex laughed and whooped in excitement as he and his best friend, Mavis walked out of their homeroom, blending in with the sea of their classmates for the last time until summer ended and they entered their last year of high school. The two walked towards their lockers, opening them while shoving the last items they had inside into their backpacks while also chatting to each other.

"So what'll you and your family be doing?" Alex said, accidentallyjabbingright into her breast. There was a weird noise made in response and he couldn't help but laugh as he closed and locked his locker. Mavisscoffed and said, "Hardy, har, har, asshole. Also, I heard dad talking about going to Greece or Italy."

"Are your sisters going alongtoo?" Mavis nodded and Alex whistled in response.

"Damn. I'm surprised as hell now." They laughed and Alex watched her dig into her purse and pulled outa hip flask. "I know right?! I wonder if Lance would also being coming, since, well you know..." Mavis trailed off as she took adrink of herflask before quickly putting it away. "I mean, I would like to think your dad would allow him. Pretty sure your mom would get pissed though."They laughed and Mavis slammed shut her lockers for the last time until they return for their final year of school. Alex and Mavis chatted with each other and they weaved through the classmates, Alex waving his goodbyes to other friends as they opened the front doors and both teens laughing as they each slid down the steps railing.

Maviswas the first to reach the bottom and jogged over to Alex's mustang and hopped onto the hood, waiting for him. Alex caught up to her and sighed. "You know, sooner or later people are gonna ask me why I got a dent on my hood." Mavis scoffed, "Oh please, stop being a little bitch, AJ. My ass ain't that heavy to begin with anyway."

"Exactly. I'll just tell them that some fat ass animal-" Alex was cut off from Mavis's flying shoe that was heading towards him. He laughed while Mavis glared at him but had a similar smile to his.

"Tch, asshole."

"You love me"


The two bickered awhile longer before finally entering Alex's mustang, quickly buckling in and pulling out of the school lot. ”Besides, I deserve a treat since I brought you your clothes after you stupidly bolted outta the house. Which you have yet to tell me what that was about."

Alex snorted, “Y-Yeah, sorry about that.." She bumped shoulders with Alex, despite him driving. "Oh! I think I know. Dear sweet Noah caught you having a boner thinking about Layla O'Neil, didn't he?" Alex went bright red and stuttered, "f*ck off, I did not!" Mavis laughed, her head leaning close to the window with her mousy brown hair being sucked out and blowing everywhere. Alex's face was still a bright red and was glaring at his best friend before snorting and laughing along with her.

After a minutes of continuous laughter between the two, Alex stopped at a stop light.While they waited, Mavis spoke up,"I'm serious, though. Why'd you bolt? I mean, I'm not annoyed about bringing you clothes to school, it's just... I'm worried." Mavis said, looking at Alex, who was quiet.

Alex sighed as he broke the silence. "Mom left for Europe and Noah went with them again.." Mavis looked at him with a pitying yet pissed off look. "Are you f*cking serious? I thought she said she was done with her work!A-And that movie, man!" He stayed quiet as he tuned out Mavis's angry ranting.A warm hand found its way onto his shoulder and the simple act wasenough for Alex. A stray tear fell along his cheek as the stoplight quickly turned green. Sometimes, Alex wishes he could just disappear and never come back.

"What happened, Alex? You told me why but you didn't tell me whathappened."

Alex sighed,"Fine. Well, it kinda started with a really weird dream..."

Fire swallowed the entire building as he watched him stand in front of the blaze, his back facing towards Alex.

Alex panted; he tried looking around him, however despite he could hear people around him, Alex couldn't see them at all. Not even a single silhouette from the multiple people he could tell. Looking forward, Alex saw someone or something kneeling in front of the first figure, their back facing Alex. Despite being some distance away, Alex could hear what they were saying.

'You wish to partake in this war? Have either of you remembered what you last spokento me?'

The kneeling figured nodded and Alex assumed that if there were anyone else that he couldn't see were also nodding, he couldn't be so sure. The standing figure still faced the fire. 'Very well. But, you must know that you all must take a vow of theEe-Matha, yes?'


'Are you prepared to lay your lives down for a war that was never meant for any of you humans to partake?'

The kneeling spoke,'I, Ronin, is ready to-'

Alex gasped but groaned as the rising suns' rays filtered through his bedroom curtains. He huffed in annoyance and rolled onto his back as he stared up at his ceiling, his blanket thrown halfway off. He felt the familiar feeling of another headache coming forth. Alex tried to fall back to sleep but found it pointless as the suns rays kept getting brighter and his headache quickly becoming a migraine. Glancing over, Alex looked at his alarm clock and saw it was only just after5:32 AM.

It was thelast day of school, doesn't in about two hours. Regardless,Alex sat up albeit too fast and was slightly dizzy as he swung his legs out of bed.Alex groaned, one of hands clutching his head as he opened his bedroom door as quietly as he could and walked through the hall. Walking inside the bathroom, Alex rummaged through it and found ibuprofen, taking it in one gulp.A sudden THUDnearly made his heart stop. 'What the hell was that?!'Flicking the lights off and shutting the bathroom door, Alex tiptoed towards the stairs and saw his mom walking by, not even noticing her son at the top of the stairs.

Alex glanced over and saw that his twin brother wasn't in his room as his door was open. As silently as he could managed, Alex made his way downstairs and hid behind a wall near the kitchen and listened. He heard his momtalking, "Your aunt should be here any moment so be ready, okay?"

“Alright.” There was a awkward silence before he spoke again, butpaused, "Hey, uh, mom?" She hummed, the sounds of glass being placed into the sink almost made it hard to concentrate. "Yes, Lukas?"

Lukas seemed to hesitate whatever he was going to say but nonetheless asked, "Is it a good idea not telling Alex about this?"

It was silent, before she spoke quietly, "Lukas, you know how he reacts to, well, me leaving and nowyoucoming along... he just gets so lonely and he doesn't understand what we are trying tofindand I don't wanna force him to come-"

"Mom! Calm down, please, you need to breathe." The sound of the kitchen stool screeching against the floor made Alex jump. He could hear her breathing slightly heavily for quite some time before finally calming down enough. Before anything else was said, the front suddenly flew open, startling the family of three. Natalie glared at her sister. "Becca, for the last time, stop slamming open my front door. I will make you pay for a new if you don't stop."

His aunt Becca snorted. "Oh, please, Natalie!Me slamming it open is like some beginning teenage angst. Besides, you didn't even hear what I going to say anyway!" Becca calledout,like she was accused of a crime.Natalie raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms in response.

Alex peeked around the corner and saw that his mom and aunt staring at each other until his aunt sighed, her arms flying up in the air. "Oh alright, fine ya caught me. So, do you remember that ancient graveyard-thingy I was talking about while we were in Turkey?"

Natalie thought for a moment and said, “Well, yeah. Pretty hard to get it out of my memories when you kept shouting it every hour. Why do you ask?"Becca scoffed. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear anything about my drinking rambles. Anyway, they called in last night and apparently they found something completely unheard of before.”

Natalie glared at her sister. “Becca. Tell me you didn't accept it. You promisedme that we would be finishing up our research here in the States.” Becca only gave a nervous chuckle. It was then that Lukas spoke. “Mom. If auntie is on to something, then it would mean that grandpa Noah's research might actually be right."

Natalie could glare at her son and Becca before turning swiftly away from both. It looked like she was ready to leave the two alone until Becca spoke again, making everyone but her to freeze.“Nat, this could also be the final clue towards Mikhail'sdisappearance, too.” Becca said, ever so quietly so that Alex almost didn'thear, but he did anyway and Alex felt anger bubbling up from within him. It was quiet and Alex almost thought they all left until he heard his mom’s voice.

So, soquiet and almost...scared?

"...What time does the plane leave?"

His aunt's shoulder loosenedin absolute relief while his brotherlooked uncomfortable but so excitedby her response. Becca calming said, "The earliest we can leave is around eight in the morning. Today."

“Alright. Let me just-.” Alex nearly tripped over his feet as he bolted around the corner he was hidingand into the kitchen. "Are you f*cking serious?! You both were just going to leave me behind in the dust without eventelling me?!"

Natalie, Lukas and Becca were all surprised and shocked by his sudden appearance. "Alex, baby, how long were you hiding there?"

"Oh, long enough to know that none of you cared to ask or even leave a message or something for me !" Alex had never raised his voice to his mom with such venom in his voice. The slamming of his hands onto the counter-top definitely made it more pronounced. The silence was deafening until Alex broke it by walking down the stairs and waltzing into the kitchen.

"Whatever then, just f*cking go then."

Chapter 2

Chapter Text

There was a suffocating silence after Alex had finished explaining what happened in the early morning and Mavis could feel anger bubbling up inside her. Of all the things his family could do, it was leaving and not even saying a single word about it. “It’s alright, Mavis. I’m used to it; them leaving without saying anything..” Alex said, trailing off.

Mavis scoffed. “Well you shouldn’t f*cking be anyway! Seriously?!” Mavis twisted in her seat to look at Alex while she blew up in anger. “I mean, yeah, we’re both eighteen and sh*t, but still! Ugh, I wanna punch your aunt in the f*cking face so badly now.” She huffed, crossing her arms as she slid back into her seat.

She heard Alex chuckle which made her smile a little but not enough to quench her anger. The drive was quiet until they pulled up to Mavis’s house. Anger was replaced with uneasiness when she heard the familiar sounds of her parents fighting, again. Alex turned the car off and they sat quietly, neither speaking until, “You know, I can stay if you want. Or we could go somewhere else and hang, too.” Alex said softly, his green eyes locking onto her amber ones.

As much as Mavis wanted him to stay so that she wouldn’t have to deal with the aftermath, she instead shook her head and grabbed her bag and opened the car door. Leaning over into the car, Mavis said, “It’s fine. I’ll just run around the back instead. But, we can do something at night.” Mavis said the last part in a singsong voice. She snorted when she watched him groan and rested his head on the steering wheel.

“Alright, fine. I’ll indulge you for once. We'll meet by the Terrence-Bay manor at nine, okay?” Mavis smiled, fist pumping and dancing in place when she heard him. It was not a lot of times when she managed to make him agree to doing late night shenanigans, especially since they’re older now. Alex drove away laughing as he watched his childhood best friend being weird, leaving Mavis alone until she entered her house.

After she entered through the kitchen door, Mavis saw her younger brother, Roderic, at the kitchen island on his phone. He looked up towards her, nodding. “Let me guess, pops went out again?” she asked, not even bothering to look at him as she raided the fridge. He grimaced. “Yeah. It was bad, Mav. Pretty sure we ain’t going on that summer trip to Europe now.”

Mavis groaned; for once, she was actually excited to wear a bikini to a beach for some foreign experiences! But, of course now that won’t happen; laying on white sandy beaches with the sun brightly shining down

“Hey, Ric, have you spoken to Lance yet today?” Her brother chuckled nervously. “N-Not really. I was busy in the, uh, library to keep an eye out.”

Mavis snorted. “You, going to the library? Whatever happened to the video gaming nerd brother I used to have?”

“I still play them! I’ve just, well, you know-!”

Mavis grinned. ”Oh, is that a blush I’m seeing? Is there a girl I don’t know about?” She watched her brother grow redder and redder and she couldn’t help but laugh and coo at the sight of her little brother finally being interested in a girl. Not that she would’ve minded him liking boys either, except for their pops..

Still laughing, Mavis walked around the island and ruffled Roderic’s short mousy brown hair into a mess against his wishes. “Well, I’ll leave you then with your little crush. But hey, you need anything and I meansince, you know, you’re a growing boy and all that teenage boy stuff-”

“Oh my god, GET OUT!” He yelled but there was no malice in his shouting. Mavis snorted as she laughed, walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. Sighing, she dropped her bag onto the floor near her desk, taking her navy blue skirt jumper school uniform off before slipping out of her Mary Jane flats. Mavis hated wearing the uniforms; it made her feel like she was some character from some fantasy series or something.

Looking over to her alarm clock, Mavis saw that it was just after five o’clock.

Mavis felt the excitement (adrenaline more likely?) that was pumping through before but Mavis suddenly felt as if she had run through three running marathons in a few hours. Not caring that she was wearing nothing at the point, she fell face first onto her bed but not before she set an alarm to wake her so that she could meet up with Alex later.

She didn’t fight when darkness quickly took over, drowning her in a dreamless sleep.


Mavis jolted awake when the familiar yet quite loud sound of her phone’s alarm going off. Groaning when she moved to slide out of bed and change into clothes, Mavis noticed how quiet the house was. Normally she would the booming voice of her dad’s voice through the house, regardless if anyone was sleeping or not. Hell, she couldn’t even hear the creaking old pipes in the house. Mavis hopped out of her bed and quickly tied her hair up into a quite messy yet stable ponytail.

Quickly throwing on a thin sweater with a tank top, fleece lined leggings and a pair of old tennis shoes. Even though it was June and the summers were usually hot, the nights however were unusually cooler than they were a few summers ago. Not that Mavis was complaining really; she never really was a fan of the heat anyway.

Opening and closing her door as quietly as she could get it, she slipped past her younger brother’s snoring room as well as her parents, who were empty. Which instead means for Mavis... “Well sh*t.” she muttered as she slowly descended down the stairs. Once Mavis reached the bottom of the stairs, she peered into the living room only to see her mom curled up on the recliner chair, asleep. Her dad was gone after she looked outside and saw that his Jeep was gone.

‘Tch, I shouldn’t even be surprised anymore..’

Mavis noticed the sight of an empty wine bottle on the table next to her unconscious mom, knowing full well that she was in a deep sleep and that nothing could wake her up. Mavis almost made it out of the front door with her hand being a few centimeters from the door knob before she hesitated and sighed, walking back and into the kitchen and grabbing a piece of free paper, wrote a small letter for her either of her parents or her brother to see:

Staying over at Alex’s until his mom comes back. Love you, Mavis


As she started walking away from the front porch of her house, Mavis took in a deep breath of the cool night. Her mind felt numb as the wind from cars passing by her soothed her nerves. Mavis wasn’t sure why she felt this way; maybe it was because Alex agreed to do something wild at night for once instead of being at home watching horror movies. Not that Mavis is complaining; she’s mainly numb with building excitement.

Rounding around another corner, Mavis saw that Alex was already standing by the entrance with a bag on his back and waltzed right up next to him. "Alright AJ, what are we doing exactly and more importantly how are we getting inside?” Alex hummed as he motioned Mavis to follow him. As she trailed behind him, she looked over his shoulder and stared at the brick wall fencing that was the familiar sight of the ornate Victorian wrought iron fence.

Unlike most manors that were still standing by, Terrance-Bay had two walls surrounding it. The first wall was nearly gone as half of it was crumbling away or destroyed by countless cars hitting it. The gate that was once standing proudly was now a wrangled, twisted mess and missing its other half entirely. After walking through it, they found the second wall in a slightly better condition. The gate was locked and was covered in years and years of rust. “Alright so, how do we get in with this bitch being locked?” Mavis asked, huffing in annoyance.

Alex snorted, pulling out a lock pick kit from his bag. Mavis glared at her friend. “Just because I have large boobs doesn’t mean that I sure as sh*t can’t try to fit through.” Mavis trailed off as she shrugged off her sweater and handed it to Alex. She walked up towards the gate and once she threaded her legs through first, Mavis was for once glad that she was slender enough to shimmy through. The gaps in the iron fence were enough that if Alex himself or any other person tried to slip through, couldn’t even fit their upper body through. Fist pumping as she made her way on the other side, Mavis grabbed the lock pick tools from Alex’s outstretched hand and began to work on the lock.

It took her a while until theCLICKsound made Mavis hiss in excitement as she opened it for Alex, closing it quickly to make it appear like no one had done anything. Alex pulled out two flashlights from his bag and handed the one to Mavis. They walked towards the old and almost disappearing cobbled path that led to the front of the mansion. The wood beneath their feet from the veranda creaked and moaned under their weight but it held. Once they were in front of the door, the two briefly looked at each other before Mavis reached out and grasped the door knob.

She twisted the knob and to her surprise, “Huh, it’s already unlocked.”

“Wait, really?” Mavis nodded, opening the door as the hinges creaked loudly in defiance.

Alex whistled, “It could’ve been from the other people who broke in here or something.” He walked inside with her following behind closely. Once inside, the two turned their lights on in front of them and saw that they were in the massive grand hall, its beauty was still surprisingly preserved well. Mavis could still see crystals in the chandeliers shining from their flashlights, even an old sofa and some other furniture left that were covered in sheets.

Everything else that Mavis saw was covered in layers and layers of thick dust with cobwebs in every nook and cranny of the corners of every room. Walking into the next room, the walls stood firm, a place waiting for life to come. The only give-away was the smell it gave off, which made Mavis gag along with the dust thrown into the air by simple gestures. It was musty and dry, but nothing opened, the doors and windows were pretty much welded shut.

Then Mavis noticed how Alex went still in front of a door. Mavis looked at him with an arched brow. “Hey, you alright?” He nodded slowly. “Y-Yeah, it’s just… did it just colder suddenly..?” He trailed off and blew into the light of his flashlight to prove his point. Mavis honestly wasn’t even aware about the chilliness in the room but since Alex did point it out, Mavis quickly felt the coolness against her bare arms.

Taking her sweater from Alex did nothing against the cold.

“Geez, it’s like winter just exploded in here! And it’s freaking June!” Mavis exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her to try and warm herself up. Alex nodded, “Yeah. Maybe there are just points in the house that are cold?” He said this as a question instead of a response. They were hesitant to walk any further until a sudden and loud BANGmade them jump in fright. Looking down the hall, Mavis saw that there was nothing to be seen.

“Hey, uh, Mavis, this door was not opened before.”

“What door?” she asked, still looking around the hall. Alex then grabbed her hand and she finally glanced over to the door he was speaking about. Mavis went still when she realized that Alex was right; the door that he once faced before that loud bang was in fact wide open. Confusion filled her mind as to how it was suddenly open when the noise was clearly in at the end of the hallway instead. Still, neither teen moved an inch as they stood firmly by the open walkway from the grand hall.

After a few moments, Mavis spoke up, “Alright, so, let’s check it out.”

Alex stuttered. “You’re joking right? Did you not notice the damn door being opened after hearing that loud ass noise?!” Mavis rolled her eyes at his ridiculous outburst. She walked to the opened doorway and stared into the darkness. Flashing her flashlight down the stairs, Mavis turned her head back towards him and with a smirking smile, beckoned him to follow or stay behind.

Naturally in their dynamic, Mavis ignored the exasperation from Alex and for a few moments, she thought that maybe Alex wasn’t going to follow behind but was relieved when Mavis heard his footsteps walking down after her. Even though her and Alex’s flashlights were pointed down in front of them, there was nothing but seemingly endlessness of darkness. “You know, I feel like I’ve seen this before in a movie or video game. Long ass stairs in darkness never ends well, ya know.” Alex stated, making Mavis snort in response.

“Funny. I was having the same thoughts.” It seemed like forever until they finally found the bottom of the stairs. The air in the basem*nt was colder than it was upstairs and it made Mavis shiver and huddled closer to Alex, who didn’t seem to mind or hadn’t even noticed it.

“Is it just me or is it even colder down here than it was upstairs?” she said, not even bothering to leave Alex’s side.

“Well you’re not wrong about that, Mavis. But, something feels… off with all this.” Alex said. He walked ahead with Mavis herself not far behind. Besides the cold, the basem*nt itself was furnished with vintage flower wallpaper that appeared to already started peeling from age. The floor looked like it was either marble or concrete with a grand rug through the hall, its color being either red or some shade of brown.

On the walls, paintings of people who must’ve been the previous owners and their descendants hung. Some of them were covered by thin sheets while some were not so fortunate being covered as some were torn from either age or by termites; the musty smell was biting Mavis’s nose in disgust. The ones that weren’t damaged at all were eerily staring down at the two and it felt like they watched everything and whatever they talked about.

“Talk about a horror movie setting, geez. Hey, Alex, have you found anything yet besides some creepy ass old artwork?” Mavis heard him chuckle a few feet away as she pointed her light towards him. “Not really but a couple of these doors are locked or blocked by something on the other sides of them.”

Mavis groaned. “Ugh. I thought we were going to find something awesome. Now it’s just boring and I’m tired as fu-” She was cut off from the same sudden and very loud BANGthat made them jump earlier. Mavis shrieked and Alex nearly fell from spinning around so fast as they flashed their lights down the hall. There was nothing but Mavis did notice a sudden gust of dust that seemed as if someone had walked by abruptly while they dragged something heavy.

“Okay, maybe coming down here wasn’t exactly a good idea.” Mavis said, taking a few deep breaths. Alex looked over towards her with the same smirk she’d given him earlier and said, “Well, let’s go check it out.”

“Har, har, you’resof*cking hilarious, Alex.”

“Thanks, it takes dealing with you for years to make me like this.” Mavis stuck her tongue at him while he walked away before she found herself following anyway. In front of the door was an unusually large amount of dust missing on the floor in front and on it’s handle. Mavis then flashed her light down the hall and saw that there was zero indication of dust than there was when she and Alex first came down.

“Hey, do you think that there’s another door that also leads down here?” Mavis asked, staring straight ahead. Alex shrugged, “Maybe, it is an old house so there’s bound to be some sort of secret entrance somewhere. Either way, clearly someone has been here before us.”

“What makes you think that? Besides that some ghostly maid is still kicking ass in her cleaning skills.” Mavis said, muttering the last part to herself, however, Alex heard her loud and clear.

Alex rolled his eyes and said, “Sarcasm aside, what I was meaning to say was that this door’s handle is worn down and is unlocked.”

“Okay, and? So, what, maybe some distant relative of whoever lived here before probably hopped right on over to collect some sh*t.” Mavis said, crossing her arms.

“I see now why your grades in History are still C'sas the family who owned this place are all dead. Now, you still got that lock pick kit? The handle itself is unlocked but it looks like it's still somehow locked.” he said. Mavis smirked as she grabbed the kit from her sweater pocket and tossed it over to Alex, who caught with ease. “Sure thing, AJ. Unless you want me to do it instead.”

He knelt down to an eye level height to the door and began to unlock the door further. “Eh, gotta make sure to keep my skills sharper than you Rags,.”Mavis scoffed and laughed. “I’ll have you know,Mouse, that I am far better tha-”

An audible CLICKcut her off at the same time Alex yelled, “Got it!” much to Mavis’s utter annoyance. “Whoops, sorry, didn’t hear what you were saying.”

“Ugh, f*ck off and let’s get inside this damn room already.” Alex laughed but he held the door open for Mavis to enter first and him lastly behind. She wasn’t sure why but Mavis instinctively reached for a light switch. To her and Alex’s surprise, the light in the room turned on. “I...wasn’t expecting that to work.” Mavis said, trailing off. They then shut their flashlights off since they weren’t needed at that point.

She was expecting the room to be filled to the brim with old items and furniture like the other rooms, but instead it was nearly barren save for a couple of statues and a mirror to match. The statues themselves, although she doesn’t know who made them or where they came from.

The first one was probably a woman since it appeared to have breasts, was unnaturally curvy with long hair; unless it was a veil, Mavis wasn’t so sure. It’s body has a light slate-gray color and in its hands was nothing but whatever it had before had grasped something diamond-shaped. What made it so uncomfortable was the agonizing look on her face as she stared off into nothing.

Across from the first was what looked like a man as it actually reminded Mavis of another male statue as it was naked, unlike the previous one. The only difference was that he was completely faceless and his hands were like he was once clutching something in one arm and the other being held out, ready to grasp something or someone.

The last one, from what Mavis could tell, easily towered over the other two. Its apparent gender was unknown to Mavis despite their hands and feet highly resembled a man’s but the slim and slender figure of a woman was also visible. Completely draped in a veil and hunched over, it almost felt like it was watching Mavis as she no longer kept staring at it as she walked away.

Mavis noticed that Alex was entirely silent and she found him staring into the mirror. It was actually very pretty and quite simple looking. It was a metallic eight-pointed, star-shaped bezel with red jewel insets on the top and bottom and the sides.

The glass was another thing entirely. Instead of having the normal reflective glass like every other mirror Mavis has seen, it was instead made of a black material; possibly obsidian or some other material to make it black. While she wanted to marvel at it more, Mavis took notice on how Alex was. His eyes were wide and he was breathing rather heavily, his fair skin was now ghostly pale. “Hey, hey. Alex, look at me.” She immediately grasped his shoulders and made him turn to her.

His green eyes met her own amber ones, pupils dilated from fear. “Shh, it’s okay. You’re okay. I’m here.” Mavis said, grabbing for his hands. She then quickly dragged him away from the mirror and out of the room towards the stairs. “C’mon, I think we’ve been here long enough, don't ya think?”

Alex was quiet and Mavis didn’t like it one bit at all.

What they failed to notice was that once they had left, the jewels around the mirror started to glow, a visible crack forcing itself onto the surface.

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

Alex didn’t remember when they entered that room. One moment he was looking at the statues with Mavis and the next, he felt a pulling sensation from the mirror and that was when everything went blank in his mind. After coming to, Alex noticed that they were at his house, his shoes and jacket were off and the living room smelled of pizzas. Mavis was sitting in the over sized recliner his grandpa had given them before passing.

He was quiet for a moment, taking in everything before speaking, “W-What happened?” Mavis looked over to him with relief in her eyes. “Well, how’re you feeling first of all?” After she had asked, Alex felt his head beginning to pound from an oncoming migraine.

“Ugh, like my head is about to explode.”

Mavis smiled softly. She stood up and walked into the downstairs bathroom and walked back towards him, handing him a bottle of extra strength headache relief. “Figured you would. You, uh, just staring at the mirror in that basem*nt and you weren’t breathing right so I pulled us outta there before you got any worse.”

Alex shook the bottle till there were three of them in his palm and quickly chugged them down his mouth with some nearby water. He sighed before he gave her a small smile. “Thanks. What time is it anyway?”

“Eh, I think we came home around two in the morning? I didn’t really pay attention since I took a shower immediately after plopping your ass down.” Mavis stated, heading towards the kitchen to grab another slice of pizza. Looking down to his hands, Alex noticed his vision was blurry and Alex glared. “Hey, did I fall or something? I can’t see for sh*t.”

He saw Mavis tense up. “Yeah, that was my fault mainly. Kinda made you trip on a sidewalk and you fell face first into a puddle. I didn’t think you've lost your contacts though.” Alex groaned, rubbing his hands down his face.

“It’s fine, Mavis. I had to order new contacts anyway. Now where the hell did I put my glasses..”

Mavis hummed. “Since you’re walking and talking, go take a shower. You filthy and reek.” Alex sighed, “This is my house, who said you’re in charge of giving orders?”

She gave him a smug look. “Well, I did have to drag your ass back home. So I count that as a win for me. But seriously, you really do reek.” Alex rolled his eyes but paused and took a moment to actually smell himself. He winced and realized that Mavis was right. Sighing, Alex peeled all of his off down the laundry chute; he’ll eventually have to wash his and Mavis’s clothes later anyway.

“Better save me some pizza slices when I get back down.”

“Ha, we’ll see about that, bitch.” Alex snorted and walked inside, locking it behind him since Mavis has a gracious tendency to jump-scare him whenever he’s taking a shower. He turned the shower on and he let the water heat up, took his hair tie out and let his slightly shoulder length hair down. Sighing, Alex walked inside the shower and let the heat and steam wash the dirt and stress away.


Some time passed after the water had turned cold and Alex stepped out of the shower, he grabbed a nearby towel and lazily started dying his hair and body off. Luckily for him, Alex used his own bathroom in his room so grabbing a new set of boxers and throwing an old shirt on, he walked out and downstairs. Alex didn’t bother walking around the couch so instead he fell face first onto Mavis, who let out a grunt of disbelief.

“W-What the hell? Get off, you’re heavy!” Mavis said, struggling to lift him off yet there was laughter in her tone. Alex gasped dramatically. “You calling me fat?” Mavis laughed.

“Maybe. But, oh my god, get OFF.” She struggled for a while before finally giving up. Alex laughed and rolled right off of her and onto the floor. Mavis sighed, propping herself onto her elbow, she stared down at him.

“Was that really necessary?”

Alex grinned. “Maybe.”

“Did ya get it out of your system?”

“Yes, yes I did.”

“Tch, dumbass. By the way, I found your glasses, they’re on the counter.” Mavis said, rolling back down onto the couch while Alex laid on the floor for a bit until he got up and walked into the kitchen. He did in fact find his glasses on the counter and slid them on. He and his brother wore glasses but strangely, Lukas was nearsighted while Alex himself was farsighted. Unlike Lukas, he normally wears contacts instead but he always carries his glasses in case he was without them.

His glasses were semi-rounded half frames; when he had first gotten them, Mavis liked to call him a nerd for some time. Course he got back at her when she herself had gotten braces for awhile. Grabbing an available slice of pizza, Alex walked back into the living and saw that Mavis was sitting up again with some horror movie playing. He sat down next to her and they went into a simple silence.

It was Mavis who broke it. “Alex, what happened in the basem*nt? I mean, if you really remember it or not.” Alex wasn’t expecting her to ask him that so he was quiet for a moment. Setting his plate on the glass table, he merely sat there with his hands in his lap. Finally, after what seemed like a long time, Alex looked over to her. “Honestly, everything started going blurry when we came to that door. I don’t know if I looked like it or sounded like it, but I was, I was desperate to get inside that room.” Mavis was quiet and he was grateful.

Alex continued on speaking, “Once we were inside, I remember looking at the statues with you but then I, I felt myself being… I-I don't know how to really describe it. It was like I was being pulled towards that mirror. And I just couldn’t help myself but walk to it. But then everything went dark and the next thing I know is me being here at home with you.”

“You really don’t remember what you saw?” Mavis said, resting her head on her hand that was propped up on the couch. Alex shook his head and asked, “What do you mean?”

Mavis shrugged. “When I saw you staring, you had this fear in your eyes, like you were seeing something or someone in it.”

Alex was surprised for a moment. “Really? I-I’m sorry but I don’t remember that part.”

Mavis chuckled. “Alex, it’s okay, alright? I’m just glad that you’re doing good now anyway.”

“Yeah, yeah. Enough about me, what about you? I know damn well from earlier that you’re not alright.” Alex stated, staring into her eyes. Mavis stared back for a moment and sighed, shaking her head as she got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen with Alex following after. “Well, not much happened really. Mom and dad were gone, only Roderic was there.”

“Let me guess, your sisters bailed again?” Alex said, his arms resting on the counter top. Mavis was grabbing a drink from the fridge as she was speaking. “For once, no. It was about Lance this time. Again. Ugh, I feel like all mom wants to do now is just fight about everything lately.”

Alex snorted. “When does she not wanna fight?”

“Right?! Geez, well, anyway I guess Lance was gonna come along since, ya know, he’s also my younger brother too and mom decided to fight it.” Mavis said, slamming the fridge shut with a mini fireball whiskey. Alex smirked, “Really? It’s like, two or three in the morning for shots.”

“Hey, leave me alone. I’ve been stressed and we’ve barely started our summer vacation already. I deserve to treat myself.” She said as she tried to get the cap off. Shaking his head, Alex reached for it and did for her. “Tch, I loosened it for you. You’re welcome.”

Alex cooed. “Thanks, now here’s my reward.” He then took a quick drink of the bottle, barely missing a fist coming at him. “You ass! That was mine!” He laughed as he set it on the counter-top, still half full. Mavis grabbed it and pouted as she glared at him. Alex shrugged and said, “Whoops, I guess that means it's time for bed then.”

“Not until I drink this first.”

“Nope. Bed. Now.”

“Make me, dammit.” Mavis said, glaring at him as she started drinking.

Alex sighed. “You asked for it.” Mavis didn’t hear him walking towards when suddenly she found herself being lifted and thrown over his shoulder. She couldn’t help but make a strange strangling noise that was either a scream or a laugh; probably both.

“W-What the f*ck?! Alex, oh my god, put me down!” she said, laughing as she struggled to be put down. Alex merely whistled as he made his way upstairs, purposely bouncing in his steps as he ascended up to the guest rooms. Opening the door, Alex dropped her on the bed which nearly made Mavis herself fall off.

She glared at him however there wasn’t a single amount of heated anger at him. “You’re such a dick.”

“Well, you made me do it, remember? I was only doing what you asked me to do.” Alex stated, his voice laced with sarcasm. She rolled her eyes and stood up from the bed to walk over to the closet. It was filled with some of her own clothes since coming over was a daily basis, making this particular guest room her second bedroom.

Alex looked away as she changed out of her clothes. “Thought you took a shower.”

“Oh I did. I was just too lazy to put on any other clothing.”

“That’s gross, you weirdo.”

“Takes one to know one, bitch.” Alex rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. He heard the closet door being closed and he turned back to Mavis. She was wearing an old t-shirt and a pair of plaid pants that was cut roughly at her knees. Her mousy brown hair fell past her waist as it was free from her hair tie. “Ugh, I thought I couldn’t be anymore sore than I already was.” she said, pulling back the blankets on the bed.

Alex nodded, making his way to leave and head to his own. “Alex.” He stopped midway when he heard her calling him out. He turned back to see Mavis sitting on the bed, her arms crossed and her face being worried. “Are you really okay? I know you said you were but, but every time they leave you always close yourself off from me. I’m your best friend and I just wanted you to know that. That I’m here when you need me, so don’t shut me out..”

Alex felt his throat tighten from what she said. He didn’t bother denying what she said since she wasn’t wrong anyway. “Mavis…” He smiled.

“I know that I worry you, just like you worry me sometimes. As long as you promise, I promise that I’ll go to you when I need you.” The small smile on her Mavis was enough for him and he sighed. “But seriously, go to bed Mavis. I am not gonna sit here and listen to you bitch and moan about me drinking your miniature shot.” Mavis stuttered. “Bro, we were just having a moment of tenderness between friends! And I wasn’t stalling to sleep, you jerk!” But Alex laughed as he closed the door and walked to his own room which was luckily down the hall from Mavis.

Entering his room, Alex leaned against the door, breathing in deeply as he thought of what Mavis said. ‘ always close yourself off from me..’

“I’m sorry, Mavis.”

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

The room itself was anticlimactic for her tastes but she was given an order from Gideon so she couldn't complain much. A suddenBLEEPmade her almost jump. Digging into her pocket, Jack pulled out a small hand held stone, the center circle glowing a bright neon orange color.

Have you located them?

She sighed, pacing around the room. "No, they bolted when they sensed me but I did find the mirror. Gideon, there's a crack in it. It couldn't have been from those kids." Jack heard him curse.

Guess that means we'll be shaking up some plans then. I need to arrange some things here so I need you to keep an eye on those kids.

Jack stuttered. "What?! I amnota f*cking babysitter!" She heard some clunking noises on the other end and for a moment she thought Gideon disconnected. Finally Jack heard him speaking again.

Jack, we don't have a choice. That boy, he somehow connected himself to that mirror. The same should be said about that girl too with the statues. If Lilith and Eve discover them, we're gonna be in real sh*t.

She heard him sigh. Jack groaned, running her free hand from through her hair. "Ugh, fine, whatever. I'll watch the brats. Got their locations and sh*t then?" Gideon gave a muffled chuckle.

You doubt me too much, my dear. I'll have them sitting on your desk when you return home.

Jack nodded despite him not being in person. "Right, well. Did you find the other kid then?" She was certain Gideon also shook his head.

No. Clever little one to hide from me for so long. I respect that. See if you can do anything else there that would be useful. Oimathi, Jack.

"Oimathi, Gideon." With that, two disconnected and she put the stone away. "Welp, better start digging around then." Looking back, Jack walked towards the mirror, her finger tracing along the crack. She hummed. "Think you're so clever, eh? Using other people to do your dirty work?" There was a humming emanating from it but Jack paid no attention as turned away.

"Same goes for you three, asshats." Jack said, not even bothering to look at the three figures as their heads turned to look at her. Opening the door, Jack stepped out of the room and slammed it shut. Huffing, Jack walked away and made her down the hall, her boots echoing throughout the hall until she came face to face with a wall.

Jack smirked. "Hmph, child's play really." Feeling around on the wall, Jack quickly found a switch and pressed it. Clicking noises were made as the wall sunk itself in and disappeared to reveal a staircase. Making her way down while whistling, Jack took note of the carvings along the walls and took out a different hand stone than what she used before.

Swiping her thumb across the oblong engraving, a light shone on the other side where a crystal was, scanning the walls as she made her way down. Once she made it to the bottom, Jack pressed her thumb again on the engraving and sent them to Gideon. "Hopefully being down doesn't turn out so bad."

She remembered earlier when Gideon came to her. Him sensing Lilith and Eve's energies near an abandoned mansion was overkill really in her opinion. But what he had told her afterwards made her change her mind. A pair of kids in their late teens entering it and coming into connection with the mirror and statues alarmed her.

So she made her way down from Belarus only to find that there was no one inside and a giant ass crack across said mirror. And now she found herself being assigned to be a babysitter which still pissed off Jack. But, she can't really blame Gideon for needing her to do this. After all, he's been waiting thousands of years to finally put an end to this nightmare.

Jack shook her head, standing inside of the stone corridors. There was only one door at the end, the walls on each side of her having some of the stones being gone and being replaced by skulls of humans and animals. "What lovely decor.." she muttered and instinctively pulled out her tactical batons. Normally Jack would instead use her guns but with the way this corridor looked, she didn't want to take a chance of it coming down.

So, she had to be quiet and stealthy instead which was a bummer to Jack. The door was a large wooden door which reminded her of ones used in castles during the Middle Ages. It was heavy to push open even when using her whole body to open it completely. "Gideon, you asshole... you owe me... for doing this sh*t..."

Breathing somewhat heavily, Jack brushed off the grim that was on the door and proceeded inside. In the middle of the room was a pedestal with an indent like a bowl. Inside it was yellow-like fluid sitting inside, it smelled like honey with salt or pepper. "For a moment I thought they were their own piss for this sh*t." Jack said, walking away as she looked around.

There wasn't a book in sight with only scrolls littering the tables and shelves, some were on the floor. On the wall were drawings of creatures that Jack wasn't sure were while some had what looked like plans for creating portals. Jack would've read further if a sudden hissing sound from above stopped her. Back-flipping just as bladed claws came down, Jack looked up and a familiar sight.

"Well, well. Looks like my little buddy is still kicking. Guess you're here for round two then?" Jack said, whipping out her other tactical baton and fell into stance, ready to fight. The ghoul retracted its claws and fell from the ceiling and onto the destroyed table. A ghost-like serpentine body whipped at her making Jack barely dodging in time as it made contact with a nearby wall. Jack kicked a nearby chair and threw it at the ghoul, which in turn made it dodge as well. However, it was where Jack wanted it to be as she swung her batons right into its skull, an audibleCRACKresonated as it crashed to the floor.

It screeched as it wriggled itself on the floor until its spikes along its back ejected into the ceiling, pulling itself into a standing position. "Come on, asshole. Let's dance!" Jack called out, charging at it at full speed. As she fought it, Jack noticed something was off about it; this couldn't be the same ghoul she fought in Belarus.

It was supposed to be far faster, not slow. It has yet to spit any sort of acid at nor was mocking her in its victims voices. This was allwrongand Jack has had enough of playing this game. Jack ran to a nearby corner and jumped from it, she gave it a roundhouse kick to its incoming claws and landed on top of it. Taking her batons, Jack used them to pierce each side of its head. With a roar of pain and a moment of struggling, it fell dead on the floor.

Jumping off and putting her weapons away, Jack knelt down to look at it closer and cursed, "Well I'll be damned. Someone made you into a necro ghoul.." This was not a good thing to hear to Jack who stood hastily and was about to leave when something caught her eye. It seemed that her struggle with the ghoul knocked a stone loose.

Jack hesitated.

As much as she wanted to report back to Gideon as fast as possible, she couldn't help the curiosity in her to not look. Groaning, she walked up to it and saw that there was a gem figurine. Looking closer, Jack's eyes widened in horror.

The only thing she muster was a quiet, "f*ck..." before bolting out of the room and up the stairs, her hand stone already glowing as she summoned Gideon.

"Gideon, it's Jack. It's worse than you thought. They've got the Prism key."

sh*t. It won't be long now before they find them and bring the two into this time. Jack-

"Yeah, yeah. Babysit the brats until we sort this sh*thole of a problem out. Don't worry, I got this."

You always do.

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

The next morning was quite a bright and warm day in Mavis's opinion. The sun's rays shone down on her as she was laying on a pool float with sunglasses protecting her eyes. It wasn't very long since Alex left after he received a call from his uncle to meet with him. Which meant Mavis was bored out of her mind while sitting in the pool. Sighing, she felt her eyes becoming heavy until she heard her phone going off on the deck.

Thinking it was a mere spam call, Mavis let it ring until it went to voicemail and once it showed on her screen, Mavis played loud enough for her to listen:

G'day, Mavis! Rhia here, sorry I jus got back from the coppers a few days ago so c'mon on down here so I can tell you all the great goodies!'

It took Mavis a few seconds too long to realize that Rhia finally called back and once she did, Mavis fell off the float and into the pool. Coughing as she swam to the edge of the pool and hoisting herself out, Mavis grabbed the towel that was sitting next to her phone and began to dry herself off. As she made her way into the house, Mavis searched in her phone to find Alex.






SinFlower:tExT mE bAcK

SinFlower:tHiS iS iMpOrTaNt

SinFlower:ugh fine msg me back when ur done with Uncle then >:P

Snorting, Mavis dropped her phone on a nearby chair and threw her towel on the other one. Mavis didn't have her swimwear so she had to wear her bra and a pair of old swim shorts that Alex had. Lucky for her, Mavis had a spare bra upstairs so she made her way to her room and quickly put clothes on.

Throwing a black tank top on, Mavis also threw on a long sleeved welding cape that Rhia had given her a while back. She then decided on a pair of loose fitting dark red boho harem pants and black ballet flats with criss-crossing ankle straps. Nodding to herself, Mavis walked downstairs as she also tied her hair back. After making sure she had her phone and keys, Mavis opened the front door, locked it and began to walk to Rhia's place.


Downtown Ashaven was always busy with cars and buses being stuck in traffic or waiting for the traffic lights to turn colors. Horns would be honking or there would be yelling from people from pointless arguments about either their driving skills or something else. So of course Mavis was surprised to see that there were barely any people or cars today. Which honestly was a good thing since Mavis usually hates walking in the downtown area.

Turning a corner on the right, Mavis saw the familiar sight of the Ugly Jester, a small bar that also worked as a shop as well. Grinning to herself, Mavis gave a little bounce in her walking as she made her way over and she went to grab for the handle only for the rusted metal door being slammed opened. A large burly man was on the ground, his nose obviously broken from being punched.

"Get the bloody f*ck out of my bar, you yobbo ankle-biter!" Mavis smiled. She knew that Aussie accent anywhere. She let the bloodied pick himself up which he spat a glob of blood onto the pavement. He barely acknowledged Mavis as he yelled back inside. "Whatever, you dumb black bitch! I ain't havin' some broad like you touch my f*cking truck!'

A figure walked out and right up to the man, jabbing her finger into his sternum. "Oh, go suck a co*ck on a stick, you racist sh*t stain!" she yelled, her eyes glowing in anger. Growling in his own anger, the man instead walked away and nearly knocked Mavis down. "Geez, what was his problem, Rhia?"

The woman, Rhia, snorted. "Oh, same damn thing with men. C'mon, take a seat inside while I get somethin' to drink for ya." She motioned Mavis to come inside, the door locking itself as Rhia changed theOPENsign to aCLOSED. Inside, Mavis walked right up towards the bar counter and hopped onto a stool. Rhia soon came from the back and in her hands was a soda in one hand and a beer in the other.

Rhia smirked as she handed Mavis the soda and left herself with the beer. Mavis pouted, "Aw, c'mon! I'm a big girl, Rhia!" Rhia laughed but shook her head. "Yeah, no. Sorry, but I ain't about to have an ankle-biter like you gettin' drunk of your ass on my watch. Again." She took a swing of the bottle while Mavis grumbled to herself.

"By the by, I called and left a voicemail earlier. Ya didn't pick up." Rhia said, putting her beer down and setting her arms on the counter. Mavis snorted and said, "Yeah, sorry about that. I was chilling in Alex's pool when you called. I, uh, fell off my floatie so I couldn't really call back." Rhia howled in laughter, her hand slamming on the table. "Good on ya, Mavis. Only you could make it so much funnier."

Mavis only rolled her eyes but suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah, you called me to tell me some of the 'great goodies'." Rhia grinned. "I am so glad you reminded me of that, love. Alright, so do you remember those drongo's that kept coming here for no reason whatsoever? Well, they decided to try the brightest idea to try and rob me. You see where I'm goin' with this, yeah?" Mavis started to grin and nodded.

Rhia continued.

"It was a busy night in the bar room and I was busy handin' out customers orders and makin' small talk with some when out of nowhere, a fight was startin' up so I had to run over to break the f*ckers up and suddenly I heard someone callin'meout. Looked back and whaddya know, they f*cker's were tryin' to break into the damn register!"

"I'm guessing you weren't happy."

"I wasbloodypissed off, that's what I was! So," Rhia clapped her hands together, took another swing of her beer before continuing. "Well, first of all I slapped the other two in their faces since they were the bloke's friends. Then, I ran to the other and jumped on him."

"Oh my god, Rhia. Did you beat his ass with your ninja skills?!"

"You're damn f*ckin' right I did! All three of 'em. Although, someone wuss called the coppers and soon enough I was gettin' cuffed and damn did it take a lotta convincin' on my part, too." Mavis laughed, her sides were already hurting and Rhia smiled, showing a small gap on the right side of her teeth on her upper jaw.

They laughed for a while until they could barely take in any more air in their lungs. "Oh man, I wished I was here to record it! I wanted to see some action of you kicking ass."

"Why thank you, missy. But now it's your turn." Rhia said, locking eyes on Mavis.

"What do you mean..?" Mavis asked, raising her drink to her lips. Rhia scoffed. "Don't try to lie to me. I can tell from the way you came in. What's wrong, love?" She could muster a half smile. "It's really nothing but, I guess... ugh, mom is fighting with dad about Lance again."

Rhia scoffed. "For f*ck sakes. Marianne's still on your pop's ass about him?" Mavis nodded and Rhia rolled her eyes in annoyance. Drinking the last bit of her drink, Rhia threw it out and made her way to the other side where Mavis is. Sitting down, Rhia leaned over and gave her a look. "But it's not the only thing that's botherin' you, is it?"

Mavis looked at Rhia, her vibrant violet eyes staring into her. "I've always wondered if your eyes were always that color. Makes me jealous, you know? To have such pretty eyes while also having a tough shield around you."

Rhia chuckled. "Yeah, I know. But you're stalling me, mate."

"Yeah. I know. I just, I just can't right now, okay?"

It was silence between them; Rhia staring intently at Mavis who also starred back with pleading in her eyes. Finally, Rhia sighed. "Alright, alright. I'll drop it for now. But don't think I'm goin' to forget either."

Mavis smiled softly. "Yeah, thanks."

"Course. Now, you should head on back to little Al's place. There's gonna be quite a rain storm comin' and I'd rather have you home safe."

"Wait, really? I thought it was going to be nothing but clear skies and sh*t?" It was more of a question than a statement. Rhia shrugged. "I know, I ain't no wizard or whateva' but it's in the forecast so there." Mavis groaned and rolled her eyes.

"And here I wanted to enjoy a bright and sunny day in the pool."

"You can. Just don't come cryin' to me or Al when you're sick and pukin' your guts up."

Chapter 6

Chapter Text

Alex sighed as he leaned against the window, his knees pulled to his chest as he looked onward outside with the sun beginning to set and the downpour rain coming down hard. Visiting his uncle at his workplace was supposed to be a good feeling but instead it was more of a slap in the face. His uncle was instead drowning in paperwork and with a half-hearted apology, shoved a small box into Alex's hands.

He stood in front of the door for a few seconds with his mind attempting to process what had just happened. Eventually Alex did leave after standing around a few minutes too long. Mainly since because people were staring at him. Regardless, Alex was too tired to care about what the others thought of him as he left. Now here he was, sitting and mopping while the box he was given remained unopened and it felt like it was mocking him.

"If you glare any longer at it, your face will stay like that forever." Alex smirked, looking over to Mavis. "Oh yeah? You're the one to talk. Glaring at a damn squirrel because it was nibbling on a damn nut nearby while you were sitting doing nothing."

"I'll have you know that it was plotting to steal my trail mix! You can never trust them little fluff devils!" Alex laughed while Mavis pouted as she walked over to him. She moved the box closer to him while she planted herself in front of Alex. "So, what's going on in that big head of yours? You've been a grump since you came back from Uncle's."

Alex winced. "Yeah, uh. We didn't really talk, at all. He said he wasn't going to have work to do but when I got there he just chucked it in my hands and went right back to work."

Mavis co*cked an eyebrow. "Weren't you guys supposed to meet up at some cafe or something?"

"Yeah we were but he called before I left the house to meet up at his workplace instead. Thought that we were gonna hike over to lunch together to talk about whatever he wanted to tell but that didn't happen now did it?" Alex explained bitterly. He should be used to this by his family doing this after all; clearly he isn't. Mavis crossed her arms in a huff.

She didn't say anything but stare outside like Alex was before. He merely nodded, "Well, then he gave me that box and that was that."

"You mean you hadn't opened it yet? Bro, c'mon, for real? Quit being a wuss and open it already!" Mavis said, her voice sounding curious. Alex hesitated for a moment and Mavis faltered slightly. "You don't have to, Alex, you know. I'm just being me pushing your buttons." He snorted while she gave him a small smile. "No, you're fine Mavis. I just wasn't gonna open it for a while. Better now than later, eh?"

She practically bounced up onto her knees while Alex laughed softly as he picked up the small box. "Geez, how old are you again? Seven, eight years old?" She stuck her tongue out at him as she watched her friend lift the lid open. "..Huh."

It was all Alex had said which made Mavis very confused. Her shoulders slumped as she said, "What does that even mean? Like, is it a good huh or a bad huh?...A neutral huh? C'mon, tell me!" Mavis exclaimed, slapping her hands almost excitedly against his legs. "Hey, hey, hey! Stop slapping me and I'll show you, holy chalupa."

Mavis only grinned as he reached inside the box and pulled out a necklace that looked familiar to the both of them. "Wait, isn't that your dad's? I thought it was lost when he, you know, disappeared..."

"Yeah. I-I don't know how it would still be here. Dadnevertook the damn thing off ever. Not even when he was sleeping or taking showers." Alex frowned while he stared at the necklace. Going back to the earliest memories he could remember, not once had he ever seen the damn thing off. Pretty sure neither did his mom but then it just made him more frustrated.

"You're making that face again. Didn't you know that it can make itself permanent on your face?" Mavis said, her voice softly teasing. Alex blinked a moment before cracking a small tense smirk in return. "Maybe that's why I'm so dashingly handsome and your so fugly as hell." That earned him a swift hard kick in his shins but Alex laughed instead while Mavis fumed as she walked out of the room.

Alex knew she wasn't actually mad at him since they've always taunted each other since preschool. Thunder then boomed across the sky as the lightning strikes scarred the skies, making Alex jump and realize that he dropped his dad's necklace on the floor. Sighing, Alex slipped off the window, bending down and as he stood up, lightning flashed through the room, this time a sickly pale face with black sockets where eyes should have appeared.

As anyone would in his position, Alex screamed and fell onto the floor quickly as the sudden face appeared and disappeared. He felt his heart pounding hard as his breathing quickened, his eyes never once leaving the window. Any warmth Alex had felt before slowly drained from as he whispered sounds of children drowned in his ears.

He tried to move his arms or at the very his hands but couldn't. Alex sat there staring into nothing as the sounds crept closer and louder and louder. That is, until he heard Mavis scream downstairs. He didn't know where the sudden urge to free himself from whatever funk he was in but Alex bolted from the floor and essentially flew down the stairs and into the living room.

He found Mavis on the floor, clutching her right arm to herself as she stared out the now opened door. "Mavis?! Are you okay? What happened? Why is the door open?" Alex knelt down beside her and grabbed her hand, pulling her up from the floor. That was when he noticed her hand was bleeding. "You're bleeding! Mavis, what happened? Why are you bleeding?"

Alex moved her towards the couch and not once had Mavis stopped shaking. Mavis was hard to scare and very rarely had Alex manage to scare her. Sitting her down, Alex ran back to the front door but before he locked it, he looked out. Alex saw the familiar sight of the pale face he saw before. Far, far, far away but close enough where he saw that it wassmiling. He really hoped that he must've had some sort of LSD drug he had before sh*t went down.

Closing it and locking it as quickly as he could, Alex ran to the nearest bathroom and grabbed a med-kit that was under the sink. He wasn't sure if using it would be necessary but Alex didn't want to take a chance. Walking out, Alex made his way over to Mavis whom he saw was no longer shaking.

Dragging a ottoman behind him, Alex planted himself in front of Mavis and reached out for her arm. "Can you show me your arm? I have to clean it so you can slap the sh*t outta me later when we're like 150 years old." Mavis snorted but did as she was asked and held her arm to Alex. Looking at it, Alex was relieved that it was a scratch and not a deep enough gash that would need stitches. Mavis hissed as she felt the burning from the alcohol Alex was using to clean it.

"So, what's the verdict doc? Am I gonna need to amputate my arm?"

Alex snorted, placing a gauze on the wound and started wrapping it. "For now, no. But I'm pretty sure that it's gonna be a bitch to use so I'd be careful if I were you, okay?" Mavis smiled but nodded in response.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, Doctor Mother-hen." Alex snickered but suddenly remembered, "Mavis, what happened?" She tensed for a moment before sighing. "Honestly, I'm still not even sure what happened. All I was doing was walking down the stairs and into the entryway to get my sweater since my phone was there. A-And the next thing I knew, a flash of lightning happened and I saw a face staring at me! I heard you scream and then suddenly the door opened and then I screamed."

"Y-You saw it? Pale white face with no eyes?" Alex said, practically whispering it. Her amber eyes widened. "Is that why I heard you scream?" He nodded and Mavis had her head in her hands. "What the f*ck..."

"I-I don't know what to say. I thought that I probably took some LSD without knowing it but guess that's not the case whenyousaw it too." Mavis sighed, "No, you weren't on anything. Besides, whatever that thing was took my sweater." Alex stared at her with a frown. "It stole your sweater?"

Mavis sheepishly nodded. "Yeah, it was in my hands when it appeared so that's why I got scratched."

Now Alex was confused. "Why would it steal some old sweater?" He said as he was packing the med-kit back up and putting it away. She shrugged. "I don't know but I have to get it back. Big sissy messaged me asking about it."

He groaned. "Yeah but where the hell would we even start? It's not like we can magically teleport ourselves where it could be."

"We could just go back to the manor. Maybe someone saw us there and followed back?" Mavis said as a question instead. Alex ran his fingers through his hair, sighing as he sat across from her. As much as Alex didn't want to return to that place, he also knew that Mavis had a point. Someone or somethingmust've seen them there poking around where they shouldn't have been.

His brain was screaming to not even think about going back but instead, "Okay, fine. We'll go back and find it. Can't believe we're doing this this late at night." Mavis whooped and threw herself at him who in return almost didn't even catch and almost fell to the floor. "Thanks, Al! Now let's go and get my damn sweater back so sissy doesn't destroy me!"

Chapter 7

Chapter Text

They didn't leave right away, much to Mavis's impatient annoyance. But Alex put his foot down since it was still raining albeit lighter than it was before. Besides, he would really rather not walk through a possible flood, thank you very much. The downside was that Alex was instead subjugated through Mavis's complaining for the next three hours. Finally, it was around one in the morning when the rain finally started to disappear until it became a faint mist.

The early morning was chilly so before leaving, Alex gave Mavis a jacket for her to wear since she didn't have another pair. Making sure the door was locked firmly, the duo proceeded to jog in the night to the old manor they previously visited. Jogging at night wasn't exactly the safest idea Alex was doing but he wanted this to be done and over with so he can sleep the stress away.

Normally it would be a rough half-hour walk from his place and less than twenty something minutes from Mavis's home, but for them it took them about fifteen minutes. Alex was glad for once he chose to join the track team in their sophom*ore and junior years. Walking up to the gate, Alex was relieved when he saw that it was still unlocked. Neither of them brought the lock picking kit anyway.

Mavis stopped in her tracks. "Hey, uh, Alex? Was that there before?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, walking around her to see what she meant. Alex froze when he saw the door. Mavis was right; a dark mark was slathered on the once lovely cream white door. Even with their flashlights, neither teen could decide whether what they were looking at was blood or something else.

"I-I don't know. Might be water damage from the rain?" Alex sheepishly said, opening the door. This time there was no loud creak from the aged hinges. Like someone had recently oiled them or something. He shivered but he wasn't sure if it was the chill in the air or the current circ*mstances. He and Mavis looked to each other, their eyes locking with each other. Neither teen moved an inch for what seemed like an eternity until finally Alex entered with Mavis clutching his sleeve.

Mavis covered her mouth to silence a scream while Alex felt himself lose any sensible brain cell. From the door all the way to the basem*nt was the same dark marks that littered the door; this time however, it looked like someone or something was dragged. The tables around it were either thrown some place else or destroyed. Even the once beautiful chandelier was destroyed and barely screwed to the ceiling.

"Jesus, what the f*ck happened here?!" Mavis whispered harshly. Alex didn't hear her and instead focused on trying to ignore the worst possible outcomes. "Okay, okay. Let's just look around to see if your sweater is here. And if not, then just let your sister destroy you instead."

Mavis gaped at him. "Have you lost your mind?! Do you seriously not remember that in every single horror movie trope out there, you don't investigate any sort of area with clear signs of there being a fight as well this house being abandoned!"

"Weren't you the one that insisted on coming here just to get it back?" Alex said, co*cking an eyebrow towards her.

"That's way besides the point! I'm trying to say that there isclearlysomething going on that either us even understand. It's been like, what? Three, four hours after we left the first time and then we come back here and suddenly there's a damn trail of god knows what leading straight to the basem*nt where someone or something is waiting for us!"

Alex placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "Mavis, calm down. I know what you're trying to say, really I do. I was trying to imply that webothgo together and the moment it gets real then we bolt right the hell outta here, okay?"

Mavis at him with mixed feelings. She wasn't lying when her sister would beat her ass if she lost her sweater. Serves the dumbass to leave it behind after three years of living out of the house. But at the same time shereallydidn't want to investigate any further ever since she had seen the trail from the front door. Sure it was her idea to come straight here after being attacked by something but now Mavis was guilty of dragging them here.

"It'll be fine, Mavis. I'm not gonna leave you behind." Alex softly said. He noticed how she started shaking, her eyes were widening slightly as her breathing began to pace faster. Grabbing her hand and squeezing it softly, Mavis sighed as they walked along the trail that themselves towards the basem*nt.

"Besides, you're the one that insisted on coming here anyway."

"Oi, shut the hell up and be my damn shield."

Alex snickered but did as he was told. Taking the lead as they descended down, Alex saw that the stairs themselves were damn near impossible since they seemed to be either snapped in half or missing in some places. The two looked at each other and after nodding to each other, Mavis jumped on to Alex's back.

"Oh lordy hell, did someone drop a piano down here or what?"

"Yeah, I noticed that too. Someone definitely was here after us."

The duo continued their descent down the treacherous staircase; well, more like Alex with Mavis on his back descending. "Maybe some homeless people broke in?" Alex frowned. Even if someone was homeless, why would they nearly destroy the very stairs they needed to exit? Not only that, but how and what did they do to leave behind all those strange stains around? Shaking his head, Alex focused more on trying to make sure that they don't break their necks from the hazardous steps. It seemed like the task that was taking forever finally saw the familiar sight of the flooring. Deep gashes were visible on the wallpaper, the flooring was cracked so badly that if this wasn't a basem*nt, one wrong move would mean anyone could fall with dire consequences. The carpeting lining was shredded beyond any recognition. Mavis quickly slid off from Alex's back and the two stood in silence at the destruction before them.

Time seemed to go by too fast for his liking but it was Mavis that made the first move. "Well whatever came here clearly didnotappreciate the decor." she said, dragging her hand across one such crack on a nearby wall. It took him a few moments to gather himself but eventually he did and was soon following after her.

Doors were smashed to bits and their contents revealed to be mere old furniture and paintings. Nothing stood out to Alex as he looked through each vacant room until, "Woah, Alex, check this out!" In front of him was Mavis as she walked into the room. Making his way over, Alex looked down the hall and noticed a stairway but shook his head. Stepping into the room, he realized it was the same they were in when they were here a few hours earlier.

Once he was inside, Alex saw that nothing really changed. That is, until Mavis spoke softly, "Alex, look at this." Looking over, he saw Mavis staring at the mirror. A sudden shiver ran through his body as he walked towards her, wrapping an arm across his body trying to stop himself from shivering. "What is it, Mavis?" he asked once he was standing beside her.

She didn't look back at him and instead pointed towards the mirror. Mentally groaning, Alex nervously looked where she was pointing and he couldn't help but gasp at what he saw. It's metallic star-shaped framing was broken with its jewels being completely vacant. The glass itself was shattered and yet there were no signs of any broken mirror anywhere on the floor.

Looking away, Alex saw that there wasn't any sort of indication that there was a fight. Making his way over to the statues, Alex noticed something that wasn't there before when he looked before. Taking a few steps closer to the faceless statue, Alex looked at its hands, the once empty hands were now holding some sort of dagger made of the same glass as the mirror appeared to be.

"What the..." Alex trailed off, his eyes widening as he looked closer. He felt Mavis standing behind him. "Don't eventhinkabout touching it, Alex. This is how people set traps off and get killed." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm not gonna touch it. I just wanted to look at it closer; it's holding a broken mirror almost like a dagger?" Alex said this more as a question than a statement.

Mavis threw her arms up in annoyance. "None of this sh*t was here before, Alex! Some sh*t must've went down after we left and who the f*ck knows, they might still be here!"

"Alright, calm down! You're panicking over nothing, Mavis! Take a few breaths and calm the hell down." Alex said, huffing as he watched her take a few breaths, running her fingers through her mousy brown hair and stared back at him.

"You good now?"

"...Yeah, sorry. It's just, just being here after being attacked bysomethingand coming back here with everything f*cked up... it's just too much right now."

Alex smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and giving her a side hug. He felt her practically melting under his touch. They stood there for a moment until the door slammed shut, making the two jump. It didn't take long to realize that they were locked inside, the clear audibleCLICKmade it even more obvious.

Letting each other go, Mavis bolted to the door and tried to twist the knob. It didn't even bother to move the slightest like it was a mere decoration instead. "Why won't it open?! Alex, what the f*cking sh*t is happening?!" Mavis yelled, freaking out. Alex walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down. Just as Alex was about to say something, a humming sound was filtering through. Opening his mouth, he suddenly found himself without oxygen. Gasping, his eyes widened when he realized that it was becoming harder and harder to breath.

Hands grabbing to his throat, Alex staggered from where he stood, coughing as he tried in vain to breathe without any success. He slowly lifted his gaze towards Mavis, who fell to the floor on her knees, tears streaming down her face. Reaching out, Mavis barely lifted herself up to see his eyes and with the rest of her strength, "....Al....ex....he...l...p.." Her eyes rolled back and she fell to the floor unconscious.

Tripping over his feet, coughing as he crawled to his unconscious friend, Alex saw his vision blacking out. His hands, no longer strong enough to hold him up, slipped out underneath him. Just before the darkness in vision took over, he heard the door open. Alex saw someone walking towards him, they grabbed his chin and forced him to look at them.

The last thing Alex saw was the piercing bloody red gaze of their eyes staring into his soul.

Chapter 8

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As she watches the teens enter the mansion, the embers fell from her lit cigarette between her lips. Jack looked on as she was lost in her thoughts as her entire day was nothing but sh*t; first a ghoul decided it wanted to go for a hunt/run through a small village in Belarus for sh*t's'n'giggles. Which, of course, ruined her favorite long vicuña coat that was covered in the ghoul's entrails and guts. Twice.

And now, Gideon has her babysit two teens who stupidly decided to enter an abandoned mansion for theirownsh*t's'n'giggles.

Wonderful. Just f*cking wonderful.

Gritting her teeth, she flicked her dying cigarette into a nearby puddle near her boots and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited...

Jack slowly realized that something was*t, sh*t, sh*t...

As she was about to barge into the place with her guns blazing and scaring the two absolute sh*tless without the slightest regrets, she paused. There was a static sound like a TV being left on being heard that was soon followed by a rumbling howl-like sound. She was annoyed for a moment but suddenly a blinding light made her wince and flinch away. Turning back once she knew that the light was gone, Jack saw as the area was split open as twofamiliarfigures stepped through.

Her eyes widened in disbelief that she switched to losing her sh*t. Before launching herself over the railing with her guns ready to blow someone's damn brains out, she paused. If she did that then those kids inside would get injured or worse,killed.

Slamming her fist into the metal railing, she backed away and started to pace around. It felt like forever until Jack stopped, held her arms above and around her head, sighing. "Welp, guess it's time to crash into a party then." And jumped over the railing, the night being silent aside from her boots smacking and clicking against the pavement. The gates were gone to who knows where, the ground having deep gouges around the area as ifsomeonedecided to do some early landscaping.

Walking up the steps and through the shattered door, the entire inside was now in shambles; the once pristine chandelier has shattered bits strewn everywhere on the flooring. Jack wasn't sure which furniture was once a sofa or a table. She could hear quiet whisper-like buzzing all around her like an insect was flying around her head. Making her way through the destroyed dining area, the whispering was becoming louder as she made her way down the hall and towards the basem*nt. The steps, although treacherous to walk down before, were now all broken in half entirely making her trip down a lot harder. Humming, Jack dug into her utility belt that hung loose around her waist and pulled out a marble sized orb. It was orange with swirls of magenta that illuminated her fingertips, Jack quickly whipped it into the darkness that were once the stairs and waited.

A bright light flashed from within and with it came energy platforms hovering in the air beneath her. Smiling to herself, Jack quickly made her way down, her steps creating a hollow echoing noise. There was a heavy smell wafting up from the moment she stepped onto the flooring, causing Jack to cough and cover her nose with her arm.

"Damn, did someone take a sh*t or something?... Unless that smell is coming from that ghoul I killed earlier and I somehow forgot to burn it." Jack said, glaring into nothing before shrugging and continuing on. The hidden stairway was opened and lit with torches that hung on the walls, burning bright blue flames instead of the usual fiery red. Because she had been here earlier, Jack was certain the ceiling wasnotto the point that one single touch to it, Hell, maybe evenbreathingwould cause it to collapse and sink the entire manor down.

Jack was glad that for once she hadn't run in with her guns blazing up the place.

Silently, she slowly made her way to the opened door but before she could even peek inside, a glowing orb shot out of the room. Nearly tripping and falling backwards, Jack pulled herself behind a nearby pillar to hide. Arching her head, Jack saw the familiar sight of Lilith's minion, Gjek.

A small hovering eyeball with four very small and nearly invisible wings, its sclera was an acid yellowish green and its iris was a haunting color. To Jack, it was gonna be a real f*cking pain in the ass for Jack to beat. Gjek twitched as it blinked, trails of slime cascading down and onto the stone below which began to bubble and melt away.'The f*ck? When did it have acid?!'

Gjek twitched for a moment before a sharp pointed beam shot from its iris, scanning the room. As it did, Jack subconsciously grabbed a small rock nearby her and, without taking her eyes off of Gjek, threw the rock as hard and far as possible. There was a sound of something snapping and quickly as it happened, Gjek bolted away, letting Jack slip into the room.

Jack sighed, finally letting herself breathe in relief until a loud thunderous cackle made her jump and hid behind a fallen shelf. Peeking her head out, Jack saw that the cackling came from Eve, who was busy laughing as the girl in the suspended cage got her head smashed against the cage. The other teen, a boy, yelled at Eve to leave her alone until he too was bashed in the head by her war hammer.

Eve tsked, "You know, it's rude to interrupt a lady when she is busy enjoying herself? Besides, I haven't had this much fun inyears!So shut your f*cking mouth and scream for me, little boy!" Jack knew it was wrong but she was impressed that they both were still alive for this long. But she also knew that they wouldn't be able to live longer if standing around is all she's going to be doing.

"It is very rude of our guests to be causing such a ruckus in our humble home. Besides," Lilith, who was a few feet away from where Eve was, turned around from the pedestal and walked towards them, "you two are exactly what I need for my lovely work to be completed."

The boy, grasping his bleeding head, looked up from the floor of his cage, "W-what the... f*ck you... m-mean...?"

Eve dramatically gasped, grasping at her breasts. "Why, only the most bestest, fantastically amazing moment ever! Geez, get with the time at hand, will ya?!"

Lilith chuckled. It was at this moment Jack realized the familiar gem figurine she was holding and hissed.'f*ck... the Prism key and the damn thing was glowing, meaning Ms. Resting Bitch-Face managed to f*cking activate it and those damn kids were sacrifi-'Jack thoughts were interrupted when something suddenly slammed into her, knocking her down to the floor. Looking behind, she saw that it was Gjek. A light beam emitted from it as it wrapped around her and held her in place.

"Well, well. Such a good boy you are, Gjek. You have caught our little black widow just in time for the show to begin." Lilith said, walking straight towards Jack. Grabbing her chin, she was forced to stare into the other's blood red eyes.

"Yeah, well, I was disappointed when I didn't get an invite, ya know? Can't say I'm complaining though, this party is sh*t."

"Oh, I am sorry to hear this, Jack, my dear..." Lilith cooed, nuzzling her lips near Jack's check. Then, without warning (although Jack was already dreading it) dragged her elongated tongue against said cheek, "But soon, the party will become even better once the guest of honor has arrived."

Letting go, Lilith walked away and waving her hand, the blood that dripped from the two cages levitated towards her. The blood encircled the glowing figurine until the glowing disappeared. At first there was nothing until the blood itself started to boil and peel away like rotting flesh. Then, like someone threw it, it had implanted itself into a nearby wall.

A bright burst of yellow-white light burst forth once it vanished as it came. Jack was certain with the many, many times she kept seeing bright lights would also be the same time she would be blind. Regardless, once the brightness did vanish, reality sunk into her mind; Lilith opened the gateway for Him to return and this world was doomed.

But, something was wrong.

Something wasn't right with the gateway.

Chapter 9

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Alex sure as hell wasn't f*cking stupid. He had known no,knew,something bad was going to happen. Yet here Alex was, sitting in his cage with a head wound refusing to stop bleeding. And now suddenly some sort of portal thing on the wall and a random appearance of another woman wearing black clothes and hair.

He listened in as the two women gave death glares to each other. The shorter black haired woman, Eve, was too busy cooing and petting the floating eye thing. Alex wanted to vomit just from watching what she was doing.

"Well, well. Such a good boy you are, Gjek. You have caught our little black widow just in time for the show to begin." The magenta haired woman, Lilith,(pretty sure)said. She walked straight towards the other black haired woman. Reaching out and grabbing her chin, the latter was forced to stare into the other's blood red eyes.

The woman snorted, fear not even showing in her different colored eyes. "Yeah, well, I was disappointed when I didn't get an invite, ya know? Can't say I'm complaining though, this party is sh*t."

"Oh, I am sorry to hear this, Jack, my dear..." Lilith cooed, nuzzling her lips near Jack's check. Alex watched as the other dragged her elongated tongue against her cheek, the other's eyes glaring like she knew it was gonna happen.

Have these people met before?

Alex would've been curious if not for the predicament the two are in currently.

"But soon, the party will become even better once the guest of honor has arrived." That was when the portal on the wall showed up and that was when everything went to sh*t. Clearly something wasn't right as he watched the black haired woman stare in horror and yet she had a maniac smile on her face.

Eve and Lilith must've noticed too as they started flipping their sh*t.

Lilith started screaming, "NO, NO, NO....!" over and over again while Eve grabbed at her hair and started pulling and tugging strands of her own hair out. It was at this moment that Jack, (right?)made her move. While she was held by the waist with her arms against her, that didn't stop her from grabbing a marble(??)from her belt.

It was purple with tiny studs around it; Alex glanced at Mavis who he could see had visible excitement written on her face. He then watched as she simply dropped it on the floor and saw the tiny studs suddenly became huge and pierced the floating eye thing into letting her go. Giving it a swift roundhouse kick which sent it screeching into Lilith's still screaming face, Jack shrugged off her cape and Alex couldn't help but be in awe.

Not because she was hot as hell but because of how badass she looked. It seemed that she knew what he was thinking since she gave Alex a smirk and said, "Be a good little boy and watch how women deal with pests that piss them off."

Lunging forward, Jack seamlessly whipped two batons from nowhere(had to have been magic)and delivered a solid blow to Eve's jaw, an audibleC R A C Kmade Alex shudder. The blow sent her flying into the pedestal which in turn dropped a bowl with some fluid in it to the floor. It seemed that whatever it was was important enough to snap Lilith from her screaming fit.

"How f*cking dare you, you ninny-hammer pillock donkey!"

Jack laughed, "Wow, I haven't heard those sayings in years! And how dare you, there's children here, you f*cking dipsh*t! So watch your language!" Lilith gritted her teeth and whipped her arms in a circular motion, a whip formed from the serpent bracelets that were once adorned her upper and lower arms.

The handle was black, and multi-tailed were electrified with white, clear currents running through them, ready to hit their marks with as much pain as possible. Alex saw that Jack hadn't even flinched, only smiled. "Oh, ho, ho. I see you got another one after I destroyed it."

Lilith growled and as fast as her whips formed, she snapped her whip straight towards the other woman, a loudS N A Pechoed as it made contact with the wall. The sheer force from Lilith cracked it enough that a deep hole was left behind. Jack dodged in time and after a few more circular motions, Jack flipped around a fallen pillar and threw one of her batons at Lilith.

She dodged but in doing so made it possible for Jack to deliver a bone breaking punch to the face, the back of her head slamming against the wall. Lilith screamed, one hand to her now-broken nose while the other was trying in vain to strike Jack. Quickly as she snapped it, the electrified weapon made a thunderous noise that reminded Alex like she was the god of thunder or something.

He watched as Jack ducked away and grabbed one of the broken shelves from before, shielding herself in time as the whip made contact. The wood was thrown away as fast as it was grabbed and from the looks of it that a smoke was emanating from it.

Alex looked away just as he watched Eve spun herself up from the floor with her weapon in hand. Rearing her hammer back, Eve then hurled it towards Alex and Mavis. The two barely ducked away in time as it spun itself into the cages that held them previously. Metal bars snapping in half and mangled as the sudden solid force broke them in half also caused the ceiling they once hung from to fall apart.

Alex rolled on his side as he grabbed Mavis by her waist and moved them away just in time before they were crushed. Mavis muttered something but Alex didn't hear her as his back slammed into the fallen podium. Luckily for him, he didn't land anywhere near the strange yellow fluid that was in the bowl beforehand; Alex sure as hell doesn't want to know what it was.

Coughing as the dust they landed stirred up and blinded them, Alex looked over to his friend to ask whether she was hurt when he saw the excitement on her face. "Seriously? After getting our heads bashed in, you're excited for a fight?"

Mavis rolled her eyes. "And you're not?"

"No, I'm not!"

Alex stated, glaring at her and completely ignoring what was happening around them.

Nope, having a petty argument is far more important than a death battle going on now. "I amnota sad*st; just because I laughed at Simon getting socked in the face with a dumbbell by Hector doesn't mean anything!"

"Gee, I really do hope that this fight between you two lovebirds can'tpossiblylast fifteen more seconds." They were both jolted as they both previously forgot what was happening at the moment. Turning their heads, they saw the woman, Jack, glaring at them as she held off a hulking stone creature with two batons. Looking around, Alex saw that Lilith was no longer even in the fight. Instead, she was tangled and wrapped in her whip in the corner and Eve was underneath Jack's dark buckled boots, trying and failing to free herself.

Jack cursed and with all her might shoved the stone creature back enough for her to slam her boot into Eve's head and kicked straight into her face. The sheer force sent the latter into the beast and sent it flying away yet again. Shoving her batons away behind her black lace haori, Jack then ran towards Alex and Mavis, yelling at them.

"Get your asses moving! This ceiling isn't going to hold much longer and this fire sure as hell ain't gonna help." Grabbing their arms, Alex protested while Mavis started coughing as the fire around them started to become progressively worse. "W-Wait..! We don't know you, how ca-"

"Listen, kid. As of now, I'm the one that knows more about the sh*t that just happened. You two weren't supposed to be here to begin with and it's myforcedduty to keep you little sh*ts safe. Besides," Jack said as she stopped in front of the still swirling portal on the wall, "whether or not you two trust me is up to you. But right now, I'm all you got so trust me, alright?"

Alex was quiet and while he still doesn't know whether he could trust Jack or not, he knew that what she was saying was also right. True that shewasthe only one that knows what's really going on and that she risked her life to save them, intentional or not.

Alex sighed. "Alright then. Lead the way, ma'am."

Jack smirked but quickly added, "Don't call me ma'am. Just call me Jack." Mavis was about to comment before they both quite literally were thrown into the portal by Jack which quickly sealed itself behind.

It felt like an eternity as they fell and despite Alex could feel and see Mavis next to him, he couldn't hear her screaming nor could he even hear himself. Everything was flashing by him so fast that he couldn't tell what colors were even in front of his eyes and he wasn't sure if he was falling down or going up.

Hell, they could even be falling from the sides. A sudden bright flash erupted from the sides and blinded him, causing him to let go of Mavis. Alex tried to scream her name but found it impossible before eventually his sight went black.

Chapter 10

Chapter Text

Alex wasn't sure how long he was unconscious after, well, falling through a literal portal but he had a feeling it was a while until he finally opened them. He regretted it immediately as the sudden brightness of the sun blinded him. Groaning as he felt his head start to pound like someone was using a jack-hammer against his skull.

Grunting as he rubbed his hands along his face, Alex felt someone had slapped his chest for a few moments when they started to slap his face. Alex stuttered, his green eyes flying open and he saw Jack staring down at him with her different colored eyes. He blinked a few times as she smirked down at him. "Oh good, you're alive. Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!"


"Geez, kid, is this how stupid you look when you're waking up?"

Alex glared at her, throwing his hands up. "First of all, I amnota kid! I'll be eighteen this winter. Secondly, ifyouremember by the looks of how old you are, we just fell through a portal of sorts through, I don't know, space or time!" Jack stared at him for a few moments before sighing, rolling her eyes and smacked him on the head. "First of all, He's fine, Mavis, so the big baby is all yours now and sit here for a couple of minutes so I can work on a few things."

She walked away and suddenly he was faced with his friend, who lunged at him and tackled him with a hug. "Thank whatever God that was watching over us that you're alive!"

Alex blinked a few times. "What do you mean?"

He could feel her tense for a moment before sighing, "You... stopped breathing for a while. I'm not sure how long I was out but when I woke up, I saw Jack sitting over you trying to get you to breathe." Once she was finished, it was then that Alex felt his chest being tight and aching from his lungs, like he really hadn't been breathing. He winced as he rubbed his chest as it throbbed. "Well, I guess that's why it kinda hurts to breathe. Hey, uh, where are we anyway?"

Mavis blinked and sheepishly said, "I actually have no idea, kinda busy being worried about you at the moment."

He only smiled softly at her response. "Hey, it's alright. Maybe when Jack comes back she would know where we are?" It was more of a question when Alex said it out loud but it was better than not saying anything. Regardless, she nodded and as he sat up and with Mavis's help, managed to stand up just as Jack reappeared.'Speak of the devil herself..'Alex thought to himself.

"Alright, I got some good news and some so-so bad news. Which one y'all wanna hear first?"

"Eh, good news I suppose? Not really sure how to answer that, so..." Alex said, trailing off as he looked over to her. Jack merely smirked and said, "Well, I know how to get us all back home!"

Mavis, who was standing silently by Alex's side then asked, "So then what's the so-so bad news then?"

"Welp, turns out what we fell through was actually a time portal. In short, we're in the late 17th to the early 18th century in either France or Austria, I believe."


Jack winced at them both shouting but nodded, motioning her index finger in a spinning motion. "Yep. Lilith and Eve, those women back in the mansion, were trying to open a gateway to find something or someone. Instead, they used a time stone and smacked dabbed ourselves during the reign of Louis XIV." Alex stared at her for a moment before turning away, running his hands through his hair. "So, we're stuck here then? How the f*ck are you going to get home now?!"

He heard Jack sighing, "Maybe if you both let metalk,I'd let you know that there is a way to go home." Mavis whooped in excitement. "Great! So, how then?"

"We'll need to find another time stone and considering how far in the past we are, I have a pretty good idea where we can find one. But first, we'll need to blend in." Jack said, smirking at Alex and Mavis.'Blending in? What does she mean by- oh!'"By 'blending in', you mean by dressing up in the same clothing as an 18th century person?" Alex asked, looking at Jack to confirm.

She smirked and nodded. "Smart thinking. Here, put these on and hurry. The longer we're up here, the more likely people are going to notice us being in modern 21st century clothing." Alex nodded as he was handed a choker with a neon green stone in the middle. "When you put them on, swipe your index finger over the stone so they'll activate and change you into the correct clothes."

The choker appeared to be made of metal but yet when Alex went to put it around his neck it instead felt like he was wearing one made of silk. Once the choker secured itself around his throat, Alex then swiped his finger over the stone and suddenly he was engulfed in a bright light that quickly disappeared just as it came. When he opened his eyes, Alex didn't feel any different until he heard Mavis whistling.

"Damn, Al. Looking good in those tights!" Alex blinked before looking down, his face heating up quickly. Instead of wearing his clothes, he was instead wearing a white blouse with a matching jabot, a light blue jacket with a gold trim, a dark red cumme*rbund around his waist with dark blue breeches, and brown boots with white cuffs. His hair was also slicked back and held back in a small ponytail. He sighs, "Welp, at least Paige ain't here to take pictures... " Jack huffed as she ran a hand over her face as Alex laughed when he saw Mavis.

She was wearing a voluminous satin mauve ball gown that has a matching smooth, tight, conical satin bodice, white lace trimming sitting along the low square neckline and sleeves that are cuffed at the elbow with matching lace. Looking closer, Alex could see that her skirt had patterns on it but he couldn't tell what they were. Her hair was worn in a bun at the back with clusters of curls framing her face. They were hanging gracefully to her shoulders with a pearl headpiece with the pointed end facing to her forehead with a pearl teardrop.

"Okay, I feel stupid now..." Alex snickered while Mavis glared at him. She was about to tell him off when Jack clapped her hands. Glaring at each other one last time, the teens looked over to theirtemporaryguardian when they saw her changed as well. Her dress was somewhat similar to Mavis as it was also voluminous except it was a very dark green silk gown with a long tight bodice. The sleeves were wide and double puffed which scandalously showed her bare shoulders and a deep cleavage. The dress was decorated with golden brown ribbons and a matching shawl draped around her chest. She had sapphires, and her hair is braided in a knot in the back, but is worn in loose curls over her ears.

Curiously, her right eye where her blue eye is was covered by the remaining hairs.

In short, Alex thought that she looked like an inconspicuous badass in time. In the distance, Alex could faintly hear the stampeding hooves of horses. "Alright, here's what's going to happen so open up those ears kiddies. We came here for a small gala by the House of Kjeldsen and you two are my dumbass kids, following me so far?"

They nodded. "Good. Right now we got jumped by robbers and Alex here tried to selflessly hold off the robbers but got injured, hence why his head is bleeding now."

"Eh? My head isn't- oh, it is bleeding...?" Alex said as a question rather than a statement. He reached up towards his head and quickly felt stinging pain ricocheting through his head. Pulling his hand back, Alex saw that he was in fact bleeding from his head. Mavis, on the other hand, started freaking out. "Wait, what?! Why the hell didn't you say anything?" Alex didn't answer her back and instead found his vision beginning to darken. "...H-Hey... has y-your eyes... always l-looked..." Alex's words slurred together as he eventually lost consciousness, unaware of Mavis screaming his name or the sounds of men on horses at them.

The first thing Alex felt was the feeling like he was lying down on something soft. And the second was that he was clearly moving in something, the occasional sounds of horses neighing and someone chattering. Cracking open his eyes, Alex saw that he was laying on Mavis's lap with her smiling down at him gently. "Hey. Don't get up just yet, we're almost there so you can patch yourself up better."

Alex smirked. "Sure you don't wanna be my doctor? Got a pretty good view from here." She snickered and smacked his head in response, making him hiss slightly in pain."Nous sommes ici! Veuillez prier pour le soin de votre fils, madame."

Looking towards the carriage door, he watched Jack cracking a smile towards a man and said,"Oui, merci les braves hommes de m'avoir aidé, moi et mes enfants."One of the men's faces had flushed a pure red against his thick dark beard. Suddenly Alex was helped up to stand and his vision swirled around him, nearly making him fall face first into the ground. But luckily for Alex, he was held up by the two men who then helped him, Mavis, and Jack out of the carriage. Once standing by himself, Alex was amazed by the manor in front of them.

A massive French gothic château stood before them. Standing four stories, Alex could see glimpses of black roofing with multiple spires towering over the château even more. A massive fountain sits at the front of the manor with a stairway leading to the manor's entrance. Large wooden doors with metal handles shone in the bright sun even when the front of the place was covered in vines and ivy.

It was both unsettling yet beautiful. The front entrance opened fluidly despite looking like it was near impossible to move. A man walked through and walked down the large stairway with two other people standing at the top by the door. A young man possibly around Alex's age and another older man, probably a butler.'Probably his kid by the looks of him.'Alex thought to himself.

"Ah, bonsoir, Lady Åkerman! I am pleased to see you and your children are safe." Jack smiled sweetly, the fake fear in her voice nearly made Mavis laugh out loud.

"Oh, yes! I was so very, very terrified when I watched my poor brave baby boy, Alexandr, try and defend us! Thankfully your men came and scared the robbers off!" The man smiled warmly. "It is good to hear that, my dear. Now, come inside before you catch a cold. You are all early for the ball but no worries! It would be pleasant to have some insight from you, m'lady."

He motioned Alex and the other two to follow him up the stairs. They were long and quite grand to be honest, being made from what looks like marble with black veins flowing through the cracks of the white. At the ends were statues of gargoyles; one having a sad face with its clawed hands on its face and the other was quite the cheery fellow with a wide smile and head tilted to the side.

"Thank you, Mr..?"

"Ah, pardonne mes manières. I am Count Henrik Abraham Kjeldsen, and this," the man, Henrik, said as he set a hand on the young man's shoulder. "Is my son, Lord Stephan Hans Einar Kjeldsen. I do have another child, a daughter however she is... away for now and would not be arriving until tomorrow afternoon." The doors shut behind them and it was then Alex realized how cold he felt until he stepped into the entry. As the warmth melted into his body, he almost didn't hear what Henrik was saying.

"Until then, please. I welcome you all into my home and I truly hope you feel welcome."

Chapter 11

Chapter Text

It was late September and yet it was already cold as winter but it wasn't much of a bother for Gwendolen. The carriage ride fromSalle Sphère Dame du Sanatorium pour les prodigesschool in France was tiring from the many bumps and potholes in the roads. Despite that, she couldn't deny how nervous she was seeing her father and brother again after five years of not being home. Staring out the window as she watched the countryside go by, Gwendolen didn't realize she had dozed off until she felt the carriage jerk itself to a stop.

Her carriage door opened as a hand was held out for Gwendolen's her heels clicked against the pavement below. She took in the familiar sight of her winter home in the French countryside, the Gothic aesthetic was soothing to her although she did notice that the usual rose bushes had been replaced with hyacinths;purplehyacinths. Gwendolen felt her heart beat harder as she thanked the coach and walked herself up the stairs just as the doors opened.

Standing in the doorway was the head butler of her family, Alphonse, who bowed at the sight of his Lord's daughter. "DameGwendolen, it is good to see you well. How was your trip home?" Alphonse was an older, bespectacled man in his early forties with black, unkempt hair that came down in waves, framing his face and soft brown eyes. Gwendolen sighed, shrugging off her fur lined cloak for him to take.

"Boring and silent as always, Alphonse. Say, where is my father and brother?"

"Hm, I believeComteHenrik is in the grand hall with guests and Lord Stephen is with friends of his hunting in the forest."

"I see. Wait, guests? I was told that the ball was going to be two nights from today?" Alphonse nodded. "Yes, that is still on schedule so please, do not worry. However,DameÅkerman and her children were attacked by robbers and her son was hurt in the fight. They arrived yesterday and will be staying until after the ball is done."

Gwendolen was surprised as usually her father wouldn't so much as bat an eye to help someone. But, maybe this 'Lady Åkerman' is someone worth helping then? She scowled but shrugged as she walked through the hall to her bedroom. "Very well then. Let my father know that I have returned home and will be in my room for the moment."

Alphonse nodded and walked away and as Gwendolen watched the man disappear down the hall, she stood there for a moment longer before resuming her way to her room. She let the memories of her childhood flow through her mind; her brother, Stephen, chasing her as she and their parents laughed, or the

'No more memories of the past', Gwendolen told herself. However, she was quickly cut off from her thoughts when someone came around the corner, causing Gwendolen and the other to fall to the floor. Bright spots exploded in her vision and her head feeling like she instead ran into a stone wall instead of a person. Groaning as she rubbed her head, Gwendolen glared at the person who, unlike herself, was still standing but he was also rubbing his chest. But any sort of anger at being knocked down when she realized howhandsomethe other was; so much so that Gwendolen couldn't help but feel her face heat up. Black hair that fell above his shoulders with very bright blue streaks as bangs in the front of his hair. It looked like it was both wavy and curly that reminded of her own hair. He stared down at her with his emerald green gaze that made her shiver at the sight of them.

He stared at her with a startled yet guilty look. "Ah, I'm really sorry! I didn't see where I was going 'cause, well, I'm uh kinda lost?" he chuckled nervously, rubbing his neck. The boy couldn't be much older than she was. He held out his hands towards Gwendolen and while she stared at him, grasped his startling warm hands.

Finally it seemed that Gwendolen found her voice, "N-No! It is very much alright. I, um, I too was not looking where I was also going. Forgive me, my name is Gwendolen Estelle Anne Kjeldsen, daughter of Count Henrik of Kjeldsen." His eyes widened and he stuttered, "I-I'm really sorry, my lady! I didn't mean to-" The boy became a stuttering mess in a matter of seconds and Gwendolen couldn't help but chuckle softly.

"It really is alright, I promise. It was an accident on both our parts, Sir...?" she trailed off since Gwendolen realized she never really got his name. He looked surprised but quickly became sheepish. "Yeah, sorry. My, uh, name is Alexandr. Me and my mom and sister came here after we were jumped by robbers on our way here."

Gwendolen perked up. "Oh, yes. I was just informed of that. How are you feeling now?"

"Well, having a good night's rest did its work until, you know, running into you in the hall kinda made it rear itself back." This time Gwendolen herself looked sheepish as she chuckled weakly. "Yes. I once again apologize for that and I do hope that you feel better later. Unfortunately, as much as I enjoy our conversation, I wish to settle myself in my room for a while. A long journey on a rough road does make one tired."

Alexandr smiled which made her stomach fill with butterflies and her face heated up even more. "Well, I hope that you become well rested the next time we meet again." He walked away down the hall from which she came. Gwendolen watched as he descended the stairs and out of her sight.

As she did, Gwendolen couldn't help but notice how strange he talked to her but couldn't pinpoint why he did. Gwendolen sighed and started walking to her room in a speedy manner, her mind suddenly being filled with a certain green eyed boy she recently meet; hopefully the next time they do meet, perhaps somethingelsecould happen.

One could only dream.

Chapter 12

Chapter Text

"Bitch, are you telling me that I've been spelling your name wrong since 5th grade?!" Mavis yelled, smacking Alex's back while he snickers at her. "Honestly?'Alexander'and'Alexandr'sound pretty similar unless you spell them out. So, yeah, I didn't know you had been till today." He said, peeling his jacket off. After being shown around the château the other day, Lord Kjeldsen, er,Henrik,as he had told him and Mavis to call him.

Which honestly felt weird for them to call him by his first name but since the man was literally close to being royal, Alex decided to just roll with it.Anyway, once Henrik had finished showing the three around his home, he then had the butler show them to their rooms. Alex was given his own room down the hall with Mavis right across from him. Jack, on the other hand, was placed in a different yet close hallway.

Mavis quickly pointed out that Henrik was no doubt trying to woo Jack. Alex wouldn't have believed her had he not seen the guy literally drooling over Jack as she walked into her room. Alex wondered if bleach had already been invented yet so he could dunk his head into a bathtub filled with it.

And now, Alex was telling her about meeting Henrik's daughter, Gwendolen. "Alex. We've been here for about a day and you body slammed the Count'sdaughterto the ground. What the actual f*ck, bro?"

He was quick to add, "To be fair, we both didn't hear each other until it was too late." Mavis rolled her eyes, her hands running through her hair. She quickly had Alex take every single pin and clip that held her hair up the moment they closed their room doors. He himself had quickly passed out in his clothes on his bed for who knows how long until Mavis slammed the room door open and had him help her out of her dress.

Right now, she was sitting in a white chemise with no shoes and her hair worn down while Alex had taken most of his own clothes off as well, leaving him only in his shirt, breeches and boots. It was early in the morning when a maid came into her room and nearly dropped her tray she was carrying when she saw the two of them. "Pardonne-moi s'il te plait. Je suis venu apporter votre petit-déjeuner et aider Lady Mavis à s'habiller."

Thank whatever God is watching them for the chokers they were wearing actually translate what other people here say. Quickly hauling himself up from his bed, Alex looked over to Mavis and smirked. "Yeah, sure. No problem, I'll be you ladies to yourselves then." She glared at him while the maid looked confused at the two of them. Once he left, Mavis groaned at the thought of being in another body-constricting dress.

"Tiens, madame. J'ai pour vous un croissant au chocolat avec des pâtisseries à base de raisins fraîchement cueillis et de fraises. S'il vous plaît profiter pendant que je rassemble votre robe pour aujourd'hui."She bowed and quickly left the room before Mavis could say anything. She shrugged and instead focused on eating while still sitting on her bed. Pretty sure this isn't what noble people do when having breakfast in bed but she didn't care. After eating nearly everything from the tray, which surprised Mavis as she didn't realize she was that hungry, walked around the room. Just as it was outside, her room had a Gothic renaissance style to it which Mavis isn't complaining about since it was a style she liked. Huffing in annoyance as the maid hadn't returned yet and Mavis was becoming bored as f*ck.

She noticed the curtains across her bed and went over and threw the curtains open, allowing the sun's rays to fill the room. The warmth she felt from the sun made it feel like she was back home in her bed on summer vacation in another country. She frowned, opening the glass doors that revealed a balcony outside and Mavis leaned on the ledge. Looking over the garden, Mavis watched workers trimming the bushes and trees. Others were watering the flowers that still bloomed. Mavis then caught a glimpse of Alex walking through the garden, still without his jacket and that stupid neck scarf thing.

Both her and Alex only entered the stupid mansion to find her stolen sweater after being attacked(can it really be called being attacked..?)by some stupid ghostly white faced bitch. Then they got kidnapped by two psycho magical bitches and getting saved by Ms. Jack, the badass-boss-bitch that wiped the floor. And, then, of course being sucked into a portal that sent the three of them back in time. Yeah, what agreatstart to their summer vacation.

Alex looked like he was deep in thought and when she was about to call out to him, her bedroom door opened. She didnotscream, nope, it was ayelp. Mavis whipped around, ready to beat someone's ass to the floor when she only saw that it was the maid. She looked at Mavis with a wide-eyed look just as Mavis was to her. They both were silent until the maid broke it.

"Je-je m'excuse de vous avoir fait sursauter, madame. J'ai préparé votre robe car Lord Stephen souhaite vous accompagner ainsi que votre frère et Lady Gwendolen dans la ville voisine. F-Pour le bal à venir, bien sûr."Blinking as the shock had worn away, Mavis sighed. "Y-Yeah, sure. Let's just get this stupid dress on so I can suffocate for 8 hours..."

The maid, in which Mavis learned her name was Claude, nodded and placed her dress on the room divider. Her dress for today was lilac and white gown with the top of the dress being white, while the rest is lilac. On the hemline there was a pink rose flower and pearl trimming around the neckline and waist. She liked how simple it was and when Claude came back with more pins and clips for her hair, Mavis groaned internally.

Claude made quick with putting her dress on which wasn't as tight as her first dress was nor was her being held up so stiff and tight. Instead, her hair was split in the front with two strands wrapped around her head. The rest of her hair is long and behind her, held by three golden bands to keep it in place with a curl at the end.

"Là, tout est prêt pour votre journée, madame. Dois-je vous accompagner jusqu'à Lord et Lady Kjeldsen?"Claude said, holding her hands in front of her apron as she waited for Mavis. "Yeah, that's fine. Just so I don't get lost on my way to the front." Mavis said, chuckling as she followed Claude out the room and down the hall. The walk was silent since she didn't know what she should even say. Once the familiar sight of the grand staircase came into view, Claude stopped and excused herself for important matters, which was fine with Mavis.

Slowly walking down the stairs, her fingers trailed along the polished ebony wood railing, lost in her thoughts until she saw a massive painting at the end. Standing in front, Mavis noticed that it was a painting of Henrik and a woman, whom Mavis assumes had to be his wife, and two kids near them. "She is my mother." a voice suddenly spoke behind her, causing Mavis to jump and nearly trip on her dress. Luckily, the person who spoke caught her before that happened. Turning around, Mavis remembered him as Henrik's son, Stephen. He smiled down at her, "I am sorry for scaring you, Lady Mavis. It was not my intention of doing that."

Mavis chuckled anxiously. Her heart was beating fast and she felt it pounding out of her chest. "N-No, you're fine. I guess I wasn't paying attention enough, again." He chuckled, letting go of her arm and allowed some space between them. He was handsome, Mavis couldn't deny that. Long, messy jet black hair that he keeps tied back in a low ponytail with scars near his left eyebrow, under his lower right jaw, and a near invisible one across his nose.

It was an awkward silence until Mavis broke it. "So, she's your mom then? She's very beautiful, I'm kinda jealous honestly."

It was true, she had very long auburn hair that looked to have been simply braided with ice blue eyes piercing into her soul. Stephen smiled, "Yes, she was. She... passed away three years ago. I miss her terribly as does my father." Mavis felt guilty for bringing it up. "I'm sorry that happened." Stephen sighed as he nodded.

"It is alright. I have mostly moved past it by becoming stronger for my father."

"Don't you have a sister, too? I heard your dad talk about her yesterday but I haven't seen yet. My brother, Alex, did though." Stephen was silent for a moment until speaking again, "Yes, she is home now and is still getting ready." His voice, once warm, was now cold as he spoke about his sister.

It sent shivers through Mavis's body. Just as he was going to say something else, Alex appeared behind them with a girl next to him coming down the other set of stairs. Mavis released her breath; she didn't even realize she was holding until she saw them. The girl, Mavis realized, had to have been Gwendolen since she was practically a splitting image of their mother. Auburn hair with piercing ice blue eyes with pale skin. She smiled nervously as they walked with Alex and yet, never made eye contact with Stephen.

Odd,Mavis thought to herself but didn't comment further. It was Alex that spoke, "Well, I see that we're all together now. Shall we make our trip to town now?"

Chapter 13

Chapter Text

Jack, where the hell are you? I've been trying to locate your sigil for awhile now and I can't find you!

She groaned. "Ugh, Gideon please, I'mtryingto take a hot bath after wearing a tight ass dress for 12 hours today after I beat the two dipsh*t's asses back at the mansion. By the way, I wasn't responsible for the fire this time!" It was a few hours after the kids left to enter the nearby town for some shopping or whatever.

Translation, Jack gets to have some alone time in a very hot bath all alone with no one bothering her. Of course, the peace and quiet hadn't lasted long as Gideon quickly ruined it by calling her on their sharedsigilstone.'Personally, I just call it a damn "Pear" since it looks like one...'

Jack, please. Now is not the time for your snippy, snappy sarcasm! Where the hell are you?

"Look, like I said, I had a rough night and day so I'll just give you a short version. Miss Lily and Evie decided to summon a gateway toHimbut instead they somehow had a time stone instead. And, well, me and the kids decided to take a trip back in time."

...How far back are you then...?

Jack hummed. "Oh, around the late 17th to the early 18th century. Pretty damn sure we're in France and not Austria but whatever." She sank deeper in the water, the lemony scent calming her annoyance due to Gideon bothering her. A maid came into the bath and placed a towel near her tub as well as a bottle of alcohol. "Merci!"She waited until the maid left the bath before speaking again, "Look, Gideon-"

No, wait. This doesn't seem right...

"Eh, Gideon, don't half-ass me with sh*t!"

Erm, apologies Jack but I was looking through something and I see that this was supposed to happen...

"Gideon..." She said in a threatening voice. There was silence for a while and she thought that he had disconnected with her until he finally spoke up.Sorry, sorry! Yes, this was supposed to happen which means that someone here is a part of it!

"What, I can barely handle these two little sh*ts right now! Come on, give me a break!" Gideon chuckles.

Yes, well, there is even more good news, though!

"What's the good news then?" Jack mumbled, gulping the rest of her drink down. The hot water was turning cold so she stood up from the tub, shivering as she stepped out onto the cold flooring. Gideon was still silent but she could hear some noises in the background of hersigilPear. He can bitch and moan all he wants, to Jack it's a goddamn Pear and she'll keep calling it until proven otherwise. Wrapping the towel around her body, Jack walked out of the bathroom and into her room and by the curtains she peered outside to see Alex and Mavis as well as Henrik's kids stepping out of the carriage.'Seems like they had fun shopping... wonder if they found stuff for the upcoming party?'

Jack watched as the Kjeldsen boy, Stephen, if she remembers correctly, stepped out first and held his hand out for someone. At first she thought it was for his sister but she was somewhat surprised when Mavis walked out instead of his sister. Even from her room Jack could see that his face was slightly pink.'How cute, 18th century love at its finest.'Sighing, she walked away from the window before any of them saw her, heading towards her wardrobe and opened it to scope out something to put on.

Since Gideon decided toAWOLon her, Jack decided to do her own investigating. Gideon had said that someone was a part of whatever the hell is going on but who and why is the bigger question. Well, when she finds a damn dress that doesn't suffocate her would be damn nice. Jack had a hunch that Henrik had the maids put them there so she would wear them.

Hell to the no. Instead, she did manage to find a far simpler, not-so fancy dress buried in the far back of the wardrobe. A light blue and white dress with sleeves that go halfway down her arm, with a ribbon and white mesh. The bodice has crossed, dark blue ribbons down the middle and is very light pink on the outside. The skirt is blue with white and dark blue in the middle.

Loose and easy to move around in? 'Checkmate, Henry ol' boy.'Stepping outside of her room, the hallway was empty thankfully with only her heels clicking against the tiles.

Love, are you still there?

Jack nearly screamed when she heard Gideon speak again, echoingloudly. "Holy f*cking Christ, Gideon! Why do you always gotta do that?!" She hissed, grabbing her Pearl and with a simple twist a lavender colored gem earring popped out. Jack took it and quickly clipped it into her right ear.

Eh? Do what?

Running her hands her hair, Jack said, "Ugh, f*cking forget it. Well, since you're back from beingAWOLall of a sudden, care to tell me the 'good news' now?" Jack whispered as she came to the corner, hiding as a maid suddenly walked by. She wouldn't have to hide from the servants but since Gideon decided to respond back in the worst timing possible...well, stealth was her only option.

Especially since it appears Jack is talking to herself and she would rather not be accused of witchcraft or some sh*t. Gideon chuckled.

Erm, yes well, I am sorry for startling you but I believe I found the person responsible for your troubles.

"Great! Who's ass do I gotta beat to send us home?"

That's the problem. Whoever they were, they're regrettably no longer alive. It seems that the time stone that was used in the present was in fact created by an alchemist with ties to Homeworld's culture.

Jack paused. "Wait. A-Are you saying that some random alchemist justrandomlydecided to make a time stone for sh*t's and giggles? Why would they do that?"

It is possible... that they had been one ofhisdescendants and they knew what was to become of the future. Jack, I believe that a descendant of him must be around in this time period, at least that is what the stone's readings say. Youmustfind them at all costs; we cannot let Sheba or the ones find them.

"Understood, Gideon. I'll find them."

Chapter 14

Chapter Text

The tailor was speaking so fast that Alex couldn't even tell if they were French or some other language. He glanced over to Mavis and even she didn't understand what the tailor was saying. Thankfully, Gwen seemed to sense their confusion and whispered translations to them both. Stephen was the one doing most of the talking, his posture being tall and firm with his voice sounding strong and mature. It seemed whatever he was saying to the tailor seemed to make the guy happy as the next thing Alex knew he was being dragged away to a different part of the parlor, Mavis being dragged with Gwen to the other side as well.

"So, what color would you like? I noticed you were wearing blue when you arrived but would you prefer red or maybe even green?" Stephen said, looking over suits near the back of the room. "Erm, sorry. I haven't quite donethis," he motioned the parlor, "before. 'Cause, uh, the tailors would come to our home instead!" He chuckled nervously as he was talking. What was he even supposed to say?

Stephen looked at him with a strange expression but he smirked regardless.

"Ah, so a sheltered life, eh? Well, you would not be the first one I have met with that kind of lifestyle before. Here, try this one on." Alex was quickly given a suit that was the same color as the one he wore earlier however this suit had far more frills and gold like etchings along the seams. The pants looked as though they would be above his knees and puffy looking. In short, Alex was forsurenot a fan of this outfit.

"H-How about another? I don't think that would be my cup of tea." Alex said, placing the horrendous suit on a nearby table as Stephen chuckled. "Alright, alright. I see you are not a fan of extravagant clothing. So, no frills then. Very well, come with me. There is a part of the shop that has simpler ones instead of these."

Alex let himself be dragged by the other towards the other end, seeing the different suits with different colors and designs. One had a golden vest over a white dress shirt with a white kerchief, black dress pants trimmed with gold, and a navy blue ballroom tailcoat trimmed with gold. Another was similar in style but was green instead of a navy blue with reddish-brown vest instead with forest details. Alex wasn't sure what to expect when he was sorting through the suits but he definitely noticed how each and every single one were the same.

Their only real differences were the textures and prints they had. That, and the occasional frills here and there. In the end, Alex managed to find a suit that was differently styled than the rest; a light gray-and-black blazer with a cream shirt underneath and red sash, white stockings, red and golden designs and patterns, and a matching red ascot. There was silence between the two young men until Stephen said, "So, your sister... what, what is she like?"

Alex blinked and looked behind to look at Stephen, whose face a slight pink color. The silence between them quickly became awkward. "My sister...? Oh, you mean Mavis? What about her?"

Stephen tensed and his face was now red with embarrassment. "W-Well, I was only wondering, what is she like?" It seemed to finally click in Alex's head.'Holy sh*t, Stephen likes Mavis. Fuuuck...'But he didn't say that out loud, not with the look on the other's face. "I guess, I could say that she's passionate and stubborn when she has her mind set on something. Of course it gets her in trouble from time to time but mostly it does her good. Oh, and she's blunt as hell."

Stephen seems to smile, the blush on his face slightly disappearing. "Ah, I see.Une belle rose de feufilled with passion. Does s-she like anything? Music? Desserts?"

"She likes the violin and she goes a bit bonkers when she sees chocolate."'Especially if it's white chocolate, oof.'

"P-Pardon, my abrupt speech but d-does she have a-a betrothed? O-Or any suitors for that matter?" Alex's brain came to a screeching halt as Stephen became a stuttering mess.

'Oooh, f*ck me sideways through Hell, Jesus..'

Mavis snickered when she saw Alex being dragged away with a look of bewilderment on his face. Although whenshewas dragged, no doubt that her face was puffed in annoyance. Regardless, she let Gwen guide them to the other side where the dresses are located and suddenly found herself dress shopping.

Great, just great. Memories of her older sister dragging her and their other sister to the bridal shop sent shivers up her spine.

Gwen stopped dragging Mavis and the two stood next to each other awkwardly, neither doing anything. Until, "Your brother seems like a hard ass." Gwen whipped her head around to Mavis that for a moment she actually thought for a moment the latter had snapped her neck. Instead, Gwen merely stuttered, "E-Eh?! Such vulgarness coming from you! I-I have no idea where that even came from. Nor do I wish to know why you would want to know." Gwen said hastily. Walking quickly, Gwen plucked a ghastly purple gown with far too many ribbons and frills that Mavis was terrified of even touching it.

"Here! How about this one? Such a lovely purple to go with your eyes." She said, smiling with her cheeks tinted pink.

"Oh, hell no! It's ugly as hell, maybeyoucould try it on!" Mavis said, her voice somewhat raised but not in a rude way. There was a smirk on her face as Gwen sputtered excuses as to why she couldn't wear the dress. Eventually, Gwen put the devil dress away and Mavis quickly found herself looking through dresses with Gwen. She was surprised by the amount of fun she was having considering she doesn't have any girl friends to hangout with.

Just Alex and her... Well, it doesn't matter since none of the girls at school didn't like her anyway. The two girls chatted here and there, trying on and agreeing or disagreeing with each other's dresses. She was surprised when she did in fact find a dress she actually liked. A light green dress with long wide sleeves and a white skirt with golden trim. Neither were sure what brought it up but eventually Mavis asked, "Gwen, I...wasn't trying to be rude but seriously, what's up with your brother?"

"... What do you mean?"

"I know I tend to be blunt about somethings but that doesn't mean I'm not stupid. Back at the manor, I was talking with him about your mom and I saw the way he talked about her. But, when you and Alex showed up, I watched as every as the warmth that was there disappeared and replaced with anger."

She was silent for a while and Mavis was nervous that she possibly went too far this time.'But dammit, I need to know!'Finally, Gwen sighed. "Our mother was father's light. His gem, his soulmate. They loved each other despite it being an arranged marriage. We...we were so happy. But..."

Mavis walked up to her side, placing a soft hand on Gwen's arm. She weakly gave her a very small smile. "But, my brother eventually proved that he was better than me. Before we were the same, then all of a sudden, he was suddenly showered and pampered with our parents' love. You see, the Kjeldsen family has been known for their superior hunting skills, skills that no other hunting parties could do. For a long time, we've always used swords passed down through our generations."

Gwen sighed for a moment before continuing. "Until rifles began flooding into the country. Every household would have them. My family was no exception, as my father quickly started using them as well. Well, my brother was shown to be a prodigy with them, never missing a target and never missing in general. Me? I was useless, I couldn't do anything with a rifle. I would always miss and I nearlykilledsome poor servants. Because of that, my parents instead found my younger brother far more suited as heir than me."

Mavis was quiet as Gwen chuckled. "You probably think I'm useless now that you know why-"

"What? No way! Your family is dumber than a box of rocks, that's what!" Gwen blinked for a moment.

"I-I don't understand?"

"Your family, duh. That's like, the dumbest reason that they could give. 'Useless just because I can't shoot a rifle?' Oh, give me a break! Ugh, I wanna deck your dad in the face with a rock or something!" Gwen was still quiet even as Mavis continued to rant and rave, wanting to "maul her dumbass of a dad and weak baby bro".


Mavis stopped her rant and looked back at Gwen. "Why what?"

"Why do you care? I'm nothing but a failure! My father disregards me as heir because I failed my family for not following our traditions! My mother...!" Mavis stared at her as she forced herself to pause in her rant.

Mavis spoke softly, "Gwen, it's okay. You don't have to tell me what happened to you mom. But, please, as long as me and Alex are here, if you want you c-could always talk to me? I'm not really good at talking or whatever but I am good listener. Alex is a lot better at giving advice than me, in case you couldn't tell."

Mavis weakly chuckled and Gwen merely stared back at her, the tears threatening to spill faded away. Then she too smiled back, "I would like that very much, Mavis."

Chapter 15

Chapter Text

It seemed as though the days had passed by quickly before it was finally the day of the party. Butlers and maids running around the halls cleaning and decorating the manor as the chefs and servants brought out food. And while Alex would want to help out, it was Jack that pulled him back and told him no, he couldn't help them since he's technically posing as a nobleman. Meaning Alex was bored as hell watching people do something while he had nothing to do.

Well, he could bother Mavis-oh f*ck!

Thinking of Mavis suddenly reminded him of his and Stephen's conversation in the tailor's shop those few days ago. He should probably find her and give a warning about Stephen possibly asking her to marry him.

He winced at the thought of him marrying her. Not that he hated Stephen! But, there was something strange about him and Gwen interacting with each other. That, and Mavis telling him about what Gwen had told her in the parlor really set the tone. Walking out of the grand library and into the frenzy of party decorating servants, Alex managed to meander his way through the sea of people and made his way into the hallway where they had been staying.

Knocking on her door, he heard Mavis telling him to enter and waltzed right inside.

Making sure the door was closed behind him, Alex turned to face Mavis as she was dressed in her new dress. A light green with long wide sleeves and a white skirt with golden trim and black heels. Her hair wasn't held up this time nor did it seem that she had make up on either. "Gotta say, Mavis. I'm still surprised that you picked a dress out by yourself. I'm so proud that I could cry tears of joy."

Mavis snorted. "Shut the hell up, Al. Anyway, was there something you needed? We've got some time before Claude comes back to finish my hair and make up. Which, by the way, is gonna suck ass." Alex laughed at her annoyance of make up and coughed when he nearly choked on his spit. "O-Okay, so remember when we had gone to that parlor for clothing shopping and sh*t?"

Mavis nodded as he continued on. "Alright, so please don't punch me but I'm fairly certain he's got a thing for you since he asked me if you were pretty much single."

"I'm sorry,what?!"

"Ow, hey, I said don't punch me!"

Jack snickered as she listened to them banter back and forth about a certain Lord boy having a cute crush. Taking her last puff of her cigarette and putting it out, Jack walked away from the bantering teens as she walked out of the hall and made her way to the library that Alex once was. She was expecting no one to be inside so imagine her surprise when she saw the daughter of the Count being there, standing near the painting she needed to get to. Cursing quietly, Jack would usually leave and avoid any sort of confrontation like this but she needed to not make herself suspicious, and so swallowing her pride, Jack walked over to her.

"Interesting painting, yes?" She said, smirking as she saw the girl flinch and spun around to look at Jack. "L-Lady Åkerman! Forgive me, I was just-" Jack noticed how frazzled she was and merely waved her hand. "Oh please, you are quite fine. I suppose I'm the one who should be sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, Lady..?"

"O-Oh, apologies, Lady Åkerman! My name is Gwendolen, daughter of Henrik Kjeldsen." Jack smiled, genuine this time. After a small talk with the Count, she couldn't fathom why he would be so cold towards his daughter. "Please, you may simply call me Maeve instead." She looked surprised but nodded regardless as she turned back to look at the painting.

"Very well the, Lad-Maeve." Gwendolen caught herself. "The painting, yes. It is interesting however... I hate it." Jack looked somewhat surprised. "Hate it? Why?"

Gwendolen stared at the painting which depicted a person standing in a single beam of light dressed in a dark cloak, a sickly pale face with black sockets where eyes were supposed to be were instead vacant. Shivering as she kept her eyes on it, Gwendolen wrapped her arms around her as if to keep any sort of warmth she had to herself. "I never liked it. There is something evil about it that I can't put my finger on."

"I see. Well, I've never seen anything like it. Where did it come from? Do you know who made it?" From what that bastard Gideon had said, the answer lies within a painting. Meaning she has the fun part of trying to decipher it and find any sort of clues. "I'm not entirely sure to be honest." She confessed, looking away to stare at Jack. "It's always been here since I was born. My mother once said that my grandmother on my father's side made it for me."

"Oh? So, a present for their newborn daughter then?"

Gwendolen frowned. "Not exactly. I wasn't even close to being born and yet, she made the painting just before she passed away." Looking down, Jack watched her clutch a blue pendant around her neck. "This pendant was given to me from my father after my mother passed away, stating that both my grandmother and mother planned for me to inherit this when I was old enough."

Jack tilted her head to the side. "Old enough for what?"

She shrugged.

"I don't know. I was supposed to receive this when I was to turn 18 but she died when I was just about to turn 15 and my father quickly shipped me off to stay in France for four years alone."

"You must've been very lonely then."

"I was but it's fine, Maeve. I'm home now and hopefully soon I will make him proud by finding a suitable husband. Now, I must excuse myself so that I may prepare myself for the party tonight." Gwendolen bowed slightly and quickly walked out of the library. Jack watched her leave and honestly, she couldn't blame her. The painting was creepy as hell and she couldn't fathom why someone in their right mind would paint something like this.

Making sure that the door was locked and that there were no more doors or entrances, she pulled out a glass red plectrum from her chest and traced a '☋' symbol underneath the figure and another symbol '♅' above the light beam. Stepping back, the symbols began to glow an eerie red color before the black paint began to melt like a candle melting under its flame. As it was melting away, the pale face began to twist and contort until it lunged forward only to be held back by the beam of light that was painted above it.

Wԋσ ԃαɾҽʂ αɯαƙҽ ɱҽ?

Jack winced; she forgot how metallic their voice was. "Calm down, Cheshire. I'm not here to fight you; this time, at least."

Hσɯ ԃαɾҽ ԋҽ ʂҽɳԃʂ ԋιʂ ɯԋσɾҽ ƚσ ʂρҽαƙ ƚσ ɱҽ! Bҽɠσɳҽ, I ɯιʅʅ ԋαʋҽ ɳσƚԋιɳɠ ƚσ ʂαყ ƚσ ყσυ!

She rolled her eyes, hands planting on her waist. "Are you done bitching? In case you haven't noticed, Lilith and Eve had a portal stone and the Prism key which was supposed to lead them to Zephyr but instead it was a time stone which sucked me and two teens into the past. So don't play stupid with me right now."

Cheshire was silent save for a nail grinding hiss towards her.

Fιɳҽ. Wԋαƚ ԃσ ყσυ ɯιʂԋ ƚσ ƙɳσɯ, Mαɠҽ?

"First of all, I'm not a mage. Secondly, who created you? I know for a fact that no regular human could manage to make youyou."

Wԋყ, ƚԋҽყ ԃιԃ σϝ ƈσυɾʂҽ. Tԋҽყ ƙɳҽɯ ɯԋαƚ ƚσ ƈσɱҽ ɯԋҽɳ ƚԋҽιɾ ƚιɱҽʂ ƈσɱҽʂ ƚσ αɳ ҽɳԃ!

"Who are 'they'?"

I αɱ ϝσɾႦιԃԃҽɳ.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Forbidden? Why can't you tell me? They're trying to find Zephyr and we can't let that happen if we don't figure out what we need to do!"

Iϝ I ԋαʋҽ ιƚ, I ʂԋσυʅԃɳ'ƚ ʂԋαɾҽ ιƚ, Ⴆҽƈαυʂҽ ιϝ I ʂԋαɾҽ ιƚ, I ɯσɳ'ƚ ԋαʋҽ ιƚ. Wԋαƚ ιʂ Ⴆɾσƙҽɳ ɯԋҽɳ ιƚ'ʂ ɳσƚ ԋҽʅԃ?

"The f*ck? I'm not in the mood for f*cking riddles, Cheshire! What-"

"Jack? What are you doing?" It was Alex with Mavis right next to him. But they weren't looking at her; instead, they were staring at the familiar pale face they had seen before everything went to hell.

Cheshire cackled, the room seemed to grow colder as the candles nearby blew out.

I ɳҽʋҽɾ ɯαʂ, αɱ αʅɯαყʂ ƚσ Ⴆҽ. Nσ σɳҽ ҽʋҽɾ ʂαɯ ɱҽ, ɳσɾ ҽʋҽɾ ɯιʅʅ. Aɳԃ ყҽƚ I αɱ ƚԋҽ ƈσɳϝιԃҽɳƈҽ σϝ αʅʅ, ƚσ ʅιʋҽ αɳԃ Ⴆɾҽαƚԋ σɳ ƚԋιʂ ƚҽɾɾҽʂƚɾιαʅ Ⴆαʅʅ. Wԋαƚ Ⴆҽɠιɳʂ, Ⴆυƚ ԋαʂ ɳσ ҽɳԃ, ყҽƚ ҽɳԃʂ αʅʅ ƚԋαƚ Ⴆҽɠιɳʂ?

"You! You attacked us at my house! It's your fault that we're in this mess!" Alex yelled, marching himself over next to Jack, who was confused.

"Wait, you both saw Cheshirebeforeyou went into the manor?" she said, with shock on her face. Mavis nodded, "Yeah. After we left the manor we went to his house and the next thing either of us knew, we were both attacked by that thing there. And well, I think you know what happened after."

Jack glared at Cheshire who was merely smirking. "You got some nerve to attack them, you asshole. What's the deal, dragging innocent people into this kinda mess?"

Tԋҽɳ ιƚ'ʂ ყσυ ɯԋσ ԃσҽʂɳ'ƚ υɳԃҽɾʂƚαɳԃ. I ϝυʅϝιʅʅҽԃ ɱყ ԃυƚιҽʂ ƚԋαƚ ƚԋҽყ ԋαʋҽ ɠιʋҽɳ ɱҽ. Tԋҽ ραʂƚ ɱυʂƚ Ⴆҽ ραιԃ ϝσɾ, Mαɠҽ. Nσ ɱαƚƚҽɾ ƚԋҽ ƈσʂƚʂ.

Cheshire twitched, the black paint that melted before began to reverse itself back onto the painting, the face morphed and contorted until it was back to the way it was before.

Yσυ ԋαʋҽ Ⴆҽҽɳ ɯαɾɳҽԃ...

"Okay, what the hell is going on?! Why was that ugly motherf*cker here?" Mavis yelled, looking frantic. Jack didn't answer, too busy giving the painting an angry glare.'Hopefully Gideon got all that before the bastard bailed.'She sighed. "...A corrupted god from another dimensional realm is about to be unleashed and kill every single being in this universe and every other universe after us and we very well can't let that happen, can we?"

Alex laughed bitterly. "You've got to be joking! A god from a dimension? That's insane!"

"Hey, I don't think that concussion went away fully because you do realize we're in 18th century France? Not only that but you two also just saw this sad sack of a painting come alive, didn't you?" Jack snarked back, a headache already forming. Alex gritted his teeth but didn't say anything else.

Mavis looked over towards Jack, her amber eyes dull with fear. "S-So what happens now? Are we gonna be stuck here forever?"

Jack shook her head. "No, there is a way home. I will find it but in the meantime, you two just sit back and act like nothing's wrong, because there isn't anything wrong, got it?" They looked hesitant but the look on her face eventually made them agree.

"Good. Now then, let's get ourselves ready for this ball. And I better not see either of you two drunk!" Alex elbowed Mavis who groaned in response.

Chapter 16

Chapter Text

Gwendolen couldn't help but stare at him across the room. Even as people were dancing and chatting away with others, she couldn't keep her eyes off of Alex. She hadn't seen what he bought from the tailor until she saw him walking down the stairs with Mavis and Maeve on either side. A light gray-and-black blazer with a cream shirt underneath and red sash, white stockings, red and golden designs and patterns, and a matching red ascot. His hair was slicked back and tied back, the bright blue in his hair was hidden underneath the black.

In short, Gwendolen couldn't help herself getting hot and red faced at him. "He's very handsome, isn't he? Oh, and close your mouth before flies enter it, sweetie." Snapping her mouth shut, Gwendolen looked towards the person who was speaking and smiled. "Aunt Yvonne! I had thought you couldn't make it since Kir was busy with Uncle overseas?"

Her aunt smiled, her bright red lips hidden behind her fan. "Oh, sweetie, I couldn't just leave my darling precious niece alone with my idiot brother and nephew. But enough of that! Who's the handsome young man you were staring at, hmm?" Yvonne said, leaning in towards her niece. Gwendolen's face was red and she stuttered, "W-What? I-I don't k-know what you mean? I was merely staring at, at the decorations!"

Yvonne smirked, not buying the blatant lie. "Oh ho, sounds like someone has a little crush. What's his name? Henrik told me briefly about them but I hadn't had a chance to meet them."

She smiled and took a glance at Alex, who was talking to a baron and his wife. Mavis nearby the fountain speaking with her brother, a strange look on her face. Her brother looked happy, his brown eyes looking over her wearing the light green ball gown with long wide sleeves and matching white skirt with golden trim on the bottom.

While they were preparing themselves for the party, Gwendolen was surprised to find Mavis herself standing outside her bedroom door asking her to do her hair. "Why not have one of the servants do your hair?" She asked, confused as to why she was being asked.

"Honestly, I think it's better to have someone around my age to do it. At least, where I'm from..." In the end, Gwendolen agreed to do her hair and Mavis was now wearing her hair in a low bun with a braid going around her head like her headband, small curls over her ears, with flowers around her braid and bun.

Gwendolen herself was wearing a light blue/white ball gown dress with puffy sleeves and a large skirt with wave patterns on the left and right. It has a light blue ribbon hanging from a bow on her waist and wears long white gloves. The bottom half of her long hair was tied with a blue ribbon, bangs mostly on her right-side with the rest hanging behind her left ear.

A bluebell flower was braided in her hair, courtesy of Mavis. In return, Gwendolen herself braided a yellow rose in her hair. Back to seeing her, Gwendolen saw as her brother gave Mavis a single white gardenia, who was hesitant to take it but eventually did take it.

"Hmm, he should do less than her. She'sfarbetter than he is." Yvonne said, startling Gwendolen out of her daydreaming. "Who? Are you referring to Stephen and Mavis? I think they would be cute..." Yvonne laughed and placed her glass by a nearby table and looked at Gwendolen. "Darling, clearly she has no feelings for him whatsoever. And unfortunately, my nephew doesn't seem to realize it either. Like my brother. Besides!" She pulled Gwendolen through the sea of people and it was then she realized where orwhoshe was being pulled to.

"W-Wait, aunt, what are you doing?"

"Well, you haven't told me his name and you've been staring at him for some time before I came by." Yvonne said, a look of her brown eyes showed she was teasing her. Gwendolen felt her heart beat faster and her face heat up. Before she even realized it, she and her aunt were standing in front of Alex, who was equally surprised. "Oh, hi, Gwen. Nice dress, really goes well with your eyes." Yvonne cooed, "Barely even met you and you're already complimenting my niece. How scandalous, young man."

Alex smiled while having a blush on his face. "My apologies, ma'am. I didn't realize she was your niece."

Yvonne chuckled. "Don't worry about it dear. Yes, I am her aunt. My name is Lady Yvonne Lacroix. Shall I know your name, young man?"

"Alexandr Åkerman, my lady."

Yvonne crossed her arms, looking over him. Gwendolen wanted to find the deepest and darkest corner of Hell and die from embarrassment. Yvonne hummed and smiled. "I like you. You'll make a wonderful husband someday; hopefully better than my nephew." She turned to her mortified niece. "Gwendolen, I have some business to attend to with your father about something. Don't worry, it's not about this."

She walked away, leaving an embarrassed Gwendolen and a very confused Alex. "Uh, well she seemed nice. Your aunt, I mean."

Gwendolen blinked and awkwardly chuckled. "Y-Yes, I am very sorry about her. She's usually not that front with people but.." she trailed off. Alex chuckled softly, then extended his hand towards her. "Wanna get out of here? Kinda getting crowded, yeah?" Gwendolen smiled as she grasped his hand. "Of course." He led her through the sea of people until they stepped outside in the garden. The night was chilly but it wasn't as bad as Gwendolen thought it would be. They stood in the veranda where pots of flowers and vines were hung up and lanterns lighting up the way.

Gwendolen shivered slightly and was surprised when a jacket was placed on her shoulders. She looked up to Alex who smiled. "Thought you would rather be warm than cold. Don't worry, I kinda like the cold." Threading her arms through the sleeves, she smiled and said, "Thank you, Alexandr."

"Heh, you're welcome. So, wanna take a walk? I remember seeing a fountain in the back." He flashed a smile to her and she felt herself nearly melt as he looked at her. "S-Sure! I haven't been by the fountain in forever."'Oh, Saints, is this... really a date?!'Shaking her head from the thought, Gwendolen led them through the maze of a garden until the familiar sight of a fountain came into view... with someone already sitting by it.

As they walked closer, it was Alex that called out, "Mavis? What're you doing out here?" Said person turned around with wide eyes. "Alex? Gwen? Geez, I nearly had a heart attack! What areyouguys doing here, hm? On a date?" She trailed off. Alex laughed while Gwen's face went red for the billionth time in four hours. "No, no. It was getting pretty crowded so we came outside. What about you?"

Mavis stared at him. "It was either me decking Stephen in the face or I was screaming at him to shut up."

Gwen winced. "I am sorry about my brother. He can be persistent when his mind is set on someone or something." Mavis shrugged. "Eh, I've dealt with dumber guys in the present time."

There was silence for a moment before Alex said, "Goddammit, Mavis..."

She blinked, "f*ck, I wasn't suppose to say that."

Alex slapped his head while Gwen was confused. "The present...? You mean right now...?" The two looked at each other, nothing being said as if they were communicating with their minds. Then they sighed. "I'm not really sure how to explain it. But, Mavis and I? We're not from here. Like, at all. We're from the 21st century; so is Jack. Uh, our 'mom'."

Gwen was quiet. "Look, I know that it may seem weird and totally out of this world; er, no pun intended, but it's the truth. We don't belong here and we've been trying to find a way back home."

"I actually do believe you." Gwen said, watching as they both looked at her in shock.

"Wha-? Seriously? Just like that?" said Mavis, standing up from the fountain. She nodded.

"Contrary to what you thought, you both were different from everyone else. You both were brash in your speech and your hair, Alex. That color is very unusual for someone here to have. Then, unlike my father and brother as well as the servants, I quickly recalled that there never truly was a family name of Åkerman."

Alex and Mavis blinked.

"Huh. Pretty spot on, Gwen!"

She smiled awkwardly.

"Thank you. So, how are you getting home then? If I may ask, of course."

Mavis shrugged. "The hell we know. Jack's the one who's trying to find another time stone which brought us here. What it looks like, I don't know."

The teen hummed. "I see. Well, perhaps we should head back inside before we-" Gwen stopped talking when Mavis said, "Hey, uh, Gwen? Your boobs, erm,chestis glowing."

"My pendent? What about it?" Looking down, Gwen saw that indeed, something was glowing between her breasts, causing her face to go red but she was also confused. Reaching between, Gwen pulled her lapis pendant out for the three of them to see. "Is it supposed to do that?"

"N-No! It's never, ever done this before! I-I don't know what's happening!" Gwen said, her voice breaking in panic. Mavis was standing close to her as Alex stepped even closer, causing the pendant to start glowing even brighter than it was before. The three teens tried to shield their eyes from the sudden brightness and despite Gwen letting it go it instead stayed floating in the air.

Suddenly, it began to start spinning as its chain that once was around her neck started to create the familiar shape of a portal underneath the teens. "What the f*ck-?!" They turned around just in time to see Jack running at them full speed, trying desperately to get to them.

"Move! Get out of there!" But they didn't hear as the portal opened as they screamed in the dark abyss. Whether or not Jack made it time to fall with them didn't matter; the darkness swallowed them as it sent them somewhere else in time.

Aϝƚҽɾ αʅʅ, ƚԋҽ ʂιɳʂ σϝ ƚԋҽ ραʂƚ ɱυʂƚ Ⴆҽ ραιԃ ϝσɾ. Tιɱҽ ιʂ αʅɾҽαԃყ Ⴆɾҽαƙιɳɠ αɳԃ ƚԋҽ ϝυƚυɾҽ ιʂ ɳσ ɱσɾҽ. I ɯσɳԃҽɾ ԋσɯ ιƚ ρʅαყʂ συƚ, ԋɱɱ?

Chapter 17

Chapter Text

Standing above circular domed roofing, staring down onto the busy streets below as they watched their target walk through the sea of people and soldiers either standing by or walking through the streets. Watching the man for a second longer, the figure jumped from building to building until finally stopping when they landed on a brothel bar. The man, Kamal al-Jalil, a former soldier and quickly became a thief, decided that assaulting a high nobleman's daughter and murdering one of his concubines was a smart move to make himself known to others.

All because he was 'bored.'

'Disgusting', they thought to themselves as the former soldier waltzed out of the brothel bar. Leaning over the roof's ledge, they ducked as a Roman soldier walked by with two harem girls in his arms, laughing at something he said. Slipping by, they stopped beside a corner and found themselves on a bridge that overlooked everyone down below them in the marketplace.

Looking around, they saw their target sitting by a bar with a horde of harem girls standing and sitting around him; probably telling the poor girls lies about him and his 'glories' as a soldier. They weren't sure what these girls saw in a drunk like him; skin covered in utter filth of who knows what, sunken dark eyes hidden behind thick dark hair that was a knotted mess.

It wasn't long when Kamal started walking away with a girl and they hurriedly climbed the building they stood by and jumped across the rooftops until he saw them again. Kamal had the girl against a wall, trash piles making the alley reek with spoiled, festering foods and Lord knows what. They listened as the girl chuckled weakly as they clearly watched her try to get away. But Kamal wasn't liking what she was doing and punched her directly in her face.

She yelled as her back hit the wall with a force that they heard something crack on impact. The girl slid to the floor as Kamal stood tall in front of her. "Stupid whor*, when I ask for something, I am going to get it!" They took this as a sign to make themselves known. Jumping down far away enough for neither of the two to hear, they walked up behind Kamal and with quick swiftness, took their dagger and stabbed the man in his neck.

Kamal stumbled back, his hand flying to his neck and blood quickly being coughed through his mouth. Stumbling back, he fell to his knees as the girl screamed as the blood from him sprayed onto her which caused her to run away, possibly to alert Roman guards.

'Doesn't matter, he'll be long dead anyway...'They thought as Kamal looked behind him enough for his eyes to widen. "Y-You... h-how...?"

They merely stood for a moment before bending down enough to be eye level with the dying man. "Simple.That's your fault and I'm just doing my job. So please, just die." Kamal snarled and spat a glob of blood at them. "D-Damn you-u, d-demo-!" Kamal wasn't able to finish his sentence as they swiftly pulled their second dagger and stabbed him in his throat.

Swiftly as the second dagger was pulled, the sounds of metal armor clanking in the distance made them run in the direction they came. Climbing the wall, they peered down just as soldiers arrived and surrounded the dead man. They were speaking among each other and they were too far away for them to hear. One soldier looked up from the dead body and saw them standing on the wall, staring down at them with white mask and sash wrapped around their head. "You, you there,jinn!"

Thejinnbowed and simply waved in a mocking tone. There was shouting as the soldiers all started running after them. "Don't let him get away! Capture thatjinn!"But it was too late, forhewas already gone by the time any soldier had caught up to him.

They thought that they could catch him, heh. What a joke. When he was sure that none of the soldiers found him, he took his mask off and hid it away in his sash and his daggers were quickly cleaned of blood and secured behind his back. The young man smirked as he jumped off the rooftop and whooped as he jumped rooftop to roof of Constantinople.

He didn't know that below the city were statues twisted and contorted themselves as they sensed them entering this time period.

Just as Cheshire had told them, just as their Masters predicted; they will not fail this time.

Chapter 18

Chapter Text

Alex was jolted awake as left shoulder was stiff from leaning against the bars of his cage. Looking over on his other side and was somewhat glad that Mavis and Gwen were still with him; except they were in separate cages.'I suppose it could be worse...'he thought to himself, hissing as he tried to stretch out his arms only to hit the bars above him. Rubbing his bruising hands, Alex looked around his surroundings.

The three of them were in their own cages which appeared to fit the girls enough but Alex himself found that he had to bend his back a bit. Maybe that's why Alex was starting to feel his back starting to cramp. Alex started to sweat when he tried turning his body to look through the tarp they were under which he eventually succeeded.

'...How did I now just notice the tarp...? Ugh, whatever.'A hand suddenly grabbed his arm which naturally in anyone's position, Alex slapped the hand away causing him to almost scream and for Gwen to hiss in pain.

"Holy hell, Gwen!" Alex whispered, his hand hovering where his heart was. Gwen, on the other hand, was rubbing her hand thanks to her own cage. "Ach, для чего это было?!"

"I have no idea what the hell you even said? My dad was Russian but that just...didn't sound like it." Gwen's went red, he would have guessed that she was blushing but considering the environment they are currently in, he'd give her a pass for merely feeling hot from the heat. "Y-Yes, well, I was born in Scotland and I lived there for three years until my brother was born. Then we moved to Russia until my mother passed away and well, we stayed in France until you know what happened."

The implications of falling through another time portal thanks to Gwen's pendent very much made Alex remember that quite vividly.

Alex winced. "Right, right. I guess that you just, your accent made it sound really weird." He noticed a somewhat forlorn look on her face. Alex felt the guilt rise up and he was quick to apologize. "Not that it's a bad thing! I just, er, well-"

"Oh my god, Alex, shut up. You're literally making it worse by being a dumbass." A voice cut him off and Alex looked over to see Mavis was now awake, leaning against her cage with a sh*t-eating look on her face. Alex felt his face heat up as he stuttered while Mavis looked over to Gwen. "What this dumbass istryingto say, is that his dad was a full on Russian guy who could speak fluent English with no accent. Hearing someone with a different accentandbeing able to speak fluent Russian is something Alex himself never heard. And yeah, he's clearly terrible at explaining sh*t and apologizing."

Gwen smiled softly towards Mavis and chuckled when she saw the embarrassed look on Alex's reaction. "It is alright, seeing Alex all flustered is very amusing." Mavis barked out a laugh while he looked offended but he had a smile nonetheless across his face. They laughed until the cart they were in came to a sudden stop, jolting the teens into losing whatever balance they had in their cages caused them to fall over. The tarp that covered them was suddenly ripped away and Alex's eyes was blinded by the sudden reveal of the sun, a man wearing a metal cuirass(f*ck you Ms. Song, I do pay attention in history class), shoulder plates, a metal skirt, shin guards, sandals, and a large sword that he carries at his waist. His dark eyes stared at Alex, "Quid cum illis agimus? Vestes quas gerunt alie- res sunt...."The soldier said as he and another soldier looked over Gwen and Mavis.

Alex felt himself getting annoyed but it wasn't for himself; it was because he didn't like the look at their stupid faces when looking at the girls. "He's asking about what to do with us." Gwen whispered, ignoring the surprised looks on Alex's and Mavis's faces.

"Wait, you can understand them?" Mavis asked. Gwen looked confused but nodded regardless.

"Yes? I was taught Russian and Latin by my mother and tutors as well as Gaelic, French, and Italian. Why can none of you understand them?" Gwen asked innocently. Alex and Mavis looked at each other before shaking their heads 'no' at her in response.

"When we dropped in your time, Jack gave us these," Mavis said as she motioned the choker around her neck, "these chokers allowed us to change our appearances to fit into a certain time period. It also allows us to speak the language that is mostly spoken. So because we were in France we were able to understand French and while we would speak English, it was going to be French to other people."

"But," Alex was quick to add, "we got a little problem with them. While we can change our clothing, we can't understand anyone here since we don't know the time period. Jack was the one who managed to do that last time with some stone thing she had."

"I see, how interesting. I can see why you both are surprised by me understanding them then." Gwen said, blowing parts of her hair away from her face. Her hair, once held up in a beautiful bun, was now a disaster that was barely being kept together by a few clips. Before Alex could say something someone was heard shouting. Turning around, the caged teens watched as soldiers ran away from the cart towards what looked like a market. "I wonder what the hells going on over there." Mavis said.

Alex shrugged.'Could it just be some sort of market fight or something? Whatever, it doesn't matter, right now, could be our only chance to escape!'

Looking around the cart they were in, Alex tried to see if there was something to use to pick at the locks when he noticed something white flashing in front of him. Squinting his eyes, he noticed that 'something' wasn't something at all; it was a person and they jumped from some cart to a nearby balcony before disappearing from the soldiers.

Huh, guess Alex was somewhat right about a scuffle in a market after all. Heavy footsteps snapped him out of what thought process he was thinking as the earlier soldier(he's calling him Rambo just 'cause he reminds him of said character)walked up to them, banging something against the bars and causing his cage to shake."Modo pone eas in cellis, nunc habemus alias res cures!"The tarp was once again thrown over them and for a moment Alex was certain that the white figure he saw before was watching them.

Chapter 19

Chapter Text

As she watched the mansion burn, Lilith remembered as she was wrapped in her whip as Jack and the two brats jumped into the portal. Despite being weakened thanks to Jack, Lilith managed to use her telekinesis to unravel herself and dragged Eve's unconscious body from underneath the stone golem and summoned a yellow colored portal. Which led to this moment, as the firefighters and police worked to put the fire out quickly as possible.

"Think that everything is destroyed? If so, the Master won't be happy with you, Lilith." Eve said. Lilith didn't bother turning around when she felt the familiar presence of her sister.

"Yes, well, I am already aware of the fact of my failure, Eve. I do not need your comments to remind me." Eve only snickered and before she could reply back, Gjek, who was severely wounded thanks to Jack using her spiked Orb, began to twitch.

Lilith felt her chest tighten and tried not to show her nervousness as a black energy-like blade sliced through the eyeball creature's pupil, slicing it open and revealing similar energy that swirled viciously in front of them.

She turned slightly towards Eve, "I do not think he will be happy when he learns howyouwere the one to retrieve the 'key' without realizing it wasfake." Eve glared her eyes at her older sister's venomous tone and walked through it before her. A loud siren sounded off and Lilith turned to see another fire truck pull up to help the others with the roaring flames.

Turning away before anyone noticed her, Lilith walked towards the portal as she closed her eyes as the darkness enveloped around her like being drenched in slime yet was oddly warm.

Lilith opened her eyes as she stood in Prrayä; no longer on Etoäk. Standing among the infinite darkness was a prism obelisk whose multi-light of white was the only thing that allowed them to see; despite the brightness it gave off, there were no signs of shadows from either woman. In front of the prism obelisk was the tesseract that hovered inside the space between the obelisk which gave off an off-shade black and white.

It rotated as static like sound was made as Lilith and Eve knelt in front of the obelisk, the sound never echoing and made the atmosphere suffocating. At first, the tesseract merely flickered in response to them, but it suddenly stopped its movement as a silvery black, reflective liquid slithers out of the tesseract and onto the floor as it morphed into a humanoid figure.

"Master, I-"

'I have spent a millennia of eons in this prison, molding you both to be my eyes and ears, mydaughters,'the metallic humanoid said as he "walked" around the two women, who merely sunk their heads lower to the floor,'whom I gave the earth to you to be strong than humanity and yet you failed to notice the falseness that made the key, Eve.'

Eve felt her body grow hot from embarrassment; for failing to impress her Master but mostly for being called out in front of Lilith, whom she could feel the smugness emanating from her. Their Master snapped his head at Lilith in such speed that would most definitely kill a normal person.'You, I taught you everything about the dark arts of Aeons, the very power of telekinesis being your very being and yet, a clear sign to me that I should have entrusted Sheba to find the key.'

Lilith flinched at the sound of Sheba's name as her Master laid a hand on her left shoulder, the liquid metal of his body burning her skin. Despite the searing pain being shot through her body, Lilith didn't dare show her Master weakness. "I-I apologize for our inadequateness. It seems that Nihe'oel and his apprentices were far more cunning in hiding the key..."

Their Master hummed, lifting his hand off of Lilith's shoulder (much to her relief but would never show it) as he hovered away from them as he stood in front of the obelisk.'It would appear so. Regardless, I have already assigned Sheba to search for the A'rk since neither of you two can do a job properly.'

Both Eve and Lilith felt shame run through their bodies as their Master turned away from them, the clear anger and disappointment emanating in his voice. Lilith felt like screaming until her mouth was full of her blood and suffocated her so that she could never trust her voice again. Eve had the urgent need to bash her skull into a nearby sharp boulder, smash her head over and over again until she could never again trust herself to stare at her Master.

Their thoughts of self shaming were interrupted by their Master's sudden change of demeanor.'How interesting, the timeline is... derailing. Hmm, it would appear they have not left fate alone after all.'He turned towards his 'daughters' and beckoned them closer to him, which they complied eagerly to appease him from their failure.'I have watched the timeline over and over again, making sure that every action, everychoicethat has been made to free me from this prison. To bring our God to this reality would be fulfilled. Hear me now, I am assigning the two of you to watch these... pups.'

"Watch those pups? But, Master surely you would-"

'And allow you to fail me again? No, not again. However, given the current circ*mstances with Sheba being assigned something far more important, they are somehow derailing the timeline from the future outcome I had seen. Something like this never happened and yet, it is. Find them and learn about them. No normal human can derail a timeline like this.'

Lilith looked up towards her Master with determination and love as he spoke again,'I, Kiiay'tyll, assign you Lilith to watch over these pups and report back what you find. Eve,'she felt warm tears as she too looked upwards to Kiiay'tyll as hope filled her chest that he too would entrust her with a mission.'I am assigning you to find Nihe'oel's descendant. It seems that in order to fully free myself that I would be in need of their blood... Can I fully trust you both with these tasks?'

"Yes, Master. I will not fail you again." they simultaneously said, both with a look of fierce determination and love filled in their eyes.

'Then go, return to Etoäk and do not fail me again. I can promise that the consequences of failing again will not be so forgiving next time I summon you.'

Chapter 20

Chapter Text

The sun was set high above the market as people busied themselves purchasing fruits, clothing or tools of sorts. A woman was standing near a stand filled with herbs and spices from far away countries, humming a simple Greek melody as she picked through the many varieties in front of the shop. The owner, a short plump woman with salt and black hair glared at her but was far too busy with another customer to notice a figure walking behind the other.

She stood straight just as an arm wrapped around her waist, nearly causing her to scream until she heard the familiar sound of her nephew's laughter. "Oh, auntie, your face now! If only father wer-ow!" The woman smacked the back of his head with a smirk on her heated face.

"And you, my dearest nephew, remind me of when young boys who are too smart mouthed for their own good." He grumbled with his face hot with embarrassment but he couldn't help a cheeky smirk appear as he heard his aunt laugh. A soft hand ran through his hidden hair, "By the Gods, Zakariya, what ever am I going to do with you?"

Zakariya hummed as he sneaked a hand into his aunt's basket, managing to sneak a mint leaf even when she smacked his hand. "Let me think. Hmm, oh, I know." His aunt raised an eyebrow at him, the bravado he had earlier was suddenly now nervous. "Maybe you could...take job...?"

Her eyes lost their usual shine as she glared up at her nephew. "Zakariya. We have been through this conversation."

"I know, I know." Zakariya said as he glared at the nearby fountain, "You and father have told me many, many times how dangerous it is for me enough as is..." His aunt nodded, walking away from the shop with him just right behind her.

His aunt, Dorothea, was beautiful with curly black hair that always reached her waist, always parted in the center and plaited. Her light brown skin never had a single callus or scar as her bright golden brown eyes never failed to make Zakariya feel safe.

'I guess that's why her clients all ask for her...'Zakariya thought bitterly, glaring at a few men who stared at his aunt as the two walked by. He couldn't help but feel bored as he helped his aunt with her shopping for her job later in the night and before he even knew it, the sun was already beginning to set over the horizon. As much as he wanted to keep talking with Dorothea, he just couldn't find himself wanting to say anything; probably since he was still bitter about it earlier.

Sighing, he readjusted the scarf around his head as the two walked further and further away from the market as the sky darkened. In the distance he could see the familiar sight of their home; a small ramshackle building made of broken mud bricks and decaying wood. Other people would assume that no one in their sane mind would ever find the old home would be livable but to Zakariya, it was the only home he felt safe.

As they walked closer, Zakariya saw a warm light glowing under the worn wooden door and smiled when it meant that father was home. He jogged ahead of Dorothea, who let out a startled laugh as he did so, and just as he reached for the door, it opened just as his hand touched it and aCRACKwas heard. Zakariya yelped as he pulled his hand and cradled it against his chest. He stared at his father with an offended look on his face while said father stood there staring at his son with a confused but amused look.

"Ah, I see you both are home now. I was worried I would have to go and find you myself." Dorothea scoffed as she shuffled into the home with her boys tailing behind. Placing her basket down before turning and glaring at the older man. "If I had seen you walking through the market today, Ze'ev, I would have not hesitated to carry you over my shoulder."

Ze'ev dark brown eyes glared at her while Zakariya cackled in a nearby corner, flexing his injured hand to make sure nothing was broken as she went back to her basket. Ze'ev grasped his crutch tighter as he made his way next to his son. It's been nearly four years since his father lost his right leg and yet he never showed signs of being held back. His father sat across from him as he sat on a nearby stone and held his hand out towards Zakariya.

"Let me see your hand, boy. I need to make sure you did not break another bone. Again." Zakariya grumbled something along the lines of "one time..." but he did as he was told and allowed Ze'ev to inspect his hand. Dorothea walked out of the room for a few moments and then quickly reappeared, this time her face covered in makeup and gown made of silk.

"Well, looks like I have everything I need for tonight so I must be going. Please behave yourselves...Zakariya." He blushed as he turned his reddened face away as Ze'ev gave a deep chuckle as Dorothea left their home and into the dark.

"Seems like nothing is broken this time, good bruising and scrapes as far as I can tell." Ze'ev said as he released his son's hand. Zakariya huffed as he smiled, taking his scarf off of his head to reveal his snow white hair. Placing it nearby, Zakariya was planning on shifting through one the baskets he helped Dorothea carry until his father spoke again.

"Something is bothering you, my son. You are far too quiet tonight." Zakariya stilled for a fraction as he kept his gaze down towards the basket. If he were to be honest with himself, something was bothering him and he wasn't sure what to think. "Erm, well, remember that, uh, strange dream I had a year ago?"

Ze'ev was quiet but nodded softly. "Yes, of course I do. You wouldn't sleep for months after that." Zakariya nervously chuckled, his throat tightening causing him to cough a few times. Ze'ev didn't rush his son to finish his explanation. Zakariya normally has control over his emotions, especially when it comes to memories linked to some emotions but this dream, this dream he had really stuck to his mind even a year later.

Once the tightening feeling in his throat eased enough for him to speak again. "So, this morning after training with you was over I went for a run, ya know? On the rooftops since I didn't want soldiers finding me. W-Well, I was running and then I saw some soldiers standing by a cart by the prison and the cover was up long enough that, that..."

Ze'ev, who at some point made his way to his son, placed a warm hand on his shoulders. "And what, my son?"

Zakariya opened and closed his mouth for a moment until, "The people in the cages were the same ones I saw in my dream. A boy and two girls that are not from here." Finally glancing at his father, Zakariya asked in a shaky voice, "What does itmean?What should I do? Why...?"

"Well, what doyouthink you should do? You were given a dream, a dream that is now a reality." He held a hand up to silence his son, "Your dream may not have been complete but you saw enough to recognize these people. What do youfeel, Zakariya? What do you sense with these strangers that has caused this strife within you?"

For a moment, Zakariya couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with his father asking him these questions.How am I supposed to answer that?! I don't know what to do but I can't just leave them with no answers!

"My son? Zakariya?"

"Well, I might have to pray for protection then." Zakariya said, staring into his father's eyes.

"Protection? From who?" Ze'ev asked with amusem*nt.

"Auntie, after she beats my ass into the Underworld and back." He said simply.

"... Make sure to pray to all gods then for whatever you are about to then."

Chapter 21

Chapter Text

"Um, what are we playing exactly?" Gwen asked, looking over the familiar grid that was drawn in the dirt. Alex chuckled as he watched Mavis vibrate in excitement as she pulled some of her hair back. "Tic-tac-toe! Basically, two players on a three-by-three grid place either an X or an O in one of the nine spaces in the grid. If you get either three in a row, you win! But enough talk, ready to play?"

Even from he was sitting in the corner, Alex could see Mavis's amber eyes burn with passion. He also saw the quickness of uneasiness from Gwen's face as it twisted into determination which was shared by her ice blue eyes, "I promise to be a worthy opponent for you!"

Mavis grinned. "That's the spirit! Alex, you keep score." Alex arched an eyebrow at Mavis. "I don't really have anything to write with though." She waved him off, like ajerkas Alex scoffed, a smirk blossomed across his face. Humming, Alex looked towards outside, the moon a waning crescent in its first quarter.

Five days they have been here and Jack still hasn't found them. Although Alex wasn't sure how she would considering the last they had seen her was when they were standing in to the garden talking, then Mavis noticing Gwen's pendent glowing, Jack then running after them screaming to get away and then? Stranded somewhere in the past with no knowledge of the people or the culture whatsoever is exactly what Alex needed when he was supposed to start looking at colleges with Mavis.

Sighing, Alex tore his gaze away from the outside and focused inside the cell, a sudden weight was felt around his neck. Looking down, Alex completely forgot about his dad's necklace. A glass teardrop pendent attached to a long black leather cord instead of a chain, the color stood out the most as it was an unnatural black with wisps of red and creamy white appearing as a rings interconnected each other inside that seems to always shift no matter which way you looked at it.

Staring at the pendant made Alex remember the times he would stare at the rings while his dad would chuckle and smile at his son's curiosity, how he would tell the same story about it; how Alex's grandma was blessed by an angel by giving her a single teardrop belong to Him himself, to save and use it when her family needed it most. Alex, being a typical four year old, thought that it was the coolest thing to ever hear in is tiny life at that time. But as he grew older and his dad disappeared when he was nine, he felt numb when he...?

Alex furrowed his brows as he tried to remember about his dad and yet nothing ever came.'How...? Why can't I remember?!'A poke to his cheek that made Alex flinch in response, blinking the fuzziness out of his eyes. He turned his head and saw that Mavis had poked him while Gwen was sitting nearby, her ice blue eyes staring brightly at him with worry.

"Uh, hey, Mav. How's the weather doing?" Alex said, feeling stupid for even asking that. Mavis hummed, "Well, there was a chance fog for awhile but now it looks like it's clearing out just fine." Mavis said as she positioned herself sitting in front of Alex. Gwen was still sitting away but was closer than before. "So, what was going on in that big brain of yours, hm?" Mavis asked softly, staring almost into his soul like a lion stalking their prey. "Nothing important, honestly. I was... remembering some things about dad and then suddenly, nothing."

"Nothing? What do you mean, nothing?" Gwen asked, her gaze confused as she looked between the two. Alex glanced at Mavis before sighing, "My uh, dad, disappeared when I was nine and no one has a single clue as to what happened the day he vanished. I don't even remember what happened that day after dad and mom fought."

Mavis blinked a few times before asking, "Wait, what the hell do you mean your parents had a fight? You never said anything about them having a fight and Auntie never said that either." Alex looked surprised for a moment and then said, "They did! B-But," Alex groaned as he felt the familiar migraine exploding into his skull. "But, anything about that just makes my head feel like someone is bashing it with a spiked club or some sh*t."

"You can feel that too, then?" Gwen asked, her voice soft and weak. Mavis looked back at the auburn haired girl. "Feel what? I'm not really getting what you're both saying right now." Gwen had her hands clasped together in her lap, her eyes staring down towards them. "When I try to remember the time we were together in my home. Is it not strange how one day you came to my home and then," she paused for moment before continuing, "then suddenly we were having a grand time at the ball my father was hosting?"

Alex perked up as Mavis slowly realized that Gwen was right. "Yeah, yeah you're right..." Mavis trailed off as Alex spoke. "Okay, this is going to sound real stupid but hear me out." The girls looked at each other before returning to meet Alex's gaze. "What if this was supposed to happen? Mavis, you remember when we both caught Jack talking to that painting in the library?"

Gwen wrinkled her nose; even though she didn't understand entirely, sheknewwhat painting Alex was saying. "I knew that there was something evil about that painting."

"To be fair, we just walked in the library to check some old books out and then boom, we see Jack talking to a talking painting." Mavis said casually as Alex nodded before he continued to talk. "They said that they 'fulfilled my duties that they have have given me' as in someone made that painting knowing that all this was going to happen!" Now Alex jumped up from the cot, his heart pumping in his chest as he felt excitement pumping through his body. "Before you and I went back to the manor in our time we both saw Cheshire in my house! This was a setup! They summoned us back only for us to be caught by those weird women and thenBAM,18th century France we fell into and then? Zero memories during those weeks until the night of that party!"

"Minus Jack, us three fell into another time portal into a completely different time period!" Mavis exclaimed, feeling the same excitement Alex was feeling. Gwen felt it too but had a burning question she had in her mind. "But, why?"

Alex and Mavis looked at Gwen, who was now standing with them, silently until, "Maybe, the same reason as you."

"Eh? Me? What did I do?" Gwen asked. Mavis spoke before Alex could, "Well, we camebeforeyou even stepped foot inside your home and now we're here. So chances are we're here by complete accident or we're clearly here for something." Before either teen could comment anything further, a grunt echoed down the hall followed by something heavy slamming against either the wall or the floors. Alex, Gwen and Mavis stared at the bars with only the flickering flames illuminating the hall and yet nothing happened the few seconds they stood by the barred window.

"You should probably check it out." Mavis stated.

"Yeah, yeah." Alex answered back.

"Then perhaps you should investigate." Gwen said, earning a surprised look from Alex while Mavis had a smug proud look across her face. He then glared back to his childhood friend, "You are a terrible role model."

"Excuse me but I am an amazing,flawlessrole model, thank you very much!"

Gwen giggled, "It's very hard to not learn when you have a very excitable person to talk about anything." Alex cackled under his breath while Mavis squawked at Gwen while Alex inched closer and closer until he grasped the rust covered metal. As he attempted to look through the cell, in the distance, Alex could see a body lying unconsciously against the wall; dead or not, the sight sent shivers through his spine. He felt a presence behind him as she made herself at home on his left side.

"Do you see anything?" Gwen asked quietly, while Mavis kept staring and looking around on her right. Alex motioned down the hall, "Someone either got knocked out drunk or went to sleep." Glancing at the girls, Alex calmly finished by saying, "Permanently." Gwen shivered while Mavis made a gagging noise. Before anyone had said anything, a whistle was heard above them. The teens stood frigid as stone as a few seconds ticked by before slowly turning their gazes up towards the ceiling outside of the cell.

There, sitting atop of the beams and illuminated partially from the torches, was someone staring down at them with bits of white hair sticking out from the wrap around his head. "Nice to finally meet, you."

Chapter 22

Chapter Text

Of all the things Alex could think of that could happen; seeing someoneliterallychilling on the ceiling as he stared down at us while sounding cheeky, like what? He must've said that out loud because Mavis snickered at him, whispering "dumbass" only for him to hear as the mystery guy jumped down from the ceiling beam. Alex felt Gwen stiffen next to him as the guy landed gracefully with little to zero noise as he landed on the dirt below.

Standing at full height, Alex took notice of the sharp curved daggers attached on each side of his hip, their gold ends shining brightly thanks to the candles. The guy then walks towards them with wraps around his neck, calves, and arms becoming clearer until he leans into the bars on his elbow. His head appeared to have wrapped quickly as Alex noticed white locks sticking out like sores against the dark material and then it suddenly hit Alex with a realization, "You! I saw you on a rooftop when they hauled us here days ago."

Mavis made a weird noise behind him while Gwen glanced towards him and said, "So you were not 'going cray cray' like Mavis said?" Alex closed his eyes and breathed his nose for a few seconds before answering, "No, I wasn't going 'cray cray'. Besides," taking a chance to glare at Mavis who gave him a sly one in return, "whoareyou? Clearly you're not a guard since that guy down there sure ain't sleeping for sh*ts and giggles."

The cloth on the guy's head shifted slightly around his chin, a chuckle slipped out as he pushed himself away from the bars as he produced keys from lord knows where. "Interesting, since I also want to know who you people are." he said and after a few tries of trying keys, finally managed to unlock the jail cell. Alex and the girls hesitated for a moment before eventually stepping out while the mystery guy stood aside.

"Okay, so thanks to Mummy man here, we're not imprisoned anymore and my chances of going to college are still high!" Alex said, placing his hands on his hips. Gwen giggled while Mavis rolled her eyes. The stranger stood by the side as he watched the three strangers talk among themselves quickly before Alex himself stepped forward.

"Alright man, mind telling us why you're here? Not that I'm not grateful for you freeing us butclearlyyou're here for reason, yeah?"

A shout outside through a nearby window made the time traveling teens jump except for the stranger, who appeared calm even through the wrappings. The stranger hummed. "Well, you are right; I am here for a reason and thereasonsare standing in front of me. However, something has, ah, come up." He quickly grabbed Gwen's wrist which in return caused her to literally squeak out in surprise,"Leig às mi, a dhiabhail!"

"Oi! Get your f*ckin-!" Mavis wanted to cuss the stranger out for grabbing Gwen but she was cut off as her wrist was grabbed as well. The stranger started dragging the girls while Alex stumbled after them with confusion and rising anger ready to blow at the guy. Alexwasabout to start throwing hands with the guy (definitely won't get his ass beaten, nope)but was stopped when the stranger grasped on a loose rope that dangled from the ceiling.

"Hurry. They know I'm here and we really don't want to find out what happens after they do." He said, quickly and effortlessly hauled himself through an opening in the ceiling. Mavis looked at Alex and said, "You know, I guess it was smart of Coach Magne to make us go through that military drill." Alex could only mutter in agreement as he let Mavis go first with the stranger helping her through the ceiling gap. As Gwen stood by the rope, Alex took a chance to look out the window and barely dodged an arrow being shot through as he fell to the floor.

"Alex!" Gwen shouted, immediately at his side as the shouting and clanking of armor started getting louder along with the thundering steps of men. "I-I'm fine, Gwen. C'mon, we need to hurry!" He stumbled as he tried to stand up and the two stood by the rope with Alex waiting for Gwen to go but the girl hesitated. "Alright, Gwen's going up first and I'll climb up after her, got it?" Alex yelled towards Mavis, who nodded and the stranger merely stared back at him through his mask.

Alex turned back to Gwen and motioned her to come closer but she stood away, her face red. "I-I cannot-!"

"Gwen, we don't have time right now!"

"I-I... ah, d-do not-t... have m-my-"

Alex blinked, feeling slightly embarrassed when he realizedwhatshe was worried about but was snapped out of it by Mavis's yelling and the pounding sounds of footsteps being closer. Alex gritted his teeth as he roughly sighed and grabbed Gwen's shoulders hard and stared into her ice blue eyes. "Look, we seriously don't have time to worry about underwear right now, okay? I've seen Mavis and her sisters naked far too many times for my liking so I already know whatthatlooks like-!" And to his amazement, Alex lifted the 18th century girl by her shoulders that he was still holding with ease and lifted her up midway on the rope.

Thankfully Gwen seemed to have realized and, while still blushing like mad, climbed the rope as the other two hauled her up fast as Alex jumped on the rope in time. A loud shout made him pause a fraction too long as an iron grip was suddenly around his ankle. Alex felt his hands burn and his shoulders beginning to strain as the guard kept yanking on his leg, his foot trying desperately to kick the man in the face.

"Alex!" Mavis screamed, fear etched in her voice as she watched helplessly as her best friend struggled and there was nothing she could do. Her heart was pounding so hard she wondered if it would've exploded if not for the stranger. She watched as he reached for something and recognized it as a brick and felt her jaw dropped as he threw it so fast for Mavis to ask what he was about to do. Alex knew he was about to lose his grip on the rope soon and his left leg was burning from kicking so much and as he closed his eyes with face burning in frustration.

His armsburnedand were strained to the point that Alex is surprised that his hands hadn't started to bleed; unless it was sweat but whatever. Something fell from the ceiling and the only way Alex knew that was the sound of something heavy and solid hitting metal along with the sound of something cracking. His ankle was released as the soldier howled in agony and Alex wasted zero time as a burst of adrenaline rushed through his body as he climbed as fast as he could.

The stranger held a hand out for him to grab and while normally he wouldn't have grabbed it considering the circ*mstance. And yet, the strain of what his arms went through made him throw that logic right out the other side of his brain as he grasped the other's hand tightly. Once he was on the rooftop with the others, Alex was nearly knocked back down into the hole as both Mavis and Gwen rushed forward and hugged him fiercely. He heard them faintly talking about him being safe and not dead which made him automatically wrap his own arms around them in return.

Shouting was heard down below and it made Alex peer down with caution and saw what happened when he was struggling. The guard that grabbed him was their good ol'buddy Rambo, who was clutching his bloodied face on the ground, a nearby bloody brick sat not far from him. Judging the bloodied corner of the brick, Alex was kinda surprised that Rambo was still sitting up and making noises. "Come. We need to hurry; Aetius won't let a broken face stop him from hunting us."

Mavis and Gwen no longer had Alex in their vice-grip hugging and were about to follow the stranger until Alex stopped the three from walking anymore. "Wait. How about telling us your name first, yeah? Can't exactly keep calling you 'stranger' now can I?" The stranger was standing by the ledge, probably about to jump.

"You have a point. Very well, I suppose as long as you say what your names are then." He walked away from the ledge and Alex let himself breathe easier that he wasn't aware he held. The stranger stopped in front of Alex and it was then he noticed that he was an inch shorter than Alex and as the stranger took his mask off, he noticed the red-brown eyes staring into his green eyes.

He held his hand out towards Alex, "My name is Zakariya."

Alex stared for a moment before reaching out and taking hold of Zakariya's hand and said, "Alex. These two are Mavis and Gwen."

Chapter 23

Chapter Text

Zakariya jumped down to the ground from the rooftop and waited for the others to follow after him. The familiar feeling of his heart beating fast was slowing as he stood by the stack of barrels nearby as the teens slowly made their way from the roof. While they worked their way down, Zakariya was left in his own little world as he realized what happened hours after breaking them out of jail.

Oh, and the great honor and pleasure of breaking Aetius's face in the skirmish.

He's certain Dorothea would enjoy hearing what happenedandhopefully lessen her wrath if she found out what he did tonight. A yelp snapped him out of his zoning as he watched one of the girls, Gwen, had lost her footing and tripped towards the ground. Zakariya walked over to her and held out a hand to help Gwen, who looked up with her ice blue gaze, freezing whatever he was about to say in his throat. She hesitated for a moment before eventually giving in and grasping his hand.

Once Alex finished helping the other girl, Mavis, from the last barrel, Zakariya motioned them to follow him through the slowly brightening night to morning sky. Thinking quickly, Zakariya pulled random clothing from laundry lines and tossed them over to the teens.

"To blend in better, at least until we go to my home." He simply said, as they gawked at him for plainly stealing clothing right in front of him. And yet the thought of getting captured again as well as the exhaustion in Alex's arms after his little tug of war with Rambo, erAetius, made him relent to thievery for this moment. Besides, it's not like he was going to suddenly change the course of history by stealing random clothing, right?

Or maybe it's a sign that he should just stop watching space and time documentaries at 3 am while taking...stuff. Shaking his head, Alex merely reached for the fabric and threw it around his body with Mavis and Gwen watching and following in his steps. Zakariya nodded approvingly and motioned them to follow him through the streets as markets began opening and people spilling out of their homes. As they walked through the market, Alex felt a few gazes of bystanders watching them make their way through as Zakariya kept an eye out for any guards marching through.

Zakariya especially kept a firm lookout for Aetius; Alex notes to himself that he seems to bear a particular hatred to the older man as he shared a look with Mavis who also seemed to notice as well. Gwen, bless her, remained far too enthralled by the sights of vendors with their rugs, clothes, spices, herbs and other items they're selling. She would stop for a few seconds as she scanned a certain shop and looked inside before hurrying after the others.

They made small talk but even then it didn't last long which meant that the five teens were awkward as hell for a moment until Zakariya suddenly stopped and motioned them to hide behind barrels nearby. Naturally they weresomewhatconfused until two soldiers walked by with an intense air surrounding them, no doubt that they were tense from them breaking out a few hours ago.

"Where are we going anyway? We've been walking for hours." Mavis said, a small whine in her voice. Alex elbowed her in response even as she glared at him return.

Zakariya chuckled and said, "To my home, where I live with my father and aunt. That way we'll be safe and hidden from unwanted attention and allow some questions to be answered properly." He turned his head back slightly and noticed Gwen staring at him with mistrust in her eyes and he couldn't but stare into them a little longer than he usually does, causing the girl to turn away. The faintness of pink bloomed against her pale skin made him smirk softly before turning away.

Once he saw that no more soldiers were walking by, Zakariya motioned the others to quickly follow him through the market before breaking away from the crowd and under a small bridge where a rusted gate stood.

Taking one of his daggers from his belt, Zakariya pried at the lock until he heard aCLICKand using his strength until the groaning noise of the old metal being moved made him stop. "Quickly, through here before anyone sees us. This will be a much faster way to get home." Mavis didn't hesitate as she was the first through the opening as Alex and Gwen followed. With a quick lookout, Zakariya then followed and after moving the gate back into place and making sure it was locked, the young assassin led them through the somewhat darkened tunnel until a bright light nearly made Alex go blind.

Once he was able to see clearer, Alex noticed that they were far away from the market center as the streets and alleys were quite rundown and nearly barren with a few squabblers sitting here or there. Zakariya called out to him to keep walking and with a huff of annoyance from Gwen and a whine of more walking from Mavis made Alex's head pound as a result. And yet, he merely gave Mavis a soft push, "Relax, we're almost to his place and then we can rest."

Mavis sighed while Gwen commented, "And hopefully find a way home as well. I cannot imagine what my father and brother must be thinking about my disappearance so suddenly..."

Alex placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it softly yet reassuringly, "Don't worry, Gwen, Jack will somehow try to find us unlesswefind our way home." Zakariya wondered who this 'Jack' person was but brushed the thought away as he reminded himself that all the answers they have for each other would be answered soon enough. Zakariya walked them through the dilapidated section of the city until the four teens suddenly stopped in their tracks, frozen when they heard the clacking of stones hitting against another.

In front of them was a statue, afamiliarstatue to Alex and Mavis; one draped in a veil and hunched over with the added features of it's hands and limbs being too long and gnarly as it crawled on the ground almost like a spider. It's head contorted back and forth, side to side as the clacking sound the group heard made them frozen where they stood.

"Alex. What thef*ckam I seeing? T-That, s-staute...? How...?" Mavis muttered under breath, staring at the twitching creature in front of them. Alex felt his throat clench tightly and it wasn't like he would have the answer for her anyway; the statute reared itself back with a loudSNAPof its torso completely breaking in half and yet its body still moved as one. That was when the dark gaping opening of the veil where a face should be quickly snapped towards them, rolling its head side to side, as if it was examining them or something.

After what seemed like hours had gone by, the Veil raised it gnarled arms in the air and with sudden blink and miss swing, slammed its arms onto the ground causing the street itself to begin to collapse in on itself. The teens, broken free from their frozen stances, fell to the ground as it shook. Chunks of earth and stone fell underneath them as the sounds of people far away screamed from this, this 'earthquake' that was happening and ran for safety. Zakariya managed to get to his knees and in an attempt to hopefully stop this Veil creature from bringing this city down, threw his daggers at the statue creature.

One dagger pierced through the black gap of its 'face', causing the creature to let out a sound-deafening shriek as the other dagger pierced through it abdomen, white-slimy fluid leaked from the wounds as it howled in pain. However, this attempt did nothing to stop the weakening ground to stop breaking and the four teens fell as the earth holding them dropped them in the dark abyss below.

The Veil statue-creature stopped shrieking; stopped its in-pain movement as the daggers that once pierced its body melted and clattered to the ground, the wounds quickly healed as it contorted their gnarled limbs back into itself.

Until nothing but a stone stood in its place, its features were gone as well as their duty.

Chapter 24

Chapter Text

Alex felt his body was heavy as he groaned when the sudden brightness of the morning sun blinded him as he attempted to open his eyes. He felt like someone was pounding spikes into his brain and setting it on fire. Probably because this was, what, the second or third concussion he's had in a span of a week or so; at this rate, Alex could hear his uncle Felix chewing him for being a bratty little sh*t with zero brain cells.

His words; and Mavis along with his older brother too which is hellarude.

It seemed like hours when Alex managed to open his eyes to see where he was, as well as the sudden flooding of memories; creepy spider statue and the ground shaking and cracking open andholy sh*tthey were under the streets. It was a cave-like void that holds darkness and utter silence with vine-like plants clinging to the ceiling until a sudden beam of bright light lit the darkness.

He groaned as he attempted to lift himself from the ground, hissing as a sharp rock pricked itself his hip once Alex was successfully sitting upright. Alex tried to peer around to see if his friends were nearby but found that he was alone. Wincing again from the brightness, Alex finally took in the cave he was sitting in and saw that the brightness wasn't from the hole that they had through, nothing to even hint that there was one to begin with. That was when Alex noticed how eerily smooth and definitelynotnatural were the walls and even the stalagmites and stalactites were smooth like everything was a theater set ready for their final touches before show.

Taking a moment to stand himself up, Alex looked around and called out for Mavis, Gwen, or even Zak to yell back. Nothing, not even the echoing of his own voice was head. "Hello?! Anyone here? Where the f*ck am I?! And where are my friends?!" Stumbling as he stepped forward a few steps until-


Now, Alex didnotscream, nope, Mavis herself wasn't around to laugh at him later. His head was splitting as the loud, booming voice suddenly blasted near his ears. Spinning his head around with three concussions wasn't smart but when a voice suddenly says 'hello' back in a creepy space with him having zero knowledge about what is happening makes Alex feel validated in him panicking.

₥Ɏ ₳₱ØⱠØ₲łɆ₴, ɎØɄ₦₲ ₥₳₴₮ɆⱤ, ł₮ ₩₳₴ ₦ɆVɆⱤ ₥Ɏ ł₦₮Ɇ₦₮ ₣ØⱤ ɎØɄ ₳₦Đ ₮ⱧɆ Ø₮ⱧɆⱤ ₥₳₴₮ɆⱤ₴ ₮Ø ₣Ɽł₲Ⱨ₮Ɇ₦ ɎØɄ ₴Ø

"'YOung MasteR'? Who are you?!" Alex knew he was panicking when his voice cracked.

There was a chuckle before they or whoever responded back,

ł ₵₳₦₦Ø₮ ₴₳Ɏ ₥Ɏ ₦₳₥Ɇ ₳₴ ł ĐØ ₦Ø₮ Ⱨ₳VɆ Ø₦Ɇ, ⱧØ₩ɆVɆⱤ, ₮Ø Ɇ₳₴Ɇ ɎØɄⱤ ₳₦ӾłɆ₮Ɏ... VɆłⱠ, ₣ⱤØ₥ ɎØɄⱤ ⱤɆ₳₵₮łØ₦ ₮Ø₩₳ⱤĐ₴ ₥Ɇ ĐɄⱤł₦₲ ₮ⱧɆ ₣łⱤ₴₮ ₮ł₥Ɇ ɎØɄ ₴₳₩ ₥Ɇ

"O-Okay, I guess? W-Where am I and where are my friends?"

ĐØ ₦Ø₮ ₩ØⱤⱤɎ, ₮ⱧɆɎ ₳ⱤɆ ₴₳₣Ɇ ₳₴ ł ₴₱Ɇ₳₭ ₮Ø ɎØɄ, ɎØɄⱤ ₣ⱤłɆ₦Đ₴ ₳ⱤɆ Ⱡł₴₮Ɇ₦ł₦₲

"...Alright, ugh, who the f*ck are you and what the hell is happening?!"

₮Ⱨ₳₮ ₦ł₲Ⱨ₮, ₩ⱧɆ₦ ɎØɄ ₳₦Đ ₮ⱧɆ ɎØɄ₦₲ ₥₳₴₮ɆⱤ Ɇ₦₮ɆⱤɆĐ ₮ⱧɆ ₥₳₦ØⱤ ₣ⱤØ₥ ɎØɄⱤ ₮ł₥Ɇ; ł₮ ₩₳₴ ₦Ø₮ ⱤɆ₳Ⱡ. ł₦ ⱤɆ₳Ⱡł₮Ɏ, ł₮ ₩₳₴ ₳ ₮Ɇ₥₱ⱠɆ ₵ⱤɆ₳₮ɆĐ ฿Ɏ ₥Ɏ ₵ⱤɆ₳₮ØⱤ₴ ɆØ₦₴ ₳₲Ø ₣ØⱤ ₮ⱧɆłⱤ ₵ⱧłⱠĐⱤɆ₦ ₮Ø ₩₳₮₵Ⱨ ØVɆⱤ ₳₦Đ ₱ⱤØ₮Ɇ₵₮ ł₮ ₩ł₮Ⱨ ₮ⱧɆ ₴ØⱠ₳Ɽ VØ₩ Ø₣ Ø₵ɄⱠɄ₴

Alex blinked. "'Solar Vow of Oculus?' What's that? Sounds like a badass metal band or something.." He muttered that last line to himself. He could've sworn that for a moment he heard someone snickering and another saying the same thing he did. Whatever.

It was silent for a moment until a nearby stalagmite distorted, bending unnaturally until he somewhat recognized it was the agonized woman statue before. It was quickly joined by another, the faceless statue and from its entrance came Zak, Gwen and Mavis came tumbling nearby Alex. Mavis and Gwen quickly launched themselves at Alex while Zak stayed on the ground rubbing his head. Alex thought it was odd he wasn't snarky about anything to him.

He was about to say something before the agonized woman statue spoke instead of Veil,

ɎØɄ ₳ⱤɆ ⱧɆⱤ ₦ɆӾ₮ ĐɆ₴₵Ɇ₦Đ₳₦₮, ₳₣₮ɆⱤ ⱧɆⱤ ₵ⱧłⱠĐ ₩₳₴ ⱠØ₴₮. ₩Ⱨ₳₮ ɎØɄ ₵₳ⱤⱤɎ ₦Ø₩ ₳ⱤØɄ₦Đ ɎØɄⱤ ₦Ɇ₵₭ ł₴ ₮ⱧɆ ₴ØⱠ₳Ɽ VØ₩ Ø₣ Ø₵ɄⱠɄ₴

Silence. "Wait, what?!" All four teens shrieked and Alex knew how dumb his face must look if he had camera. Mavis whipped towards her childhood friend, "You mean you're actually awesome?!"

Alex glared. "Oi, I am awesome, I'm only dull when I'm around you."

Zak snorted. "Please, if anyone is awesome, it'd be me."

Gwen glared at Zak. "I do not see how using knives are 'awesome."

ꪱׁׅꪀׁׅtׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻ꯱ׁׅ֒tׁׅꪱׁׅꪀׁׅᧁׁ, ꪱׁׅ ꯱ׁׅ֒ꫀׁׅܻꫀׁׅܻ ꪱׁׅtׁׅ ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ.

¥ê§, Ì §êê ï† å§ wêll.

"Eh? See what? The hell is with the weird wording you guys keep saying?" Mavis asked, confused.

ØɄⱤ ₳₱ØⱠØ₲łɆ₴ ฿Ʉ₮ ɎØɄⱤ ₣ⱤłɆ₦Đ ⱧɆⱤɆ ł₴ ₦Ø₮ ₮ⱧɆ Ø₦ⱠɎ Ø₦Ɇ ĐɆ₴₵Ɇ₦ĐɆĐ ₣ⱤØ₥ ØɄⱤ ₵ⱤɆ₳₮ØⱤ₴. ₩Ɇ ₵₳₦ ₴ɆɆ ₦Ø₩, ₮Ⱨ₳₮ ₮ⱧɆ ⱤɆ₴₮ Ø₣ ɎØɄ ₴Ⱨ₳ⱤɆ Ⱨł₴ ₴₮₳₮Ʉ₴

ᨰׁׅꫀׁׅܻ ᝯׁɑׁׅ֮ꪀׁׅꪀׁׅᨵׁׅꪀׁׅtׁׅ ꯱ׁׅ֒hׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮ꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻ ꩇׁׅ݊ᨵׁׅꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻ. tׁׅhׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻ ꪱׁׅ꯱ׁׅ֒ ꩇׁׅ݊υׁׅᝯׁhׁׅ֮ tׁׅhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮tׁׅ ꪱׁׅ꯱ׁׅ֒ ꪀׁׅꫀׁׅܻꫀׁׅܻժׁׅ݊ꫀׁׅܻժׁׅ݊ tׁׅᨵׁׅ ϐׁׅ֒ꫀׁׅܻ ꯱ׁׅ֒℘ᨵׁׅƙׁׅ֑ꫀׁׅܻꪀׁׅ ϐׁׅ֒υׁׅtׁׅ tׁׅhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮tׁׅ ꩇׁׅ݊υׁׅ꯱ׁׅ֒tׁׅ ᨰׁׅɑׁׅ֮ꪱׁׅtׁׅ, ᨰׁׅꫀׁׅܻ ℘ꭈׁׅᨵׁׅ ꩇׁׅ݊ꪱׁׅ꯱ׁׅ֒ꫀׁׅܻ ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮ᨵׁׅυׁׅ ɑׁׅ֮ᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ tׁׅhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮tׁׅ ᨰׁׅꫀׁׅܻ ꩇׁׅ݊ꫀׁׅܻɑׁׅ֮ꪀׁׅ ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮ᨵׁׅυׁׅ ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ hׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮ꭈׁׅ ꩇׁׅ݊.

¥ê§, ¥ê§, ¥ê§, †rµ†h lå†êr. †hê £µ†µrê ï§ mðrê ïmþðr†åñ† †håñ ¥ðµr þ姆.

"Wow, f*cking rude."

"I know right?"

¥ðµ mµ§† rꆵrñ †ð ¥ðµr †ïmê. Hê §êñ† hêr hêrê, §hê ï§ ¢ðmïñg.

₮ⱧɆ ฿Ɇ₮Ɽ₳ɎɆⱤ Ø₣ ØɄⱤ ₭ł₦Đ ₱Ⱡ₳₦₴ ₮Ø ₣ⱤɆɆ ₮ⱧɆ ₮ł₮₳₦ Ø₣ ĐɆ₳₮Ⱨ ₣ⱤØ₥ Ⱨł₴ Ɇ₮ɆⱤ₦₳Ⱡ ₱Ɽł₴Ø₦ ł₦ ₮ⱧɆ Ɇłł₴.

Alex blinked when he heard that. "I don't know who that person is? Who is 'she'? Is it Jack?" This was getting ridiculous! Here they were standing who-the-f*ck-knows-where, some creepy ass statutes from another dimension? Space? He felt his brain exploding from thinking too much as Gwen took over before he could say anything.

"I do not want to be rude but, what do you mean 'eternal prison'? 'Eiis'? How is it that it concerns us?" Gwen had a feeling she butchered the saying of that word but at that moment it didn't matter since no one corrected her. The air suddenly chilled and the air felt thicker and harder to breathe, like something was slowly sucking the oxygen out.

฿Ɇ₵₳Ʉ₴Ɇ ₮ⱧɆ ₱ⱤɆ₴Ɇ₦₮ ₳₴ Ø₣ ₦Ø₩ Ⱨ₳₴ ₴₮Ɽ₳ɎɆĐ ₣ⱤØ₥ ₮ⱧɆ ₱₳₮Ⱨ. ₮ⱧɆ ₣Ʉ₮ɄⱤɆ ₦Ø ⱠØ₦₲ɆⱤ ɆӾł₴₮₴ ₳₦Đ ØɄⱤ ₵ⱤɆ₳₮ØⱤ₴ ₥₳ĐɆ Ʉ₴ ₩ł₮Ⱨ ₳₦ ØⱤĐɆⱤ ₮Ø ⱤɆ₵₮ł₣Ɏ ₮ⱧɆ ØɄ₮₵Ø₥Ɇ Ø₣ Ⱨł₴ ₳₮₮Ɇ₥₱₮ ₮Ø ɆⱤ₳Đł₵₳₮Ɇ Ⱡł₣Ɇ.

The group of teens glanced at each other, unnerved learning that apparently a God? Titan? Has apparently tried to delete life before anything really kick-started in gear. That was something that barely sunk in before a glowing crack appeared in front of them. There was a static-like buzzing filling the room as the crack grew larger until it eventually busted open completely to reveal the familiar sight of the sandy alley they were standing in originally.

υׁׅꪀׁׅ⨍ᨵׁׅꭈׁׅtׁׅυׁׅꪀׁׅɑׁׅ֮tׁׅꫀׁׅܻᥣׁׅ֪ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮, ᨰׁׅꫀׁׅܻ hׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮᥎꫶ׁׅꫀׁׅܻ ժׁׅ݊ᨵׁׅꪀׁׅꫀׁׅܻ ᨰׁׅhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮tׁׅ ᨰׁׅꫀׁׅܻ ᝯׁɑׁׅ֮ꪀׁׅ tׁׅᨵׁׅ ƙׁׅ֑ꫀׁׅܻꫀׁׅܻ℘ ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮ᨵׁׅυׁׅ ɑׁׅ֮ᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ ꯱ׁׅ֒ɑׁׅ֮⨍ꫀׁׅܻ ⨍ꭈׁׅᨵׁׅ ꩇׁׅ݊ ꯱ׁׅ֒hׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻϐׁׅ֒ɑׁׅ֮ ɑׁׅ֮ꪀׁׅժׁׅ݊ ᨰׁׅꫀׁׅܻ ժׁׅ݊ᨵׁׅ ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅtׁׅ hׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮᥎꫶ׁׅꫀׁׅܻ ꩇׁׅ݊υׁׅᝯׁhׁׅ֮ tׁׅꪱׁׅ ꩇׁׅ݊ꫀׁׅܻ ᥣׁׅ֪ꫀׁׅܻ⨍tׁׅ ⨍ᨵׁׅꭈׁׅ υׁׅ꯱ׁׅ֒. ꯱ׁׅ֒hׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻ ᨰׁׅɑׁׅ֮꯱ׁׅ֒ ꯱ׁׅ֒ꫀׁׅܻꪀׁׅtׁׅ ϐׁׅ֒ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮ ƙׁׅ֑ꪱׁׅꪱׁׅɑׁׅ֮ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮'tׁׅᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮ᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪, tׁׅhׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻ ᨵׁׅꪀׁׅꫀׁׅܻ ᨰׁׅhׁׅ֮ᨵׁׅ ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅ꯱ׁׅ֒hׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻ꯱ׁׅ֒ tׁׅᨵׁׅ ⨍ꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻꫀׁׅܻ tׁׅhׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻ tׁׅꪱׁׅtׁׅɑׁׅ֮ꪀׁׅ ᨵׁׅ⨍ ժׁׅ݊ꫀׁׅܻɑׁׅ֮tׁׅhׁׅ֮.

Wê må¥ ñð† håvê †ïmê l꣆ ßµ† l阮êñ ¢lð§êl¥; Kïïå¥'†¥ll ï§ ¢lð§ê †ð £ïñÐïñg †hê kê¥ †ð Hï§ þrï§ðñ åñÐ hê þlåñ§ ðñ £ïñÐïñg ñïhê'ðêl'§ ÐꧢêñÐåñ†.

"Why? Why is finding this guy's family so important?" Zak asked, placing his hands on his waist. He was standing in a challenging way that either made him feel brave or co*cky.

₦łⱧɆ'ØɆⱠ ₩₳₴ ₮ⱧɆ Ø₦Ɇ ⱤɆ₴₱Ø₦₴ł฿ⱠɆ ₣ØⱤ ₵ⱤɆ₳₮ł₦₲ ₮ⱧɆ ₥₳₱ ₳₦Đ ₭ɆɎ Ø₣ ₱ⱤⱤ₳Ɏä, ₮ⱧɆ ₣łⱤ₴₮ Ø₣ ₳ⱠⱠ Đł₥Ɇ₦₴łØ₦₴ ₮Ⱨ₳₮ ₩ɆⱤɆ ₵ⱤɆ₳₮ɆĐ ฿Ɇ₣ØⱤɆ ł₮₴ ₴Ʉ฿₴ɆQɄɆ₦₮ ĐɆ₴₮ⱤɄ₵₮łØ₦ ĐɄⱤł₦₲ ₮ⱧɆ ₩₳Ɽ. ₭łł₳Ɏ'₮ɎⱠⱠ, ₮ⱧɆ ฿Ɇ₮Ɽ₳ɎɆⱤ Ø₣ ØɄⱤ ₭ł₦Đ, ₩₳₴ ฿₳₦ł₴ⱧɆĐ ₮Ø ₮ⱧɆ VØłĐ Ø₣ ₱ⱤⱤ₳Ɏä.

ɑׁׅ֮ꪀׁׅժׁׅ݊ ꯱ׁׅ֒ᨵׁׅ, ⨍ᨵׁׅꭈׁׅ hׁׅ֮ꪱׁׅ ꩇׁׅ݊ tׁׅᨵׁׅ ϐׁׅ֒ꫀׁׅܻ ⨍ꭈׁׅꫀׁׅܻꫀׁׅܻ...

"...They need the blood of the one responsible to break the lock on his prison." Gwen stated, realization dawning in her ice blue eyes. Alex was quick to realize after her, staring back at the opening in front of them. "Alright. I guess I still kinda don't understand what's happening here but considering time travel happened and talking statues are suddenly my life now; I guess I don't have anything to complain about."

Hµrr¥. ¥ðµ mµ§† êñ†êr †hê þðr†ål. †ïmê hå§ ßêêñ §þêÐ 4 Ð奧 åhêåР壆êr wê §êålêÐ ¥ðµ ïñ †hï§ VðïÐ. †hï§ wðñ'† ßê hêlÐ †ðgê†hêr lðñg åñÐ ¥ðµ mµ§† £ïñÐ å wå¥ hðmê †ð †hê þrê§êñ†.

Although hesitant, the teens quickly jumped through the portal once they felt the vibrating ground under their feet beginning to crumble. The portal disappeared as the statues rose from the crumbling ground.

₩₳₴ ł₮ Ɽł₲Ⱨ₮ Ø₣ Ʉ₴?

†hêrê wå§ ñð ð†hêr ¢hðï¢ê.

¥ê§, †hêrê wå§ñ'†. Hê gåvê †hê §ïgñål †hê mðmêñ† ï† wå§ †ïmê.

The cave-void around was quickly disintegrating around them but none paid attention to ultimate demise.

Peace was the only thing they felt at the moment.

They could only pray they had made themselves known in time.

₱ⱠɆ₳₴Ɇ, ₮ł₮₳₦ Ø₣ ₮ł₥Ɇ ₳₦Đ ĐɆ₴₮ł₦Ɏ, ₱ⱠɆ₳₴Ɇ ⱧɆ₳Ɽ Ʉ₴! ₩₳₮₵Ⱨ ØVɆⱤ ₮ⱧɆ ɎØɄ₦₲ ₥₳₴₮ɆⱤ₴, ₮ⱧɆɎ ₴Ⱨ₳ⱠⱠ ₴Ʉ₵₵ɆɆĐ ₩ⱧɆⱤɆ ₮ⱧɆ Ø₮ⱧɆⱤ₴ ₵ØɄⱠĐ ₦Ø₮ ฿Ɇ₣ØⱤɆ!

Chapter 25

Chapter Text

Landing face first in sand was not what Mavis wanted but it still happened when she jumped through the portal after Alex. After they were on the other side and as quickly when it opened, it retracted inward swiftly with the sound of a firecracker going off after a puff of smoke. Mavis huffed in annoyance after the dramatic portal disappearing shtick was done and over with.

She wassoover time traveling.

Looking around, Mavis noticed how dark it was before quickly realizing that it was night out.They were in the same alley they were previously in before the whole 'falling into a strange cave-void thingy' with Zak's daggers a few feet away. They were both stained black and yet when Zak had picked them up and tried to clean them, the black stains never once left the blades.

Hell, they wouldn't even shine under the moon lights or the hanging fires around.

Zak gave up with clear annoyance in his face making it very clear about his blade's conditions. Alex was helping Gwen from the ground and started walking in front of her and Mavis. Alex noticed her hesitance and gave her a soft smirk and jerked his head to Mavis to motion her to follow. She eventually did, stumbling slightly as she walked behind the other boys with Gwen at her side.

It didn't take long for the teens to realize that something was... off. There was silence; no sounds of animals, no sounds of hushed voices of nearby people, no clanking metallic sounds of soldiers.

Nothing except the sounds of their sandals hitting the cobbled and dusty ground. "Is it just me or is itreallyquiet? Like way,waytoo quiet? Unless I'm just going crazy, hahah...f*ck." Mavis said, trailing off awkwardly. "Then we should be careful and hurry before any of the guards show." Gwen said, wrapping her arms around herself as she glanced around. Alex and Mavis simply nodded with Gwen following in agreement as well and Zak quickly began guiding the group through the empty streets.

Zak barely managed to guide them out of the alley when he stopped and noticed smoke in the distance... where his... father... aunt...

"Óchi, se parakaló, o Theós óchi! Patéras! Dorothéa!"Zak screamed, his voice in hysterical terror. Zak quickly ran towards where the smoke was and it didn't take long for the other three to quickly run after the older teen. Gwen was clearly not used to this exercise as she was struggling to match their speed with Mavis doing a little better; Alex was so glad he took up soccer and cross country as he quickly caught up to Zak even though their was still a considerable amount of distance between them.

After so many twists and turns through alleys and streets where the more the group runs by, the more the streets and buildings look like something was off; the roads had the same stained black stain as Zak's daggers and the homes were becoming more and more rundown and broken. Alex has seen what dilapidated homes look like when he and Mavis used to run in the woods where a former neighborhood that used to thrive and that is now abandoned.

They looked recent despite being nearly seventy or so years of abandonment; yet, these homes? These looked like a battle came by like a literal hurricane mixed with an earthquake. It was so unsettling that Alex didn't even notice that Zak had stopped running and was standing in front of what used to be his home which was burning in black flames...? In front of the burning home was a man kneeling on the ground, soaked in his blood with a large horizontal slash on his chest leading towards his jaw.

In his left hand was a broken sword and his right was clearly broken as even from the distance Alex was noticeable. Zak ran forward to the fallen man still yelling in the other language; Greek probably.'Not important, Alex!'

"Patéras! Ti synévi? Pou eínai i Dorothéa-"Zak was cut off from the man who looked up with a paling,dying, and looked at his face. "Zakariya, my child... Run, run as far as you can from here. Don't look back and don't return, do you understand?Min fadlik ya abni. Aistamie li limarat wahidatin!"A loud, thundering crash followed by a haunting roar came from the burning home startled the group and the man, Zak'sfather, f*ck,merely stood in front of them against Zak's weak protests and with shaking hands, held his broken weapon in front of him.

Breathing heavily, the man merely yelled and charged into the black flames as Gwen, from Alex's surprise, slammed the white haired teen into the ground, preventing Zak from following him. "Zakariya! Zakariya, please! We must go, do not let his last stand go to waste! Live, for him like he wanted you to!" Gwenscreamedto the world despite clinging to the other's body with an iron grip. Finally, Mavis walked up to the struggling girl, ripped her off of Zak("Mavis?!")and f*ckingdeckedZak in the face which seemed to actually somewhat calm the guy down.

Zak simply laid on the ground and watched the black flames burn his home to the ground, ignoring the scream the emanated from within.

Before Mavis could say anything, multiple moaning sounds were heard behind them and when they turned, the group washorrified,especially since Zak recognized the woman. "D-Dorothea-a...?" Zak looked on in horror at the sight of his aunt; once beautiful with light brown skin was now a sickly, cracking gray with the familiar black ooze dripping from where both of her arms used to be; her once waist length curly black that was held back was now nearly gone with half of it clearly been ripped right off of her scalp with the rest gone in patches and singed.

It was the look in her once golden brown eyes that utterly broke Zak's heart. There was nothing, black eyes stared at the group with her blood continuously gushing down her shredded face. Aetius, the soldier from earlier, had a similar appearance except instead of missing his arms, he was instead missing his entire lower half and was crawling towards them.

Aetius, formally Rambo, lunged at Gwen who screamed as he pounced on the poor girl who tried to scramble away from the man-creature. Alex quickly grabbed a nearby board and bashed it onto Aetius's skull. A loudCRACKechoed and caused the man to still for a moment too long as Aetius snapped back up and quickly lunged at Alex now.

Gripping the board tighter, Alex roared as he raised the board above his head and swung down onto the former solider's skull once again, this time, he kept beating the man until he no longer saw anything resembling a head anymore. Breathing heavily, Alex tilted forward a little with the board in his hand now completely broken and unusable as he stared down at the mess in front of him. But his sight was quickly taken over by Gwen, who was standing a few feet away near Mavis as she stared at Alex with large eyes.

"...You good, Gwen?"

"Y-Yes, thank you for saving me..."

"No problemo."

The woman, Dorothea, Zak'saunt,f*ckf*ck,twitched her head back and let an ear-piercing screech before quickly lunging forward to the teens, barely missing Mavis who managed to dodge albeit falling backwards and rolling out of the way. "sh*t! That was too close...!" Mavis screamed, clutching her chest.

Dorothea skid to a stop, hunched over for a couple of seconds before contorting her body around to face them again, this time facing her former nephew.

Zak, who was still on the ground and staring at his aunt, didn't notice Dorothea was stalking him.

Zak, whowasn'tmoving...Alex saw Dorothea slowly stalk to her nephew, moaning as she stopped and hunched over, ready to lunge and kill Zak. Everything quickly stopped in slow motion suddenly as Alex watched her jump, Mavis in mid-scream and Gwen trying to run towards them; possibly to help but Alex wasn't sure nor did he care. She was getting closer, closer, closer,f*ck she wastoo close MOVE ALEX MOVE...!

Alex screamed, his hand reached out, "ZAK!"Suddenly, something bright erupted and an opaque wall-like structure formed in front of Zak in time when Dorothea slammed her entire body into the damn thing which also snapped Zak out of his trance.

Alex stared at his hand which was encased with the same opaque glow.

Gwen stared at him. Zak stared at his unmoving aunt-creature.

Mavis simply, "The f*ck?!"

Alex was definitely not panicking, thank you very much! "I-I don't... f*ck! sh*t, I don't know what the, the f*ck happened. I jus- I, saw Zak being in danger, and, and then BOOM, this happened and now I don't know what to do to get rid of this...?!" He probably looked stupid as hell with him waving his glowing hands around his head but whatever; Alex has a right to look stupid and panic in this situation! Alex didn't notice Zak standing up and with his shaking legs, made his way over to Alex and the girls.

"Thanks...for saving me..." Zak softly said, his eyes never met Alex's gaze. Alex simply stared at him before giving him a soft smile, "Zak, if I saw the people I love in such awful states... I wouldn't be alright either. But, we really should get a move on. Even though I somehow made a f*cking wall of something, I don't think it was enough to fully stop Dorothea. Nor do we know if anyone is like her and that soldiers state"

"Where do we even go? We cannot contact anyone, hell, we do not even know what happened here!" Gwen stated in a slight panic. Zak placed a hand on her shoulder, calming her down somewhat. A sudden screech noise echoed through the burnt remains of the home and others nearby which, naturally of course, caused the group to immediately kick their asses into high gear and ran away. Especially since Zak really didn't want to see his father in the exact same state as his was in.

They ran to the other side of the city where they saw the same damage they saw before except worse. Structures were simply destroyed with bodies of innocent people lying in their pools of blood where half of their bodies used to be. Zak stated that they were now in the center of the market place that he was in earlier with his aunt.

"Okay, we justneeda plan. A plan to somehow get out of this place and find some way to contact Jack." Mavis said, crossing her arms as she sat near a fountain. Gwen was sitting near her and Zak was standing in front of them in a protective stance; probably since they nearly got killed while he was sitting on the ground like a bitch baby. Alex was some feet away, quiet as he stared at the pendant in his hand as his mind raced from what Veil and the other voices said before.

"And please, tell us how we should do that? In case you haven't noticed, everyone is dead." Zak stated, glaring at the pile of deceased bodies that were once children. Mavis groaned as she ran her hands over face and leaned back. Gwen stared at her for a moment before turning to Zak. "Perhaps, the same way we came here? My pendant no longer appears to be the same so I do not think it will work but..." she trailed off as she stared at Alex's back.

"Hell yeah!" Mavis shouted, against Zak and Gwen trying to shush her in a sad attempt to keep her quiet. She bolted up from her seat and made her way to Alex, who still wasn't paying attention. "Hey, Al! Did ya hear what dear ol'Gwen said?"


Mavis poked him.


Mavis poked him again.


Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke.

Alex sighed.

"What do you want, Mav?" Alex said. Mavis groaned before restating what Gwen said earlier. Alex hummed for a moment, still staring at his pendant until he walked is way to the fountain with Mavis tailing behind him. "That does sound like a plan and I was remembering what the Voices were talking about it being the 'Solar Vow of Oculus' or whatever."

He held it up for the others to see; a gemstone which takes the form of a water droplet that was dominantly green with the center becoming lighter with a single bar wrapped across is in a cage-like setting. It was being held by a rose gold chain that was about the same length as Gwen's pendant was. Zak snapped his fingers and pointed at Alex. "Use that glowing power thing you did earlier! If you were able to make some sort of wall to protect someone then maybe you could use that same power to get us away from this." He motioned to the massacre they were standing in.

Alex bit his lip, sighed and said, "And I totally think that is a great idea but I have no clue what I even did. I just saw you in danger and the next,POOF,"he made an explosive manner with his hands, "and suddenly a glowing wall formed. I don't know what I did or if it wasn't even me that did!" It was Mavis who was going to say something before the familiar screeching sound from earlier echoed in the market they were in.

It was close.

Quickly as they heard it, the bodies around them began to twitch and moan with some even starting to merge themselves with other people. "f*ck, Alex! Please do something before we die here!" Mavis yelled. One body came at them before Zak swiftly sliced the body with his dagger and made his way through the rising sea of bodies and quickly incapacitating them to the best of his abilities. Firmly gripping his father's pendant in his hand, Alex tried to think of what happened earlier but his mind was blank.

His heart was pounding even though he felt a warm hand on his arm and then shoulders from the others, he was certain someone was saying something but his mind was starting to blur and yet he simply yelled, "TAKE US HOME!" Bright, white erupted around as it swallowed all four teens, blasting and burning the former humans as the light vanished just as quickly as it appeared.

A form emerges from the puddles of blood and black ooze, clicking her tongue in annoyance. "Well, that was certainly unexpected." Lilith said, petting a nearby ghoul. "The Master won't be pleased when he learns that one of them has unlocked his potential. It won't be long until the others follow suit, then, it'll be a real issue later." Lilith simply sighed as she walked away to inform her Master what she uncovered.

Chapter 26

Chapter Text

One moment Jack was inside of the manor, talking with some fancy-ass looking dipsh*t and his bitch-ass of a wife when she felt the familiar static of a time portal opening and, quickly excusing herself from the sh*tty couple, swiftly made her way through the sea of people. Noticing that Alex and Mavis, as well as Henrik's daughter, were not inside the ballroom with the other guests and the glass doors leading towards the gardens were opened and made her way through the door.

Walking through the veranda where Jack noticed the lanterns that littered the walls and pillars were no longer lit nor were the sounds of chatter from the nobles from inside were heard. Huffing as she lifted her damn dress to walk faster, Jack searched throughout the garden with desperation and annoyance coursing through her body as there were zero sights of the teens.

Gideon, godDAMMIT, this is why time-displaced teenagersneedleashes or some sh*t; can't trust them to be alone for nothing!

Heels clacking against the stone pathway as Jack made her through the garden maze until she noticed a faint glow in the distance. Realizing what was happening, Jack kicked her heels off to the side as she bolted towards the light and yet, the closer she was to them, Jack knew she wasn't going to make it and screamed at them to run away. The three teens turned towards her and she screamed again but it seemed that they didn't seem to hear her as the portal opened quickly just as they fell through as it closed with Jack just missing them by few a seconds.

Skidding to a stop before she fell over, Jack cursed to herself as she pretty much ripped the dress off and with that her normal clothes quickly reappeared from present time. A black haori with a white lace pattern over her black open-chest crop top with matching black spandex shorts, underneath were leather gun holsters on her backside underneath her haori and finally, her favorite pair of her dark buckled boots.

Sighing once she was finally able to take the dress off, a sudden voice spoke up behind her. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Gideon's side bitch."

"Well, well, well, if it ain't the whor*." Jack said, turning around to see Jezebel, standing with an hourglass figure leaning against a nearby tree, her piercing orange eyes staring into Jack's mismatched ones. Chuckling as she steps out from the shadows, Jezebel flips her charcoal hair from her face as she stops a few feet from Jack.

"At least my Master showers me in his love. Unlike you, taking orders from a false Master and doing his little jobs. And for what? Trying to stop what is meant to happen to humanity? Please, how pathetic of someone with your gift could be such a disappointment."

"Oh yeah? Well, guess what? I live on this dirt planet with sh*tty people so yeah, I kinda need to keep living here for a while. Besides," Jack finished saying as she quickly drew her dual Lahti L-35 in front of her just in time as Jezebel's ice bladed arm aimed for her. Grunting as she held back the sharp ice back, Jezebel grinned manically as she reared back her leg and attempted to strike Jack.

Jack shoved the ice pick arm away just as the other leg nearly struck her, flipping back as she unleashed a flurry of bullets to Jezebel. The latter merely danced away from the like a ballerina and with a swift spin of her leg, a range of ice-like tentacles erupted from the ground and aimed towards Jack, "What you call a 'gift' is nothing but a f*cking curse!" Her guns were quickly smacked away from her hands just as quickly as she pulled them out which made Jack grumble in annoyance and Jezebel cackled.

Jumping back as she dodged the rapid firing of ice daggers from Jezebel's ice leg whipping at her, a tingling sensation was felt on her arm as blood began trailing and dripping from a small cut, her blood shifted itself into a ribbon around her arms and her hands, hardening into blood gauntlets, similar to disproportionately fists. Jezebel made quick with her attacks as she summoned a multi ring of hail-like spikes around her, shooting them towards the other woman with ferocious determination. Sliding to the side as the barrage of spikes came down upon her and as Jack used her blood gauntlets to smash the projectiles, even using her legs to kick shards that came too fast for her fists to smash in time.

"I'll make sure to send your headless ass back to your Master!" Jack snarled as she was getting sick and tired of the latter's lack of fight and constant projectiles. Hiding behind a nearby boulder and grabbing a nearby shard, Jack took it into her hand and infused some blood which softened into a ball-like shape. Keeping her focus on Jezebel for an opening, one did come as Jezebel had stopped her barrage of attacks for a moment, talking to herself until she began to shout for Jack, "Where the hell did you go, little jackrabbit? Too scared to continue fighting me? Finally losing your touch against us? Poor little jackrabbit, with nothing to lose and yet who thinks that helping fight against our Primordial deity from correcting this universe from corruption! How pathetic of you humans!"

Quickly taking her chance, Jack launched herself from her hiding spot and as quickly as she reappeared, Jack made quick work with her blood-ice shard as she whipped the projectiles back towards Jezebel, who saw the other woman scurry out from her hiding spot but failed to notice one of her projectile coming towards her fast. Looking up, Jack used her bloody gauntlets to stretch upwards and grab onto a sturdy branch in time as the shard made contact with its creator's face, blinding Jezebel as she howled in agony as the blood from it began to burn at her eyes.

Grinning as she hanged above the writhing body of her enemy, Jack swung her body above the branch as she stretched her blood limbs and shot herself with her knees making impact into Jezebel's back with a audibleC R A C Kand creating a small crater as a result of the impact. Straddling the grounded woman between her legs, Jack dissolved the blood gauntlets yet used some to keep Jezebel's bound together. "Alright, bitch. Time to get down for business; what the hell are you tryin' to pull here?"

Even with the upper part of her face burnt and melted with muscles snapped and bone cracked, Jezebel managed to keep a shaking yet steady stare up towards Jack. "I-I don't see the issue is; after all, we're enemies, it's normal to fight with your enemy the moment you see them."

Jack simply stared down at her. "You're right, except I've fought your ass time and time again so I damn well know how you and the three fight. You were holding back 'cause you were sloppy as sh*t."

"Perhaps you were the one who was holding back; I certainly wasn't."

Leaning back, Jack could only stare at the woman below until she reached behind her, grabbing her tactical stun pen, pressing the button to watch the spark by the probes before stabbing the taser into Jezebel's face, covering her mouth by Jack's other hand. "Bull-f*cking-sh*t, bitch. I've fought Lilith and Eve far more than you 'cause you were too busy f*cking people left and right. So I'm gonna ask ya again; what are you tryin' to pull here?"

Letting go of Jezebel's face and, ignoring the blood that soaked her hand, leaned away from the quivering woman as they sat in what seemed like minutes was only a few seconds. Jezebel chuckled weakly before laughing manically, "You really t-think that you and Gideon can stop us freeing our God; how sad and pathetic. I will admit, Nihe'oel and his proxies were better prepared than we remembered previously... falsifying and creating a Prism key was, unfortunately, clever; Master was not very pleased when he learned of Lilith and Eve's mistake."

She snorted, "Ain't wrong about that; I personally prefer it being a time gate instead of having to deal with a goddamn apocalypse.." Standing up from the pathetic form of Jezebel on the ground, Jack walked a little ways from her and began to pace with her thoughts all jumbled. She really didn't have any worry about Jezebel attacking her but she still had her guard up with her. "So thanks to Lilith and Eve pissing your precious master, then what has Kiiay'tyll hasyoudoing then?"

Jezebel snarled as she weakly managed to haul herself up in an awkward sitting position as she stared at the heterochromia-eyed woman. "Lilith was to watch over those pups and to report back what she had found while Eve was assigned to hunt down Nihe'oel's descendant. My Master had deduced that in order to be fully free that His blood is needed."

"Uh-huh, if I remember correctly, Sheba is busy looking for the A'rk, aka, the one thing that'll lead you guys to the very Primordial of Death to our good home. Did I miss anything, Jezebezzy? And let me guess, 'cause since I took out the lastkitschbefore you, maybe all your good for is being Kiiay'tyll's f*ck toy." At this, Jack was impressed by Jezebel's reaction as the latter screeched and managed to launch her fatigued wounded body at Jack, who dodged easily, grabbed the other's charcoal hair and yanked thekitschto the ground.

Stepping on the latter's throat as Jezebel snarled, "It's because ofyouI was made with the expectations of filling in Bathsheba's void! He couldn't bring her back because of you and your father and was forced to make a failed copy!"

Jezebel was cut off from her ranting as a boot quickly impacted her face. Jack felt her blood boil at this whor*'s filth coming out of her mouth about her dad. When Jezebel rolled her head back to where was before Jack swiftly kicked and stomped on thekitsch'sface over and over again, her rage quickly overtaking her as her boots were beginning to be soaked in the other's blue blood.

She was about to go for another kick when the sudden screams of terror was heard from the manor was. A weak, wet chuckle below made Jack look down at the bloodied smiling face of Jezebel. "M-My ta-ask was-s to keep y-you d-distracte-ed..."

Jack cursed as she gave one last pissed off glare, raising her arm as she slammed her fist into the burnt part of the latter's face, causing her to howling again in agony. Jack darted back towards the manor and once she did make it back, Jack saw the people inside running as blood splattered against the windows and glass doors. Black ribbons formed around her hands with her guns making their reappearances just as she bolted inside of the bloodbath.

Throwing her body into the glass door, Jack noticed the shredded bodies of the nobles who once stood in the room.

In the middle of the room, was Henrik, his chest split open revealing his ribs and his organs hanging precariously from the cavity. His face was also split in half with his eyes being black. And in his twisted left arm was his very own son, no jaw and with a face filled with horror being the last thing he could do. Henrik noticed Jack and threw his dead son into a nearby piano which caused the instrument to collapse on Stephen's body, making Jack cringe slightly.

Henrik, now with the familiar sickly, cracking gray skin and the black ooze, let a high-pitch scream before lunging at her.

"sh*t-!"Jack barely dodged in time before the necro-Henrik could plunge his deformed right arm into her chest. Recovering enough to shoot her guns at the creature before he lunged at her again, a haunting chuckle echoed behind her. Turning to her side, Jack wasn't surprised to see Lilith sitting on some dead gal's lap as she ran a finger through the woman's mangled face. Looking straight at Jack, Lilith lifted her bloodied finger and began sucking the blood off. "How unfortunate for these people. Allowing themselves to gorge on foods and wines like fat pigs they are and for what? To look important? Maybe how they need to show that they're not pathetic and an absolute waste of time. You should know that feeling all too well. After all, it's because of you being a failure to your family that you're like this now."

Before Jack could say anything snarky in return, Henrik used his deformed arms to meld them to the broken piano and whipped the poor instrument at Jack. The lack of air in her lungs and aC R A C Kas Jack slammed into the granite column made Lilith laugh as she simply fell to the floor like a rag-doll. Even as Jack tried to lift herself up from the floor, Henrik slammed his foot into her back with all of his weight, making her ribs and spine break even more.

Jack could only struggle to lift her head enough to stare at Lilith who was now kneeling in front of Jack and grabbing her throat, lifting her when Henrik lifted his foot off of her. As she was lifted, Jack tried to kick Lilith who simply used her telekinetic ability to keep her legs in place. "To think that you managed to kill our beloved Bathsheba those years ago still astounds me. The first of us to be born and the first to perish by a mere mortal." Jack managed to glare even as she struggled against the other's grip strength; snarling was the only thing she could manage without speaking.

Lilith grinned, sharp teeth replaced normal ones as her blood red eyes appeared to glow more as she came closer to her face. "No one will miss a worthless human like you. You killed my sister, if your f*cking father had kept to himself and never touched it, we would've never had this trouble!"Before Lilith could finish her ranting, a fallen painting glowed as the familiar symbols she wrote earlier began to glow until the entire painting was overtaken.

Next thing either woman knew, a sudden blast knocked Lilith to the other side of the room and Jack fell some feet away. Coughing as she rubbed her sore throat, Jack lifted her gaze to where Cheshire's painting was and was surprised yet somewhat relived when she saw that her brats managed to find a way back; she did see another teen with them which made only made her huff in annoyance. "Who the hell said you brats could be off on a time traveling adventure without me?" She tried to make herself smirk but wasn't really sure what she managed to form as they looked over to her with worry in their eyes, even that white haired kid.

Honestly, these brats brought another one like them.Honestly.

It was Mavis that stumbled towards her as she started panic talking, "Oh, f*cking sh*t, w-what happened? We didn't mean to go another time! W-We were only talking and-!" A screech cut her off as Henrik and another necro, who must've followed after the brats, stared at them as Henrik himself hauled a broken column off of him and Lilith. The white haired brat stood shakily as he stared at the female necro, which made Jack realize somberly that they must've been family or something, as she lunged towards him as the necro also lunged at him.

She heard Alex yell,'Zak!'and tackled him in time before the claws pierced his body. The necro-gal slipped on a blood puddle and fell which then made Henrik fall as she fell in his way. Looking up, Jack took note of the broken chandelier and whipping her gun out, she shot the chain and caused the chandelier to crash into the two necro. "Dammit. I need some answers but that sh*t can wait, we need to leavenow." She got nods from Mavis and Alex, the white haired kid, Zak if she remembered Alex's yell, stared at the struggling necro-gal with a glazed look over his eyes. That was when Jack saw Gwen herself standing to side enough to notice the death and destruction of her home, the dead bodies of her brother where the piano once was before being chuckled at Jack to her aunt that was pinned to a nearby wall all twisted and broken.

To the necro body of her father struggling under the chandelier. "P-Papa...?"

Henrik only screeched as a response as he struggled to free himself as Lilith cackled, her golden hair that was secured in a tight bun was loose and covered her face like a curtain. "Do you like your papa now, little Gwen?" She snapped her gaze to Zak, "How about you? Your aunt is absolutely a lovely beast." Lifting her left arm and with a simple lifting gesture with her finger, the chandelier that once pinned the two necro's were now free but instead of attacking, they merely stood in place as Lilith stumbled forward in between them.

"Your presence is starting to piss me and my sisters off, Jack, for the last time. This, right here and right now, will be your grave. Don't worry, we will watch over the pups while your death will be swift with no mercy."

Jack gritted her teeth, pulling Gwen away from staring at her dead family and essentially knocking her into Zak and standing in front of the four teens, guns co*cked and aimed at Lilith. "Like f*cking hell I'm letting you anywhere near these brats! And why the f*ck would you watch them instead of killing them anyway?!" Jack yelled, pissed off more and more the longer they stayed here.

"Because they are derailing the future and Master wishes to know why that is possible and fix it as soon as possible."

This knowledge surprised Jack but quickly tucked that information away for later as she fired her gun at Lilith. Henrik stepped in front of thekitschand took the bullets instead and fell to the ground yet again as the bullets were that same ones Jack used on Jezebel earlier. The sight threw Lilith off just long for Jack to fire another round of bullets at the other necro-gal who then quickly fell down. Lilith's face filled with rage and roaring in anger, nearby shards of glass, wood and other broken materials around everyone began to levitate and aimed towards the group.



Alex had his arms raised and a baby-blue opaque dome quickly surrounded them barely in time as the deadly projectiles came down upon them. "Hell yeah! Awesome save, Alex!" Mavis said, wrapped in a hug with Zak. Jack blinked at Alex and simply said, "What the f*ck." Alex could only give her a sheepish look and simply said, "This is, uh, a new development?" Before Jack could even say anything, it was Lilith that spoke. "That isn't possible... you're human!" Lilith was practically foaming at the mouth even as Alex dispersed the dome but failed to rebuild it in time as a maniac Jezebel reappeared from the sky window, raining glass over everyone as aimed herself towards the group.

A bright light engulfed the room as a vivid opaque, red spikes erupted around the others, impaling Lilith before she could dodge in time and Jezebel barely missed being impaled by a few inches.'sh*t,anotherone?!"Sliding a few feet away, Jezebel glanced over to Mavis who was standing in the middle of the spikes with her eyes glowing the same color as them. Mavis breathed heavily as she crumpled to the ground as the spikes crumbled and disappeared as Zak caught her before she face-planted on the ground.

"Guess I can do it too?" She said, a shaky smile on her face.

"You did well for a first timer." Zak commented, holding her in his arms. A wet cough was heard and Mavis looked upwards to see Lilith impaled through her stomach, blood running down and bubbling around her mouth as her rage was evident on her face; regardless how her face looked. "You f*cking, co*ck-sucking c*nts! How DARE you use the pure power of our ancestors-!" She was cut off by Jezebel, who didn't even spare a glance at her sister.

"...Your task is done here, Lilith, go home; I shall finish this."

Lilith would've protested but the look she had on her sister's wrecked and burnt face which made her, for once, listen. Using the strength she had left, Jezebel raised her fist and slammed against the spike, shattering it but instead of falling to the floor below, she instead managed to harness the small power that the spike had and summoned a portal under her, disappearing and reappearing where Lilith once was and she focuses her sight on Jack and the pups,"Immortal God, hear my prayer in my troubled hour. Renew my strength so I might conquer your foes; Honor me with your glorious flame."

Jack's eyes widened, cursing under her breath as rhombus summoning circles began to appear around the room. Shoving her brats to get them moving, "f*cking sh*t, get your asses moving! Don't need to be around with our thumbs up our asses when Jezebezzy here is askin' to incinerate and erase this day in time!" That seemed to slap some sense into them as they began to run after Jack with Henrik and Dorothea not too far behind, screeching and roaring after them.

"She's going to do what?!" Mavis yelled, nearly tripping over a dead man's bisected body. Gwen whimpered when her father crashed into the wall as they ran around a corner. Dorothea, despite no arms, was on the ceiling dodging easily from Jack's shots and whipping her oozing arms at the group as blades. Zak yelped as a blade nicked his thigh and nearly tripped over his own foot but Alex managed to grab him slowing down enough to get the other on his back as he kept running against the others protests.

The group were relieved to see the front door but noticed that it was shut. Looking around, Jack noticed the butler, Alphonse, body was slumped over by the stairway with his back having been ripped off as his neck was snapped 180 to look right at them. Jack sighed and muttered a soft 'sorry' as she rummaged his clothes for the front door's key. Hissing a 'yes!' as the key found its way in her palm, Jack ran over and unlocked the door just in time before Henrik came barreling down the hall, breaking the front door completely.

She could only stand there as Jack processed what just happened as she ransacked a dead body for nothing.

"Whatever. C'mon let's get outta here." Jack called out, having the teens run outside first just as pillars of flames began to appear. Running out, Jack turned back to see the summoning circles began to show outside of the burning manor, Dorothea lunging out of the fire with more of her body destroyed as she made her way to them. Jack had her guns held up and aimed at the necro but was quickly smacked further away from the teens by Henrik, who swiped Alex away closer to Jack while Mavis was knocked against a tree and Zak was caught by his aunt latching on his cloak, thus leaving his Gwen with him. Walking slowly towards her, Gwen could only whimper when she stared at her dead father limped towards as his black eyes never leaving her shivering form.

"Papa, please! T-This isn't you; you cannot let her darkness take you!" she yelled, trying hard to stay strong as she crawled away. Suddenly, her father's decaying intestine wrapped around her throat and began to drag her back towards Henrik. Gwen struggled against the organ pulling her to death, gagging as it tightened the more she struggled trying to free herself. The dragging stopped and Gwen coughed as she could finally breathe again only to realizewhyshe could as she screamed when her father's split, roaring face came close to his daughter's. Tears pooled and spilled down her face, the realization that her father doesn't even remember that he was about to kill his last living child.

Turning her head slightly, Gwen noticed a nearby a slightly chipped rapier just within her arm reach. Gwen lunged for the rapier and turned herself away just in time to slice the still attached intestine around her neck and her father howled in pain from the action and seeing her chance, Gwen sadly said, "I love you, papa..." Without realizing it, the rapier was beginning to glow a vivid lilac and ran to her father, piercing the glowing weapon into her father's head. A few seconds passed as Gwen shakily let the sword where it is and stepped a few steps back as the body of Count Henrik Kjeldsen fell forward with the sword being shoved completely through his head.

Gwen collapsed and wailed as the reality of her delivering the death blow to her own father sunk in, Zak struggled as his aunt was fast as she hopped back and forth, striking her nephew in different angles. He eventually was slammed in a broken fountain as Dorothea landed on the ground in front of him and prowled to him as a predator to prey. Coughing as he felt his lungs burn with their lack of air for a bit, red-brown eyes teared up at the sight of his beloved aunt who was now a mindless, demonic creature that needed to be put down.

Keeping his sight on her, Zak waited for the moment she pounced and once she did, Zak had his blades already out and plunged both into her neck in the opposite way before slicing her neck completely. She was on her knees before and simply stayed until her head eventually made aSQUELCHsound as it fell and bounced off of Zak's knee and rolled someways away before her body fell to the side. He sat there as he stared at the dead body of his aunt, he noticed that his once black blade was now glowing bright chartreuse color.

A cackle echoed throughout the area as Jezebel was now hovering above them as burning pillars of ice were appearing everywhere. Alex managed to get to Mavis in time before she was struck by said burning ice, wincing when some of it fell on his face. He called out to Gwen and Zak to follow his voice and although it took a few times for his yelling to finally clicked for the two, both teens snapped out of their trances long enough to run over to Alex. He flinched as gunshots were heard from as Jack stumbled to a kneeling position in front of them once again as she kept unloading her guns at thekitsch.

Jezebel simply formed a shield as the bullets failed to make their target and instead were absorbed and shot right back out at her. Jezebel giggled and simply said, "Die now, please."

A light formed in front of Jezebel as the light a beam became a laser as it shot towards Jack. And yet, Jack never looked away from Jezebel as a white wall formed in front of them, completely blocking and protecting them from the light laser. Huffing in annoyance yet so,sorelieved, Jack looked at the familiar sight of her partner in front of them, "Took your f*cking sweet ass time, Gideon." The man, Gideon, could only smile shyly at her words before becoming serious, "I know, I apologize for my delay. I had to get some things in order to do and once I was done, I came here as fast as I could."

With a wave of his hand a white portal, not like the gates they knew from traveling through time. "We don't have much time so hurry, go through the portal before she finishes her Erasure!"

Jack nodded and looked back towards the 21st century teens and past teens. She motioned towards Gwen and Zak, "What about those two? They just kill-" Gideon cut her by shoving her in the portal, fully aware that she'll kill him later in the 21st century. "Don't worry, you two will be going someplace safe. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to save neither of your histories; once started, Erasure permanently destroys a part of history like it never existed."

A loudB O O Mcut his explanation off as the wall cracked and more booming sounds were heard. "Wait, I don't..." Gwen started but couldn't finish as Gideon made the portal brighter and brighter as they soon began to loose consciousness; the last thing either teen heard was the soft voice of Gideon promising to take care of the trouble for the present before completely losing consciousness.

Alpha - ZodiacNight - Original Work [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.